Nicoletta Saracco's art and her message about positivity and prevention
The power of color and the strength of a smile narrated by Nicoletta in a mini interview
July 30th, 2020
We often hear that art can change the world and express what is difficult to say with words. What is certain is that art has the power to change people's lives, and to share important messages. This is the case for Nicoletta Saracco, founder of @niartgallery, who tells her story through her paintings, but above all, gives voice to an essential topic, the one of breast cancer prevention.
"Behind the painting there is my story. There is nothing more beautiful than living in color. And it is through the power of color that I want to spread this message"
Nicoletta's story is about a strong woman who fights against breast cancer without losing hope, smile and love for life. Her works are not only a way to relax and free her mind, but are part of a bigger project, about spreading the word of prevention among young people and raising funds for the European Institute of Oncology (IEO).
To help focusing the attention on the topic, nss G-Club asked Nicoletta to tell about her project, in a mini interview.
Tell us something about you.
I am thirty years old, from Marche, born in Recanati, and I have lived in Milan for eleven years now. I moved here at the age of 19 to attend the three-year course of Fashion Design at the Istituto Marangoni and, after a master's degree at the Creative Academy in Design and Applied Arts, I started my career in the fashion industry as a shoe designer. The first brand that allowed me to enter this world was Chloè, where I stayed for four and a half years.
One year ago, a diagnosis. How did you experience the change in your life? And how did you come up with the idea of Ni.art.gallery?
June 10, 2019 is the day I was informed of a breast cancer diagnosis: a shock, that day will stay in my mind for the rest of my life. The constant thought was fear, which I had to learn to live with when suddenly I found myself into a completely new world, from fashion to hospitals; I started my journey at IEO, where I am currently under treatments, supported by a team of female oncologists who give me the strength every day. The first thing I did was to cut my hair: hair represented another problem, as a symbol of femininity.
A year after the diagnosis, in the midst of treatments, I found myself painting. By chance, during the quarantine, I decided to buy canvas and acrylics to keep my mind busy. Starting from one painting, a second came, then a third, and so on... until I decided to talk about it with the IEO and thanks to their availability I started the sale and fundraising for research. In fact, part of the proceeds from the paintings is donated to the IEO-CCM Foundation (European Institute of Oncology and Monzino Cardiology Center).
Had you already painted before? What are you inspired by for your works and what techniques do you use?
I discovered now the real passion for painting ! I always drew - also for work - and as a child I painted, but I had not dedicated myself to painting for many years. I use the technique of acrylic on canvas; painting is a way to relax, it makes me lose track of time and reality.
The main purpose of your art is awareness and attention to the theme of prevention. What are the ways to get informed today?
My goal, and dream, is to send a message of energy, positivity and awareness to the theme of prevention through my paintings. The message I try to bring out from the paintings is the joy for life in colors.
I think young people today are poorly informed about breast cancer. It is a very important issue, since unfortunately it can affect any woman, at any age. By now everything revolves around social media, which are the most direct, powerful and accessible medium in today's society, but often treat this theme still as a taboo. I, at 29, had never had a breast ultrasound, I didn't know what a needle biopsy or Pet consisted of. My intent is to tell my life experience so that young people like me can perceive the importance of prevention rather than cure.