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The nss G-Club horoscope

What to expect from 2020 and from the first month of the year

The nss G-Club horoscope What to expect from 2020 and from the first month of the year

2020 has just begun and we are already fantasizing about what the new year has in store for us and if our good intentions will come true. Health, money, work, love, we don't ask for much actually. To be sure to arrive prepared for any kind of surprise, we'd like to know in advance what will happen.

nss G-Club has come to the rescue, with an astrological prediction sign by sign of what will happen to you this year and what you should expect, along with delicate illustrations made by Ilaria Colombo. Are you ready? 



Dear Aries girls, unfortunately, you’re starting the new year with a little fatigue and tiredness, a feature that just doesn't suit you! Just hold on, I assure you that you will top it off, you just have to be patient for a while. Everything will change in the spring, with a little willpower and the stars on your side will be able to put your life in order and to end 2020 with a bang, come on come on!


Your 2020 has started very well, you are unleashed and nobody can stop you. Uranus, the planet of great changes, is in your sign and therefore the green light to get involved, to innovate, to meet new people, to change. The stars are in your favour to make great strides, it only takes a bit of courage. 2020 will reserve you great things.


Hey Gemini girlz, 2020 begins with the first Saturn in favour after many years. You will finally find the lightness and flair that sets you apart. Despite this, in the first part of the year, you will be assaulted by questions and doubts, you will question everything and even if the desire to escape will be great, you have to sit down and face these questions. I assure you that you will end the year with a bang, you just have to believe it, stay calm and try not to ruin everything. Many relaxing baths and beauty masks will be your allies! 


Hard work is the key! 2020 is the year of success! This year you will work hard against your insecurities and you will overcome them. Whether it is committing to healthy eating or learning to say no, you must take advantage of this energy to impose yourself and change for the better. 


For you Leo girls it will be a special year. You will be centre-stage, a feeling you like and satisfy you a lot. Generally, everything will go smoothly. But this year you will find your past recurrently: old feelings, people you haven't seen and heard from for years, projects and ideas will come back to you. Be careful to nostalgia, channel all of this into action and continue your life path with your head up without any distraction. 


Difficulties are only a memory, 2020 will be a year of great projects for you Virgo babies. Stars will offer you everything you need to grow and emerge, you will be very ambitious. It’s the ideal time to get involved. But pay attention to relationships with others: just set aside your inner teacher soul and have more fun! 


2020 will be the year in which you will truly feel the protagonist. For years, you have been working hard on yourself, on your independence and security. Finally, you put yourself first and start thinking only of yourself, well done! With this determination by the end of the year, you will reach your goals with your eyes closed, the sky is in your favour!


Dear Scorpio girlz, this year you will be a little more peaceful than usual, thank goodness! The extraordinary thing is that you will be willing to let go of some uncomfortable and annoying situations from your past. You will make progress even with grudges. Your sign never forgets the wrongs suffered, but this year the situation will be different, you will learn to let go, well done!


Sagittarius girls, 2020 will be the year of our revenge (I'm using “us” because I’m a sag too!!). After many years of Saturn in opposition, it will finally be on our side. Productivity, the desire to do and get involved will be through the roof. If we’d know how to be enterprising and we committed to working hard, we will be able to obtain great satisfaction. It's time to roll up your sleeves and dream big!


Capricorn is definitely one of the signs in the top 3 of 2020. The presence of Saturn in your sign is a guarantee of wonderful changes. You will be able to face all the new challenges in the best way, without fear but with energy and positivity, putting into practice all your potential and brilliant ideas. This year you will have the opportunity to achieve your goals and stability. It will be a wonderful year, to be celebrated with many cheers. 


Aquarius girls, this will be a year of reprogramming and testing for you. You will wonder what you are really passionate about and question many aspects of your life. It has been a year that shuffles the cards on the table, however, that will allows you to get back in touch more deeply with yourself. Sometimes getting lost is necessary to find yourself and finally be happy. 


You are the top one sign of 2020, dear Pisces ladies, this will undoubtedly be your year! After so many years spent working on yourself, with so much effort and dedication, you can finally reap the benefits and visualize what you have built. Your head in the clouds attitude will leave room for a great determination that will allow you to dream big, but also to make these dreams come true and achieve all the goals you have set yourself. Great, you go girl!!


But would you like more precise information about your January horoscope? We are in the middle of the Capricorn season, a period of great revolutionary energy and the stars want us to aim high! On January 21, however, we will enter the Aquarius season, and we will be able to feel its counter-current and nonconformist strength. What will our sky be like during this month? 


Emh, small hitches like the “Nuvola di Fantozzi” will haunt you a bit in this period, but you will end the month very happy! Bring out your usual grit and even the bad moods will pass. 


Just one word can describe your January: ENTHUSIASM! You are full of ideas, your mood is at the top, you have started the year with a thousand emotions and you spread so many good vibes, well done!


This month you’re the most sociable people in the whole zodiac. You always want to go out with your friends to drink. Em, it’s all right, but watch out for some time for yourself. Do you spend time for pleasure or just to run away from some personal problems? Think about it.


2020 will start with a slightly melancholy mood and pessimism. A full moon in Cancer on 10th January didn’t help, many thoughts flashed through your head. Think often about the past lately, there may be unresolved issues that torment you. Pull the plug and cultivate a new interest, strength that serenity is just around the corner! 


The energy that you release this month is a lot, but you’re a little polemical. Lately, you have to pay more attention to words, there might be quarrels and discussions for this reason. Try to channel this positive energy that also characterizes you in relationships with others. 


The month starts well, lots of emotions and fun. You are super busy with your personal projects, which you diligently carry out. Towards the end of the month there may be sudden moods, do not take it too badly and learn that you cannot have total control over your emotions as well. 


You are in a good mood, everything seems to go in the right direction, the wind is in your favour! However, you are a little too busy and sometimes you may feel stressed for this reason. Remember to chill and to dedicate more time to yourself.


In the first part of the month, you’ll feel the very positive energy, friendship and fun will light up your day. Unfortunately at the end of the month, there will be many hitches that will oblige you to slow down. You couldn’t meet the deadline. Just try to not overthink about it, soon you’ll be at the top again! 


You smiley girl, this month happiness will be on your side. You’re always in a good mood and you know difficulties can be solved keeping a positive and constructive attitude. Well, you look like Teletubbies sun or like Kylie Jenner when she sings Rise and Shine


You have many brilliant ideas, and even the way to realize them, but one thing is missing. I’m talking about courage! Stars are on your favour, you should put the hesitation aside and to believe more on yourself, you won’t regret it.


You are full of joie de vivre. You even do lovey-dovey in public places, what happened to you?!? From 21th the sun will enter in your sign and you will feel a strong desire to change, but you have to keep attention. You can't risk messing up everything. Don't be impulsive and think carefully before you act.


Your mood is a bit swinging, you started 2020 very well but something is holding you back, it may be some laziness or lack of self-esteem. But you have many so many good ideas and you’re on the right path... You have to take control of your life and to build a concrete plan, you have the ability to realize yourself.