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nss G-Club July horoscope

The astrological foresight to face this summer in the best way

nss G-Club July horoscope The astrological foresight to face this summer in the best way

Hey friends of nss G-Club, in the blink of an eye it’s already July! What will the universe hold for us during this month? Let's begin to say with great joy that from July 12th the period of Mercury retrograde will be over: the planet will start again the direct motion, that caused many situations to remained still - that's great news!

Then we will have the full moon in the sign of Capricorn and the new moon in Leo, important moments to listen to our deepest self. We will start the month in Cancer season, a period of great sensitivity. On July 23rd, however, the Sun will enter the sign of Leo, transforming us into fierce lionesses who are self-confident. 

A month full of events in the sky! So here are our astrological predictions sign by sign.






Hey Aries girl, the stars ask you to continue the search for time for yourself you already started last month. You finally managed to slow down and this is excellent, congratulations! During this month you have to totally trust yourself, try not to be shy in some situations and bring out all the confidence and determination that sets you apart. Only in this way will you be able to see excellent results. Listen to yourself, it's important!
Trust yourself 100%.






My dear Taurus girl, July won't be a simple month for you, but don't worry too much. You are stubborn and when things gets tough, well, you're the first to really get involved! The stars ask you to learn to accept compromises. Not everything takes the turn you want, it's life! But instead of getting angry, why don't you try to question yourself? It is not bad to accept compromises, you will change your mind.
Don't worry... be happy!






Argues in the air, ouch! July will be a bit turbulent for you. Not bad, surely your patience will be proved (and you are not the most patient person of the zodiac... indeed!). Let's say the misunderstandings with people in your life will continue for a bit. There is a need for communication and to talk about all the issues that can cause misunderstandings. And only then will you be able to live in a peaceful atmosphere.
Open up your heart to people.






Hey Cancer friends, happy birthday! July will be a particularly successful month for you, especially for your professional life. There could be some interesting changes, new projects to take part in, passions that could start to make you earn some money. Keep your eyes wide open! This will also be possible thanks to the support of the people in your life. Never underestimate relationships, take care of your affections as you only can do, you romantic soul!
Just one word... success!






Happy birthday, Leo girl! July is a great month of success for you, my dear. You will find the answers to all the questions that buzzed in your head so far. The search for creativity that you have worked on throughout June is bearing fruits, you will see some nice positive aspects in your life during this month. Speaking of love, things will get more serious and you will feel happy to give all your love. That’s a very nice time.
There's a positive energy in the air.






Dear Virgo, July will be an important month to understand what the priorities in your life really are. Are you dedicating enough time to your affections or are you stuck in everyday life and routine? The stars give you the opportunity to reflect on it and try to change for the better. July will also be a month that will see you very productive. There’s a nice positive energy in the air. Now you can do anything you want. You go girl!
Girl, you can do everything!






Dear Libra girl, this month there may be negative moments. You may feel a little heartbroken and overwhelmed, but it's not the end of the world. Let's say that finding emotional balance is essential for you to face life. It is important to take moments to focus on your mood and try to get better. Say yes to sports, meditation and relaxing baths. But do not exclude others, spending time with your loved ones can help you see your feelings from different perspectives. Everything will be fine.
Relax, meditate, breathe.






Dear little Scorpio baby, the time to relax has finally come! You never stop, even during quarantine you didn’t stop for a moment and now you are really knocked out. All you need is to take a break from work and take a little holiday. Work doesn't always have to be the most important thing in your life! The stars ask you to change the pattern of your priorities starting from yourself! And don't think that a holiday means losing precious time, relaxing gives you new inspirations and recharges energies to start again even better. So you will be ready for new and exciting adventures!
It's time for you to take a break.





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Hey Sag girl, July is absolutely the month of news for you. Have you thought that maybe you don’t like you job anymore and would you like to look for some other job? Do you feel suffocated in the routine? This is the perfect moment to change! You know it too, keeping yourself locked in a stressful environment that doesn't belong to you, is the worst thing someone can do. It takes away your vital and contagious energy and makes you feel sad. Life is too short to feel caged! If you have the courage to change some situations, everything will be more positive. Throwing yourself into some new business can also make a difference. And then let's face it, change is vital for you.
If you feel trapped, just change!






Dear Capricorn, July means news to you. There will be many exciting news that will make your daily life cooler and you will be surprised on how you will react to change. For example, you may find yourself with a new hobby, a new passion. Very well! It will be a month full of joy and new experiences. You will feel very energetic. It is also an excellent time to focus on sport, perhaps practicing it in nature. You will have fun my dear!
This month will be a lot of fun.






Hey Aquarius girl, July will make you feel emotions in a very intense way, to the point that they could even obscure your usual analytical thinking. It happens to everyone to feel lost and deeply involved in their feelings. The stars ask you to relax and take some time for yourself, sharing moments also with your family and friends. You will realize how close people are able to help and cheer you up, you are not alone! It will be a period that will open your eyes: you will realize how essential some people are in your life.
You are feeling deeply emotional.





Dear Pisces girl, July will intensify your emotions and make you feel a little overwhelmed. You need some healthy chill time! Take some time for yourself, perhaps by relaxing with a good herbal infusion, or by doing meditation and breathing exercises. You need to find again your balance. Why don't you spend some time in one of your safe places? Going to places that make you feel good, that make you feel at home, can help you a lot!
Just chill and find your balance.


Illustrations by Ilaria Colombo exclusively for nss G-Club