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nss G-Club October horoscope

Two full moons, Mercury retrograde and other astrological events mark the month of October

nss G-Club October horoscope Two full moons, Mercury retrograde and other astrological events mark the month of October

Friends of nss G-Club, summer is definitely over now. This means sweater weather, orange leaves on the sidewalks, a nice cup of hot tea, but alsooo it's time to find out our October horoscope!  

It will be a very full month, we will have two (and, I mean, TWO) full moons. That's crazy! The first one will open the month and the other will close it. On October 2nd Venus enters the sign of Virgo, love in this position becomes more rational and instinct driven. On the 14th, however, Mercury will begin its retrograde motion, making communication a little difficult especially for some signs. On the 16th the new moon in Libra illuminates the deepest and most mysterious side of each sign, very interesting! As if that was not enough, on the 23rd the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio, but what does it mean? Well, that all signs in their own way will perceive the introspective, extravagant and hypnotic atmosphere of this sign. 

Well, the time has come to find out the predictions for the month of October by nss G-Club. To each sign, we also assigned a little task to complete, it will help you enjoy this particular month. You are ready?






 Dear Aries, the month of October opens with the full moon right in your sign. What does it mean? Well, it's the perfect time to look at what you've left behind. Think back to the first part of the year, how did you deal with the changes? Are you aware of the person you are? Or would you like to change things, for example your way of living relationships? So many questions will buzz in your irrepressible little head dear Aries. Think about how to move in the last 6 months that separate you from your birthday. You can do and be anything you want, remember!
The New Moon of October 16th lights up your area of ​​feelings. There are new beginnings in the air, something fresh and exciting is about to come into your life. But please, as you well know it is important to embrace the news with the best of intentions and not with fear or, even worse, passivity. Even if you will have the stars on your side, remember that you still have to look around, only YOU can make what concerns your life happen.
nss G-Club's task: Draw up a list of past situations that you think you have not dealt with in the best way. Next write, instead, what you could have done to be more satisfied. Reread it whenever you need it.
Time for deep thinking.






Dear Taurus, maybe you are running a little too much. But where is that feeling of calm and peace that distinguishes you? Your mind spins immense at a supersonic speed, fill your days as if there was no tomorrow and you even gave up the afternoon nap... I would NEVER expect it from you! Don't you think you're exaggerating? The full Moon at the beginning of the month asks you to relax more and catch your breath. What are you running for? Are you trying to distract yourself from something, right dear Taurus? Embrace old good habits, a few hours of healthy Netflix & Chill can only help you relax and, unconsciously, slowly put your foot on the brake pedal of your life. You have been thinking about your past a lot lately and I can't deny that you will think about it during this month too. But it is your attitude towards the past that must change, let it go! Eliminate the bad vibes of your past experiences, not only mentally but also physically: photos, letters or anything else that makes you think of bad thoughts. A little Marie Kondo decluttering can only help you. And do you know what your power is in all of this? Your creativity, which is unique and part of you. Only by leaving these feelings behind can you finally create new important meanings in your life.
nss G-Club’s task: Create a playlist on Spotify with all the songs that make you relax and manage to infuse you with good vibes. Maybe you can play it during a decluttering session, or during a nice regenerating hot bath.
Let the past behind you.






Dear Gemini, the world is changing and so are you. It is an inevitable change, for human beings, but for you during these months it will be even more so. The new moon at the beginning of the month shines a light on these news, which will surely affect the area of ​​your relationships: new friends, new loves and new feelings will be your allies for October. You like to change, you often change a Gemini's moody mood too. So it will not be a particularly difficult time, but rather challenging and at times thrilling. Your curiosity will surely be satisfied! It is also a good time to rethink your dreams and desires and the ways to make them come true. In fact, you are changing and therefore it is likely that even the things you previously wanted with all of yourself, now you don't care that much.
The stars advise you to face this period with your usual contagious smile on your lips. And how to make him come even in the most stressful moments? Well, doing what you like! Finally, the October sky asks you one last thing: you need to find a balance between what you need to do and what you need to do.
nss G-Club’s task: How to make a big smile appear on your face, Gemini? I give you some advice, surround yourself with beautiful things such as a beautiful bouquet of fragrant and colorful flowers in the center of your table. Or add some nice little details in your everyday environments. You need to laugh and not take yourself seriously.
The world is changing and so are you.






Dear Cancer, what are you thinking about? How to blame you, we are in a great transition period. And you really dislike the changes, you suffer a lot. You are a habitual lover of your daily life that you cultivate as your most precious asset. This month's sky opens with a full Moon that prompts you to go deeper. You are a water sign, notoriously emotional and melancholy, now is the time to explore these two traits even more. You often wonder about the meaning of life, what you could change to live better. Here, the answers will come to you during this month during one of your sleepless nights of thinking, thinking and thinking. Don't isolate yourself though, Venus will be in a favorable position and will allow you to see new relationships with different, romantic eyes. During this month you could concentrate on cultivating your talents to distract yourself a little from the thousand thoughts that will buzz in your head. It's been a while since you spent an entire afternoon doing something that makes you feel good, right dear Cancer? Here, it is the right time!
nss G-Club’s task: If you can choose which side to be on, choose happiness. Choose to smile more, choose to spread a good mood to others with just your presence. Give it a try, smile at random people on the street and see what can happen.
Find deeper meanings.





Dear Leo, the October sky is asking you to voice your innate need to express yourself creatively. It will be a month that will see you pensive, which usually does not affect you that much. Some questions will haunt you: "What is my place?" "Where do I belong?". Here, in fact. Do you know why this is so? Because we are in the midst of a huge transition period and therefore even the real forces of nature like you, instead of starting the attack, try to think a little better. The rhythm of your daily life is revolutionized, from a calm and peaceful period you have passed to doing 300 things a day, without stopping for a moment. Plans for the future are getting bigger and more important. And this rightly brings you a little more thoughts. The stars, during this month, allow you to focus on your career path, on your career. You want to contribute more and more to the construction of something special, to be useful in this world. You are aware that you can be the winning card in a project, but now more than ever you need to really dedicate all of yourself to this thing, including creativity.
nss G-Club’s task: Make a list of your strengths, your strengths and your skills. Reread them whenever you can. This month you need to feel invincible.
Where do you belong?





Dear Virgo, welcome to October! Your astrological season has now come to an end, but your enthusiasm must not sink for this now, eh! It will be a month full of exciting news, if you manage to face it with the right spirit.
Lately you have been a bit self-critical with yourself, sometimes you can be really tough. You blamed yourself for not having everything under control and for this reason your mood has not been the best lately. Bad bad. You need to let yourself go, you have to try to enjoy the beauty of life more without too many restraints. Ask yourself what changes you can make to feel more at peace. This can already be a big step forward. Venus will be in your sign this month and this means that love is really on your side! It encourages you to do only what makes you happy and makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. It will also be a great time to meet new people and open up a little more, breaking down the protective wall that you sometimes put between you and others. The stars ask you to share the real you more with the people in your life, you will be pleasantly surprised, trust me!
nss G-Club’s task: Try to live more every day, without having everything ultra-planned down to the last detail. Wake up and ask yourself "what would I like to do today?" and just follow what your heart tells you.
Express your real self.






 Dear Libra, happy birthday! We are in the middle of your astrological season and this only means good vibes in the air. Very well, let's start with a bang. This month the focus is on relationships. Not only the relationships with others, but also the relationship you have with yourself. There is something that you need to change to be more serene, perhaps some attitude you have had lately you have not liked. But instead of thinking about it, why don't you try to treasure it and act differently next time? The time has come to look straight in the face at the things from your past that you have been hiding under the rug for some time. Things you didn't want to see, perhaps so as not to suffer. But suffering is vital and necessary to face even the greatest sorrows. Then everything is better, I promise you. We are also in your season, nothing can go wrong! You need peace and quiet moments. Immerse yourself in everything that makes you feel safe and secure. Cozy is the word! Only by recharging your energy will you then be able to be open to new adventures and new exciting beginnings. You have to think big dear Libra, your birthday is a special time, the world is yours!
nss G-Club’s task: Think about where you would like to see yourself in a year. Displayed in the precise. Once you have found your dimension, write down your thoughts about this on a piece of paper. Take the paper and put it in a safe place. In a year, remember to re-read it and see what happened.
Think big, go bigger.






Dear Scorpio, on October 23rd the sun will enter your sign and your astrological season will finally begin. Many wishes in advance! Let's proceed step by step, at the beginning of the month a very bright full Moon in Aries will illuminate the area related to your job. There are some good changes, new projects to take part in that you are very passionate about. Very well. Venus, the planet of love, will have a positive influence on your sign and this means that there will be many opportunities to meet new and interesting people with whom to share your passions. Despite this positivity, Mercury retrograde makes you feel a little overwhelmed, being a mercurial sign. You need to be reflective about yourself during this month. You have to understand what is happening, what is happening to you dear Scorpio. The stars ask you to put the handbrake and try to slow down with your mind and thoughts. You always have a million ideas, but this month the focus must be on yourself and your mental well-being. Slow down, there is no need to rush. You can do it, even the sky is on your side.
nss G-Club’s task: Whenever you feel anxious and agitated about all the things you want to do, take some time for yourself and completely disconnect your brain. How about a relaxing Yoga Session on Youtube?
Slow down and free your mind.






Dear Sagittarius, this month's sky speaks to you of creativity. It is a great time to express it and share it with others. You are a creative sign, but at the same time inconclusive even with your talents. Maybe you bring some along, but then you put them on the back burner and that's not good! Are you doing what you love right now, Sagittarius? If the answer is no, then think about how you can start devoting your time to doing something that makes you feel good.
The stars also ask you to find balance between you and others. You've been a bit extreme lately, or you dedicate time exclusively to yourself and isolate yourself, or you feel you have to please others and therefore neglect yourself. Here, let's say that as in all things there are middle ways. You have to find a balance in this social dimension. Speaking of the inclusion, your great flaw, know that Mercury is retrograde this month. What does it mean? Well, that you absolutely must not start anything new (very difficult to make you understand), but rather you must conclude all the questions, projects left open. Sagittarius forewarned, forearmed.
nss G-Club’s task: Try to mark your time well, duty on one side and everything else on the other. Write on a piece of paper, complete with time slots, what you need to do and how long it takes to finish it.
Love others but love yourself too.






Dear Capricorn, this month's sky opens with a full Moon that screams only one thing at you: MOVE! What happens to you? Lately you have been a bit on the sidelines thinking about what to do and you have totally forgotten to really do things. Here, this is an ultimatum from heaven: stand up and act, or life will pass you by and you don't even notice it. The stars ask you to do things, to dedicate your time to new beginnings, new relationships, new studies, new passions. You are an interesting personality full of passions, but you have flattened out a bit lately. Do you know what you have to do? You need to have fun! Spend more time with your friends, get out of your comfort zone, try to say more "yes" than no. The new moon of October 16th tells you about leadership. And you know very well what it means, being also a cardinal sign. It is a further invitation to take the reins of your life and be its leader.
nss G-Club’s task: Are you ready for this exciting test of courage? It consists of forcing yourself to say yes to unexpected invitations, rather than closing yourself off by saying “no”. Get out of your comfort zone, do things that have never crossed your mind, give others a chance. Try and let me know how it went!
Remember to just have fun!






Dear Aquarius, the Full Moon at the beginning of the month focuses on a very important aspect of your life: communication. You are an air sign and for this reason communicating is an innate need for you. But this month it will be even more so. Communicate to others your state of mind, your vision of life, your needs. Also non-verbal communication is important. Think about how you communicate and how you can create more "peaceful" communication. Mercury retrograde and its negative energy are felt, try to pay attention to the way you communicate because there may be difficulties, misunderstandings.
The October sky will make you feel a strong positive energy to explore “the different”. You have an extremely curious and unconventional personality, for you the different is life. This month you will feel a very positive push towards something you do not yet know. Immerse yourself in this new adventure and you will see that it will be a beautiful, enriching and fulfilling experience.
nss G-Club’s task: In every situation try to be as diplomatic as possible. Count to 10 before giving your opinion, perhaps too directly for the context you are in. Take a deep breath, think about what you want to say and how to say it peacefully and quietly.
Explore the unknown.






Dear Pisces, as you well know (or at least I hope you do) you are one of the most creative signs of the zodiac. Here we are talking about a magical, heartfelt creativity. October is a transitional month and this could make you feel a little confused, sweet and sensitive Pisces. But you don't have to respond to this feeling by crying on yourself. You have to react with determination and creativity! Art always saves you and you know it too. Use this month to better explore your talents, which are so many. You will be surprised at yourself and how you deal with these situations. You will not regret!
Venus, the planet of love, will be in an excellent position for the whole month. Romance is in the air, you just have to take a good look around. There is the possibility of seeing the birth of new bonds, new connections. To conclude, the New Moon on the 16th will be very powerful for you. He suggests you slow down, take time to reflect and contemplate. You don't want to disobey him, do you, dear Pisces?
nss G-Club’s task: Spend your time cultivating your creativity and your art. Do you want to try painting? Just do it! Do you feel the desire to dance an entire afternoon to blaring music? Why not. Vent your negative emotions through your creativity, it will make you feel much better right away.
Put more energy in your talents.


Illustrations by Ilaria Colombo in exclusive for nss G-Club