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SDG X Confetty Astrologique collection

What's your zodiac sign?

SDG X Confetty Astrologique collection What's your zodiac sign?
SDG X Confetty Astrologique collection What's your zodiac sign?

When Silvia and Elisa meet, in a vintage store in Milan, realize they have the same passions: vintage jewelry and astrology. From the union between their worlds, their talent and creativity, was born the project Astrologique by SDG X Confetty, a collection of sweaters and t-shirts dedicated to the horoscope

The latest t-shirts are white, while sweaters are declined in gray or pink bubblegum. All comfortable, cool, girlie and made special by the French name of a zodiac sign printed on the front. 

Are you Gemini or Leo? Libra or Pisces? Sagittarius or Taurus? If you have memorized the December predictions of the G-Club horoscope or you are tired of answering those who ask you "What's your sign?" during your first date, SDG X Confetty's creations are the perfect fashion statement for your Christmas wishlist.

You can shop the Astrologique sweaters and tees SDG X Confetty here, along with an amazing selection of vintage jewelry discovered by Elisa - Confetty in Paris and around the world, including beautiful necklaces with zodiac signs.