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The astrological season of Leo has just started

Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer

The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer

Welcome astrological season of Leo! From today the focus will be only on ourselves, on what we want to do and on what makes us feel good. Leo season comes right in the middle of summer and its irrepressible and fun energy will greatly boost our confidence levels and inspire us to be bolder. Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun and, for this reason, we will feel super bright and cheerful vibes. Sunny is the key word. Leo is also known to be one of the most vain signs of the zodiac - get ready to bring out your inner diva. A pinch of self-centeredness sometimes doesn't hurt, and Leo knows it well.


This season we will be able to benefit from greater courage, creativity and charisma, but it is up to us to understand how to channel these energies and make the most of them. The Sun in this sign also carries a great load of emotions that could upset the summer, are you ready? One aspect that, if badly managed, could turn out to be negative, concerns being "extra". The Lion, in fact, is the most "noisy" sign par excellence: he sings, screams, dances and knows how to get noticed on every occasion. But beware of anger, this season could in fact lead you to raise your voice even when not necessary.

Some celebrities born under this sign are Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Kylie Jenner and Cara Delevingne. What do they have in common? Overwhelming passion, magnetic charisma and a lot of style.

The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361344
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361356
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361340
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361341
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361345
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361339
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361342
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361354
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361355
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361353
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361333
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361332
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361337
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361338
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361336
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361334
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361347
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361351
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361349
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361350
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361352
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361346
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361343
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361335
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361348
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361344
The astrological season of Leo has just started Courage, creativity and charm, and many feeling that will make us shake this summer | Image 361356

The fire signs Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will live this astrological season to the fullest, feeling sure of themselves and their abilities again; very good also for Libra and Gemini, who finally benefit from the long-awaited lightness. Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius, on the other hand, may feel a little difficult in managing their emotions: caution is the watchword. Capricorn, Cancer and Virgo may eventually feel dazed and a little confused by all this flurry of energies.

Ready? Happy Leo season everyone!