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Virgo season has just started

Back from holidays, the vibes of this season help us plan and organize the upcoming months

Virgo season has just started Back from holidays, the vibes of this season help us plan and organize the upcoming months

And here we are, entering the Virgo season. After experiencing a fiery period full of courage and passion, we are now ready to embrace different vibes. During Virgo season, regardless of our zodiac sign, we will all feel the need to organize our days minute by minute. Wasting time becomes our worst nightmare. So, we will be inclined to approach daily life differently, intensifying our routines, making long to-do lists, and ultimately making ourselves useful to others as well.

Characteristics of the Virgo Sign

Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by the planet Mercury, symbolizing communication, thoughts, and technology. During this season, we may feel a new mental energy that allows us to be more efficient in achieving our goals. Incredible planning abilities, a unique critical eye, and great attention to detail: all of this (and much more) is part of Virgo. But it’s not all roses: a major flaw of this sign is self-criticism. When perfectionism turns into "obsession," it’s time to take a moment to pause. Not everything always goes as planned.

@thetutorwitch A lot to say about Virgo, my Sun sign! Virgo season 2024 lasts from August 22 to September 22 (and those dates aren’t exactly the same every year, so please don’t come for me if your zodiac sign differs from the 2024 dates) Speaking of Virgo's lineages: huge shoutout to Steven Forrest, who taught me most of what I know about astrology! Virgo is not a particularly well-liked zodiac sign, which doesn't help the fact that we generally struggle with self-esteem and confidence. I don’t know a ton of people who really appreciate Virgos, but if you do please let me know! Virgos draw a lot of self-worth from their skills and service. Personally, I'm so much happier and mentally healthier now that I'm working with astrology, which is very meaningful to me. This is how we express our solar essence. Virgo is symbolized by the maiden or the virgin - easily the most misunderstood symbol in the zodiac. It’s not about puritanical purity or prudishness; it's more like separating the wheat from the chaff. Leo is all about spontaneous pleasure and play; Virgo is about boundaries, order, focus, getting down to business, and cleaning up the mess left behind. I saw somewhere recently that perfectionism is a tool of capitalism, which really blew my mind. That's some wisdom for Virgo that I want to unpack and share more about soon. But for now, happy Virgo season! IG / #virgo #virgo #virgozodiac #virgoenergy #virgoseason #virgoseason2024 #stevenforrest #evolutionaryastrology #astrologyupdate #astrologytransits #astrologyforecast #astrology #astrologytiktok #witchtok #fyp #cosmicwitch #thetutorwitch original sound - TheTutorWitch

The Lucky Zodiac Signs of Virgo Season

The signs that will benefit the most from the influence of this astrological season are undoubtedly Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus. You will finally feel understood like never before. For Gemini, Cancer, and Scorpio, it will be an important time to cultivate your hobbies and, why not, perhaps lay the groundwork to turn them into more concrete projects. Aquarius and Libra will feel the need to work on their routine and make some changes to their home environment, optimizing spaces. Finally, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Leo will feel the need to work hard on themselves, trying to improve certain behaviors they want to eliminate.

Virgo Horoscope: How This Astrological Season Affects Zodiac Signs


Virgo’s influence helps you organize your time and resources well, so you don’t feel overwhelmed by work or daily commitments. Review your priorities and establish a practical and productive routine. Now is the time to make small positive changes, like scheduling that doctor's visit you've been putting off, fixing the dripping faucet, updating your resume, or signing up for a French course—steps that, when followed with discipline and consistency, will improve both your professional and personal life.


After a turbulent start, Venus, your ruling planet, will grant you stability and the willpower to overcome any challenge. You’ll feel confident, inspired, carefree, and positive. So, enjoy the good mood and go with the flow, whether it leads you to a romantic date or a new creative project.


Virgo season illuminates the sphere of private life, home, affections, and your emotional needs. This is a time to prioritize family and matters of the heart. You may feel a strong need to nest and put down roots. Spend quality time with your loved ones, organize a dinner or weekend gathering, and indulge in gardening or home restyling. For you, who are usually driven by FOMO, slowing down can benefit your heart and mind.


The confident Sun moves through Virgo, illuminating your third house of communication, pushing you out of your shell. It’s time to respond to emails and all those unread WhatsApp messages, pick up the phone to call a friend or someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, and speak sincerely.


Virgo season forces you to reassess your finances. Pay attention to unnecessary expenses, focus on saving, avoid risky investments, find a way to maximize your income, and if you can, negotiate a pay raise.


Virgo, it’s your time to shine. The Sun in your sign gives you a boost of energy. You are ready to embrace everything that fate has in store for you, taking on a leadership role that will bring you success in tackling important projects or making significant changes in your life. The spotlight is on you!


You long for a change, something to compensate for past sufferings, but you’ll have to wait as Virgo season coincides with a somewhat more dormant period for you. The desire for introspection and spirituality will be strong, and you’ll be inclined to get lost in daydreams. Focus on your emotional and mental well-being, perhaps through meditation, a dream journal, or yoga.


You will feel sociable, cheerful, and eager to surround yourself with friends and people, networking. These connections could also play a significant role in your personal and professional growth. So, go out, organize a party, enjoy an aperitif with company, talk to a stranger, and start making new friends.


The Sun will move through your tenth house, that of career and public image. The result? Your desire to work hard to achieve your goals and ensure your merits are recognized will grow. Update your resume, apply for a new job, ask for a promotion. Virgo season offers you valuable opportunities.


You’re tired of the same old routine. You crave new adventures and stimuli. You’ll only achieve this by stepping out of your comfort zone and expanding your horizons. This will help you grow and gain valuable life experiences. If a new opportunity arises or you’re asked to do things differently, don’t hesitate and embrace the change with courage. You will see positive results in the future.


Slow down. Virgo invites you to bring order to your life, both personally and professionally. You’ll be prompted to re-examine your closest relationships, carefully evaluating the health, feelings, and reciprocity between you and your partner, best friend, or colleague. You might feel vulnerable, but this is an opportunity to build stronger, more honest, and lasting connections.


Virgo season coincides with the Sun’s transit through your seventh house of partnerships, while Neptune, your ruling planet, retrogrades in your sign, prompting introspection. It’s ideal to take advantage of this astrological situation to deepen your relationships and finally address an issue you’ve had for some time with another person who is important to you. You may feel less romantic than usual, but the coming weeks could open up a new path to healing for you.