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The perfect halloween costume for your zodiac sign

What to wear during the scariest night of the year following your birth chart

The perfect halloween costume for your zodiac sign What to wear during the scariest night of the year following your birth chart
The perfect halloween costume for your zodiac sign What to wear during the scariest night of the year following your birth chart

Girls from the G-Club, have you found the perfect look for Halloween night yet? If you have already sifted through all of our items but have not yet decided on what to wear for your Halloween 2021 night, the stars come to help. So here are the perfect Halloween costumes based on your zodiac sign, let’s discover them together!

ARIES - Kim Kardashian Met Gala

Dear Aries, this year your thousand commitments have kept you so busy that you did not even have the time to think about what to wear this year?. So here is a total black look, iconic and easily replicable. Will be enough of tight leggings, a turtleneck and a black bonnet et et voilà... You too will be a beautiful Kim Kardashian at this year’s Met Gala. Also, you won’t have to think about make-up, better than that!

TORO - Patrizia Reggiani - House of Gucci

The film has not yet been released and is already on everyone’s lips. Toro, the perfect look for your Halloween is that of Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci. Fluffy hair, 70’s makeup, fur (strictly eco) and logo Gucci everywhere! A real fashion victim like you can only do a super job.

GEMELLI - Måneskin

Twins, your rebellious, out-of-the-box soul is unbearable even on Halloween night. For this reason the perfect look for you is one of the iconic outfits of Måneskin! The Italian band that is making people talk about it all over the world, is famous for its exaggerated looks, gender-fluid, rock and retro. What can I say, open the wardrobe of your whole family and have fun mixing excessively agé garments with fishnet lingerie. The wow effect is assured.

CANCER - Asap Rocky Met Gala

Dear Cancer, every year you come full of Halloween ideas but then the 31st comes up and fills you with doubts. So many that you end up wanting to stay home under the covers and watch a horror while sipping a hot brew. Well, this year American rapper Asap Rocky comes to your aid giving you the idea of the ultimate Halloween look. All you’ll need is the maxi crochet blanket that your grandmother gave you, incredible!

LEO - #Free Britney

Dear Leo, as a true diva of the zodiac, lover of justice and music 2000s, this year you had very much at heart the issue #Freebritney. So much so that the stars suggest you emulate one of her most iconic looks to pay homage to her in the scary down party of the year. How about the "Slave for You" outfit? All you need is a sarong, a bikini top, a mega zircon in the navel and a cobra (a fake one babe, don’t overdo it).

VIRGO - Ratched

Virgin, not even Halloween can break down your strict appearance. No fake blood for you, it’s so trivial. So here is a suggestion from the stars to bring to your Halloween party the protagonist of your new favorite series. Yes, we are talking about Ratched. Be inspired by the 1940s: high-waisted skirt, blouses, Mary Jane, gloves and an elegant headdress. Elegant, tidy and perfectly themed, just the way you like it!

LIBRA - Jennifer's Body

Dear Libra, every year you count down for Halloween, it is your absolute favorite holiday! This year, however, you would have something different in mind, nothing scary but almost more a symbol of your adolescence. How about Jennifer’s body? Pink, hearts and skinny jeans (ah the 2000s). Behind a normal and very cool appearance, hides a girl possessed by demons ready to kill and terrorize, the perfect alter ego of a Libra Girl!

SCORPIO - Mila Jokovich

Scorpio, we are in the middle of your season: Halloween is just your party! Let’s say you live it as if it were part of your birthday. You love thinking about the perfect outfit and you’re already mentally preparing it for weeks.If I’m not sure yet, however, here comes the board of stars. How about Mila Jovovich in Resident Evil? Think of the final look: red dress with fine straps with deep slit, a pair of combat boots combined with a machine gun. More Scorpio than that!



Dear Sagittarius, the costumes so elaborate for Halloween do not convince you, let’s say that you never want to think well in advance what you will wear. For this reason, the stars suggest a super outfit with a wow effect following your philosophy of life: minimum effort, maximum result. How about dressing up as a Squid Game participant? All you need is a blue track suit and white vans. 


CAPRICORN - Fran Lebowitz

Cynical, frank and unsettling, it seems that we are talking about you dear Capricorn, but in reality it is not so! In fact, you and Fran Lebowitz share a lot about your vision of life. Why not disguise yourself as the most beloved columnist in the USA? All you need is vintage jeans, brown Texans boots, a white shirt and an oversized blazer. Ah, I forgot, his inevitable round eyeglasses! 


AQUARIUS - Alice Cullen

Aquarius, original sign and against the current, this year even you, who always have the best ideas, you just don’t know how to dress. The stars dust off in your head a crazy character of an iconic saga of a few years ago: we are talking about Alice Cullen in Twilight. Her special ability is to see the changes of the future at the exact moment when someone makes a decision, but how much would you like to be her?!?  From traits similar to those of a leprechaun, recreating the style of Alice will not be as difficult as you think: with a black pixie-cut wig, dark eye shadow to intensify the eye look and gothic-chic clothes!


PISCES - Sabrina

Pisces, for you Halloween is one of your favorite occasions. It allows you to explore your esoteric side and, for just one day, impersonate someone you’d like to be 365 days a year. For this reason the stars suggest you to dress as Sabrina Spellman, the blond protagonist of the series Sabrina Netflix. Here’s what you’ll need:  a black headband, a palette that goes from burgundy red to black, a very blond helmet wig and, possibly, a Salem to hold in your arms!