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nss G-Club's october 2022 horoscope
Discover the enchantment related to your zodiac sign and express your spooky vibes
October 1st, 2022
Welcome October, a month of total purple vibes for the first part of the month and then total black. A month that is divided between two incredibly different signs, on one side Libra, balance and harmony, and on the other side Scorpio, mystery and intensity. It will be a period of fun and lightness until the 23rd, when then the vibes will change and get deeper. But let's start in order: on the 9th the Full Moon in Aries lights up the sky and leads to some decisions that are as important as they are heartfelt. On the 10th Mercury enters Libra, favoring communication for all signs. On the 23rd, however, the music changes with the Sun and Venus entering Scorpio; introspection becomes a prerogative. On the 25th we will witness a powerful solar eclipse that will give rise to many new beginnings and passion-filled projects. Finally, on the 29th, Mercury enters Scorpio, reinforcing even more the spooky, black mood of this astrological season.
What does the sky have planned for your sign this month and what is the special spell you need to experience according to the stars?
October will see a new Aries, more introspective and spiritual. It may be that Venus in opposition until the 23rd is giving you a hard time, and for once, instead of trying to change others you have decided to begin a personal, self-centered journey. You also need to recharge your batteries; at times you may feel tired and unwilling to do anything (very very unusual for you). Make time to take care of yourself and rest, you will need it to face daily challenges in full aries style! More solitary moments than in the company of others, keep that in mind.
Magic moment: Oct. 9, Full Moon days with strong emotions
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Spell of protection
- Water is one of the simplest and most immediate ways to restore our energy and protect ourselves. Water contains the essence of life and instantly purifies the aura and clears the mind....
- Take a protective bath by washing away the stagnant energy you are holding back.
- Use sea salt or Epsom salt to draw out tension and trauma held in the body.
- Add herbs to amplify the purifying properties of your ritual, such as fresh rosemary, fresh mint, and lemons. Chop and mince all the ingredients in a large bowl with room temperature water, and while doing so, express your intentions for physical or energetic protection.
- Pour the herbal water mixture over your head while bathing, this will allow you to get rid of negative energies and exercise protection for the future.
Are you ready to revolutionize everything in love dear Taurus? The month of October will be a great time of self-pleasure and exploration of your desires. But not only that, after a period in which you reevaluated your entire love sphere, it's time to throw yourself into the arms of romance! The days of the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th will be crucial for this, so eyes and heart wide open. Also by the end of the month you will learn a very important lesson: You alone are the creator of your happiness, never forget that.
Magic moment: Oct. 12, see the world through the eyes of love
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Heartthrob spell
- Sew a pink cotton bag and inside this insert: rose quartz, 7 dried red rose petals, 7 cardamom berries, 7 dried jasmine flowers and a symbol that represents your idea of love (a photo, an item, a poem, etc...)
- Close it with a ribbon and 3 knots, focus on the goal you want to achieve all the time you work on it.
- Carry it with you at all times.
Good news dear Gemini baby, for from October 2 your dear Mercury returns to direct motion and so everything resumes its natural course. Restarts always excite you, but this time it might be a little more strenuous than expected. Maybe it's because you have so many projects on the go that even you don't know which way to start. The stars are on your side and invite you to slow down. Clear your head first, take some well-deserved time off, and think about a step-by-step plan of action. That way everything will go smoothly, astrologer's word.
Magic moment: Oct. 14, you are so eager to communicate that you even talk to the walls
LOVE: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Spell to make your wishes happen
Materials: Magazines, books, tarot cards and photographs, Paper and glue, Yellow candle
- Browse through the pictures and find the ones that most represent your ideal goal or self. What do you want to make happen? Once you have collected these images, put them together as a moodboard. You can paste them on a piece of paper or arrange them in a photo album.
- Add images to your moodboard as often as you like and decorate it as you like. Anything that communicates something to you is welcome.
- Enhance your manifestation by lighting a yellow candle next to your moodboard during the new and full moon. Focus on the flame.
- Think about what inspires you and visualize the small changes that can bring your moodboard to life.
Dear Cancer, are you ready for the long-awaited glow up? Starting October 23, the stars will align making you experience a wonderful time of good fortune and enthusiasm. Fireworks are just around the corner, but remember that not everything comes to stay. And it is precisely this lesson that you will carry throughout the rest of 2022. Roots are important to you, but there is no need to attach yourself to just about everything that comes your way. More concrete choices and less ham on your eyes, mind you.
Magic moment: Oct. 17, time to focus on some situations
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Anti-procrastination ointment
Materials: 2 tablespoon olive or almond oil, 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 2 drops peppermint essential oil, 1 drop of lemon essential oil, 1 drop of rosemary essential oil, Amber bottle with cap or dropper
- Pour the oil into the flask, with each essential oil you insert repeat the formula "never put it off again."
- Squeeze the bottle between your fingers and visualize your energy enveloping it.
- Infuse it with your intentions. Each time you use the ointment, focus on the goal of the spell.
Dear Leo, October brings a boost of energy throughout the month. But all these vibes will not be exclusively positive; on the contrary. There may be some drama in the air, especially around the 9th, with the Full Moon in Aries, and on the 25th, with the New Moon in Scorpio, a sign that has always been somewhat at odds with you. So how best to prepare yourself? Definitely by trying to surround yourself with lightness, as some situations will be heavier than usual. Changing the way you experience things can also change entire situations.
Magic moment: Oct. 19, something will happen that will change your day
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Spell to achieve work success
If you feel stuck in a certain area of life, this spell will help you turn that stuckness into positive momentum and flow.
- First, write a positive affirmation on a small piece of paper.
- Choose an affirmation that describes exactly how you want to feel in this area of life, in the present tense. For example, you might write, "My finances are going well," "I am in love with a wonderful person who loves me back," or "I am experiencing wonderful success in my career."
- Obtain a small amethyst and recharge it in the sunlight for a few minutes. Then place the affirmation on a surface so that the words are facing upward. Holding the amethyst in your hand, go to your front door, open it fully, stand on the threshold, and say aloud the affirmation you have written.
- Place the amethyst on top of the paper with the affirmation. After twenty-eight days, release the amethyst into a river or the sea and recycle the paper.
Are you ready to take on the world? Dear Virgo, October speaks to you of great challenges but also of great satisfaction. The stars invite you to challenge your limits and work on two important points of your personality: being a perfectionist and also quite a loner. It's a month that wants you free, free to be without too much thought. Never hold back, rather let yourself go and discover a more spontaneous and impulsive side of you. Do things even if they are not perfect, don't be too hard on yourself and surround yourself with good and pure people who can help you deal with these personal limitations.
Magic moment: Oct. 22, a challenging day but one that will end with great satisfaction
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Ritual for creativity
Ingredients: A deck of tarot cards, Pen, Notebook, White candle. This spell lasts for 5 days.
- Each night, before going to bed, draw a tarot card.
- Look at its corresponding meaning and think about how the selected card might be associated with your work. You can focus on the images and jot down the ideas that inspire you.
- Transcribe the ideas in your notebook.
- At the end of the fifth night, put all the drawn cards close together and lay them on your work space.
- Light a white candle and say, I am creativ*, I have a garden of ideas in my head and nothing can stop me.
Happy b-day dear Libra! October, like every year, is a crackling month for you, full of news, enthusiasm and big plans. Starting with love, which, throughout the first half of the month, will be positively solicited. In short, super hot new horizons open up. Interesting the period from the 10th and until the end of the month with Mercury in the sign, new work opportunities are unlocked that will bring more balance and positivity in your daily life. One last piece of advice from the stars before you enter Scorpio season: throw yourself into it and put that handbrake down.
Magic moment: Oct. 10, the whole world will speak your language
HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: How to win over the person you like
- Create an aphrodisiac perfume and as if by magic no one will be able to resist it.
- In 30 ml of jojoba oil mix 10 drops of jasmine essential oil, 5 drops of vanilla essential oil and 5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.
- Then put a few drops on the usual strategic spots (neck, wrists, breast hollow) and store your perfume in a dark, airtight glass bottle (in a cool place away from light).
Dear Scorpio girl, from the 23rd the stars are all shining for you! Your Season begins, Venus is in your sign, there will be a solar eclipse, and finally Mercury will also enter Scorpio--so much excitement! The atmosphere heats up and you are ready to be yourself like you haven't been in a while. The unmistakable aura of mystery you carry around will at some point give way to the truth: who are you? what does your heart feel? where do you want to go? It is a time for questions but also for answers, and sometimes all you have to do is look to the sky and look within to find them.
Magic moment: Oct. 23, nothing can go wrong
HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Smudge stick to cleanse energies
Materials:Fragrant flowers and herbs (bay, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, sage, flowers, etc...) A stick incense Natural thread (be careful not to use nylon thread).
- Collect your favorite herbs and flowers: sage, lavender, whole roses or just the petals, herbs, eucalyptus, etc... Cut 10/15 cm twigs and make a nice compact bunch, putting all the collected materials in the same direction.
- Place the stick incense inside, choose a fragrance you like, this will serve to facilitate lighting and give an extra touch of fragrance.
- Wrap the base with the thread and tie a knot, then hold the whole bunch tightly with one hand and with the other wrap the thread to the top and tie a tight knot. Now it is time to let it dry; hang it upside down away from the sun's rays. Drying will take at least one to two weeks.
- When your smudge stick is dried, remove the previous binding and make a new one. This is because dried herbs take up much less space and therefore may be too bland. Now your smudge stick is ready to be lit and will help you ward off all the negative energies around you.
What hotness during this month dear Sag girl. It may be that we are slowly getting closer and closer to your season, or it may be that the planets in Libra make you feel lighter and more confident than ever. But one thing is certain, prepare yourself mentally because on October 9 a super full moon in Aries brings some very strong emotions to your heart. Are you ready to experience a roller coaster of feelings? October will be a super fun month, especially when spent with your close friends! Since you'll have to be on the ball all the time, don't tire yourself out too much and carve out moments of solitude to rebalance your energy.
Magic moment: Oct. 28, you'll be fullə of energy to face the day
HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: How to create Energized Water.
Materials: A very large pitcher of natural water, A small rock crystal, A sunny day
- Fill the jug with water and place the rock crystal in it.
- Leave the jug with the crystal in the sun for half an hour.
- The rock crystal in the sunlight becomes charged with positive energy and releases it into the water.
- Withdraw the jug from the sunlight and place it in a cool place for a while until you can drink it.
Work and personal life? Often for you Capricorn finding a balance between these two very important parts of your life is an arduous task. Although, with the direct return of Saturn it will be easier. The last period has been very complex in this respect: guilt, mixed feelings and little time for you. It's all about harmony and balance, and during this month you'll figure out just how to fit it all together as naturally as possible, always remembering that you are your real priority every day.
Magic moment: Oct. 30, everything will go as you expect it to.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: How to receive answers in dreams
- Before you go to sleep, light a candle.
- Make a request or set an intention for your dreams. What do you want to see? what answers do you want to get? be as clear* as possible.
- Write this request or intention on a piece of paper. Just one or two sentences. Blow out the candle, stick that piece of paper in the pillowcase, and then go to bed.
Know that it may take a few days, or even a full lunation cycle.
Dear Aquarius, great month to give free rein to your craziest and most irrational ideas that ultimately make you who you are. That is, a magical presence that doesn't bore others even by accident. The beginning of the month proceeds with turbo-charge: new meetings, new projects and new emotions on the agenda. While from the 23rd on, accomplice some planets in the way, it takes more willpower and commitment on your part. Or, simply, you must always believe enough.
Magic moment: Oct. 5, a sudden change will make you realize something important
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: Self-esteem bath
Materials: pen, rice paper, rosewater, sea salt, lavender, incense and a pink candle.
- Make four separate lists of things you like about yourself, one for each element, and write them on four pieces of rice paper.
- For Earth, list what you like about your physical body, not only how it looks, but also how it feels and what it does. For example, "I like that my hips can dance."
- For air, list what you like about your mind. Include all areas of knowledge in which you are an expert.
- For fire, list accomplishments and creativity.
- For water, list what you like about your social skills and relationships. Fill the tub and add rose water.
- Add half a cup of sea salt to the bath. Dip in your soil list and watch the ink dissolve. Light some lavender incense and dip your air list into the bath. Light a pink candle and dip your fire list into the bath.
- Finally, dip your water list into the bathtub. Soak in the tub for at least 20 minutes and feel yourself absorb your self-love!
Dear Pisces, avoiding communicating with others and saying what you think and feel never brings anything good. And you know this well, time has already proven this on several occasions. The month of October will be a great breeding ground for figuring out how to best express yourself, to be yourself in front of everyone without feeling in awe. If the first part of the month is more focused on "theory," then figuring out why you have these blocks, the second part will be more "practical" with a good dose of extra luck and astral protection.
Magic moment: Oct. 7, watch out for lightning strikes
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐
Spell of the month: The jar of renewal
Ingredients: Cloves for gaining clarity, Mint leaves for communication, Whole rosemary sprigs for mental clarity, Cinnamon sticks for protection and mental focus, Ground coffee to drive away negative thoughts, Sea salt (coarse-grained) for protection and cleansing, Airtight jar, 1 orange candle to boost your mental energy
In the jar, stack each ingredient one on top of the other, thinking for each ingredient about its meaning. Close the jar and burn an orange candle on top.