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Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible?

Will it be true that opposites attract?

Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract?
Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract?

Are our zodiac signs compatible? You may have wondered* if it's possible for your romance to work with one zodiac sign and why it does not work out the way you expect with another. The biggest mistake made is to focus on the sun sign (what we all call our zodiac sign). However, in astrology there are 3 planets that we need to look closely at in our own birth chart and in our partner's birth chart to understand how the couple's love is going:

  • Moon, the luminary that talks to us about feelings
  • Venere, il pianeta che ci parla del piacere e dell’amore
  • Mars, the planet that tells us about Eros and attraction

If these planets are well matched with related signs, the relationship will be harmonious. On the other hand, if the signs are in opposition, the relationship will be in tension.

Compatibility by element

Signs that belong to the same element are related and create good complicity in the couple: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

The signs belonging to the opposite element have differences but are stimulated by a great mutual attraction: Fire - Air, Earth - Water.

Let us look together at some of the pairs of zodiac signs that work best:

Capricorn and Pisces

Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract? | Image 439385
The depiction of the love story where the main character (Pisces) falls madly in love with the unattainable mysterious* boy (Capricorn). The sensitive and romantic soul of Pisces succeeds in tearing down all the barriers that Capricorn has erected at the entrance to his heart. As mutual anchors, the Pisces finds security and the Capricorn someone who can understand him deeply. They know how to give each other a strong sense of mutual trust. An explosion of romance.

Aquarius and Leo

Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract? | Image 439386
A flame that always burns and warms every environment. Nothing and no one extinguishes the passion that these two signs feel. They do not hide their differences, but know exactly that they are one day and the other the night. Leo feels unique and special, Aquarius accepts and is aware of everyone's diversity. Aquarius will be the spokesperson and advocate for sharing in the partnership, Leo for personal security and helping Aquarius to believe in themselves. No matter what, they know they can count on each other's support.

Aries and Libra

Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract? | Image 439387
Two accomplices who would do anything for each other to defend themselves. It is no coincidence that Bonnie & Clyde were Aries and Libra. The knot that holds this couple tightly together is their ability to complement each other - on one side the impulsive and individualistic Aries, on the other the diplomatic and cooperative Libra, together they manage to get the best out of each other. Despite the differences they may have (they are opposites after all), they are a couple destined to be together.

Taurus and Virgo

Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract? | Image 439388

The couple with high standards who only manage to trust each other 100%! Traditionalism is a bit of old-fashioned love that does not seem to exist anymore. Both want to fully enjoy everyday life with their partner*. Taurus and Virgo, a couple who share ideals and plans, love to approach every decision hand in hand. It is important to both that things last over time (not coincidentally, we are talking about two earth signs). Both Taurus and Virgo are rational and pay attention to details. They will try in every way to make things work.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract? | Image 439389

They are an antipodean couple, but have more in common than you might think! Both would move around the world to be together. Neither Gemini nor Sagittarius like the daily grind; they try to enjoy every moment to the fullest with light-heartedness. They do not mind stability, but having by their side a person who loves to share thoughts, adventures and travels (in short, someone to have fun with). The zodiac couple of the new age.

Cancer and Scorpio

Which signs of the zodiac are most compatible? Will it be true that opposites attract? | Image 439390
Little matters of the heart ... born of a friendship that smells of love. The affinity, the understanding that these two zodiac signs have and convey is incomparable. With their looks they can convey any message to each other. They love to show each other the love they feel, not only in words but also in actions and gestures. Both are sensitive and empathetic, the other's shoulder in every moment of life. Two soulmates who are destined to meet in life and cannot turn away from each other. Their eyes sparkle with love.

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