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The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club

The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air

The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air
The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air

As a door opener, Mercury enters the sign of Pisces from 2 March. In tune with the Pisces season, creativity is enriched, imagination rules over rationality and communication increases through empathy. Things continue on March 7 with the illumination of the full moon in Virgo. This is the perfect opportunity to let go of the old (toxic) habits of our daily lives. A metamorphosis of love... from March 16 Venus enters Taurus, its highest nature (Venus in Taurus is domiciled) and beauty is developed, the focus will be on learning to enjoy the moment and appreciate everything around us (especially matter, Taurus is an earth sign). Direct thoughts and little difficulty saying what you really think from March 19 with Mercury in Aries. On 20 March, the Aries season goes hand in hand with the spring equinox.

Welcome to spring! Recharge your energy with the horoscope for March 2023

March will end with a bang with 3 events:

21 March New Moon in Aries, manifest and dream about who you want to be!

23 March Pluto enters Aquarius, a foretaste of a new era getting closer to community, sharing and the rebellion of ethics that have long been out of fashion.

This month concludes with Mars entering Cancer on March 25, where emotions will take centre stage in actions and impulses.

Let us look together at how each sign will experience this March limbo between winter and spring.


The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443332

In March you play for everything, dear Aries, with Jupiter and Venus in your sign. Your heart beats for someone - perhaps the right person has come along at the right time. The end of the month will be even more exciting than all the excitement you have been experiencing lately. You will be full of energy once your season begins! The New Moon in your sign is ready to get you involved. Think of it a bit like blowing out candles, look up and express your desires with confidence. Be patient, it will only be a matter of time.

Your new love for spring will be: Karaoke night with Mercury in your sign You need to raise your voice.

Magical moment: 21 March (New Moon in Aries), everything keeps going in the right direction.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443309

Get out of bed Taurus! It's time to do a little tidying up, make space in your wardrobe and pamper yourself with skincare. Beauty is not everything, but Venus is in your sign in March and the perfect summary of this time is the song Material Girl by Madonna. Try to live as sustainably as possible, not only for the planet but also for your wallet. Allow yourself some romance, enjoy the moment. Avoid focusing your thoughts on your ideals/norms, rather change the cards in your deck.

Your new love for spring will be: curlers to give your hair just the right natural movement without ruining it with the straightener.

Magical moment: March 16 (Venus in Taurus), love is in the air.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443310

The Pisces season causes you, dear Gemini, a little uneasiness. You are pensive, your mind wanders without a clear goal, it will not be enough to fill your days to stop your thoughts. Give free rein to your doubts, share them with someone (even a stranger, you can pin anyone down) and listen to the advice they can give you. Use the last few days when Mars is in your sign to indulge in last minute madness and travel. You may make new acquaintances and experiences that will make you grow and see you through the spring.

Your new love for spring will be: Walking, surrounded by nature, lying in a meadow full of daisies.

Magical moment: 24 March, bring out your power energy.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443312

Love or sex? That's the dilemma... Your emotions are playing tricks on you in the month of March, friend Cancer. You might put aside the idyllic notion of "happily ever after" because you are in the age of dating apps and may have set a few too many likes. It's not easy to find the right story, but a few flings with Mars entering your sign are welcome. With Mercury in a good position your words will be for everyone to cuddle up to, you are the trust point for people you care about.

Your new love for spring will be: lipstick cherry gloss to add an extra touch of colour and sweetness to your kisses.

Magical moment: March 25 (Mars in Cancer), hand on the wheel, a new ride begins.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐



The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443303

Dear Leo, this month will not be entirely carefree. It's best to use this Pisces season to put your pride aside and face people head on. Dialogue is the foundation of any relationship. Try to understand (together!) what happened, what factors and actions brought you into this situation. Develop your empathic side, show that you are strong and can rise above. In March you have energy to spare; it will not be some small disappointment that brings down your happy, optimistic state.

Your new love for spring will be: Kawaii shop visits & friends whose graphics will ease your tensions.

Magical moment: March 4, your feelings will speak for you.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐




The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443307

How many things are going through your mind? Are you thinking about changing fields or jobs? March, dear Virgo, wants to put things on one level, you need to figure out what to discard and what is better to wait for. Do not make too many decisions at once, it's not in your nature and especially not the best time with the planets in your opposite sign. Stop and write a list of "to do" and "not to do" tasks that will help you during the weeks when Mercury is in Pisces.

Your new love of spring will be: Baby plants, in your simple and minimalist taste, take care of them!

Magical moment: March 7 (Full Moon in Virgo), recognise the signs that are coming your way, nothing is random.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐





The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443314

Libra, take a deep breath - something is changing inside you, you are different. Use this spiritual season to connect with your inner power, your era in society needs a break. Towards the end of March you will slowly recover, feel like you have been reborn (not too much yet!) and have more confidence in yourself and what you really want. As transits go, this standby cycle of yours is also temporary, but necessary! Focus on what is happening to you and not on what will be.

Your new love for spring will be: a yoga/pilates class, sign up for a class to connect with your body, stop being lazy!

Magical moment: 10 March, new perspectives will become part of your life.

HOT: ⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐




The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443313

What can we say: 50/50, dear Scorpio. It's a good thing we are in the season of Pisces, otherwise it would be a constant "what a beard, what a bore, what a bore, what a beard" like Sandra Mercury in a good position brings new stimulation (to be discovered!), perhaps new talents you did not know you had. Unleash your mind with imagination, creativity is the centre to get you through what could be a mediocre time... and we know you do not like mediocrity, everything must always be at the top.

Your new love for spring will be: a trip to Milan to the Andy Warhol exhibition, for a shot of pop and originality.

Magical moment: 12 March, the perfect combination of passion and whimsy.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐




The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443308

How grateful do you feel? After a month that fluctuated between highs and lows, things are looking up in March with Venus and Jupiter at your side, especially in your relationships with others. Just be careful what you say; misunderstandings can easily occur in the first half of the month. Do not be impulsive, think and then communicate. Your enthusiasm does not wane, you are sought out by everyone to spend time together, they know there is not enough fun without you. Sagittarius - You are the Funny Girl of the group.

Your new love for spring will be: date at the tattoo shop, make the moment indelible.

Magical moment: 20 March, you will feel loved all around.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443306

Dear Capricorn, March allows your emotions to run high. Pisces allows you to focus on things you enjoy and put your pragmatic imagination on a pedestal. Working against you are the planets in Aries, which will cause a few too many nerves - especially if something fails. We know you have high standards and are very ambitious, but you will find it difficult to maintain your patience.

Your new love for spring will be: Gua Sha, it will relax your facial muscles and improve some wrinkles caused by tense nerves.

Magical moment: 17 March, everything will feel like a little pampering.






The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443311

March will be an evolution, dear Aquarius. Pluto enters your sign at the end of the month, bringing with it a new energy and charge. Just as WINX makes her transformation from season to season, you will become a part of it too! If you do not change your clothes, but simply your manner, you will be a new discovery for yourself and those around you. Do not expect it to be a piece of cake, but step by step you will feel stronger and stronger. You might even join a new club ;)

Your new love for spring will be/your new hobby for spring will be: Marathon of fantasy movies / TV series, you will find your feel-good figure.

Magic moment: 23 March (Pluto enters Aquarius), if you want it, you will be it.






The March 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club The stars of March leave no room for boredom, movements upon movements that bring one out of hibernation and let one breathe new air | Image 443304

We all wish you only the best, dear Pisces! You may have a different birthday than usual, as you value intimacy and spend time with whomever you want. This month the Sun, Mercury and Saturn are in your sign. You live with your head in the clouds, but in the midst of this you will come across new ideas you have not thought of before. Independence crosses your path, you will embark on a new path that will lead you to more responsibility and maturity, spirituality, which is a part of you, is now more important than ever.

Your new love in spring will be/your new hobby in spring will be: Digital camera, take pictures of everything that catches your eye.

Magical moment: March 2 (Mercury enters Pisces), union of heart and thoughts.


