Saturn in Pisces: the meeting of imagination and responsibility
A journey between the intangibility of Pisces and the tangibility of Saturn

March 15th, 2023
March 7 welcomed a new transit of Saturn in Pisces. Saturn changes signs about every 2 to 3 years, and in March 2023 it began its path in the sign of Pisces. It will not be a direct transit, but will be accompanied by retrograde movements that will lead to it ending its transit on 14 February 2026.
But what does Saturn stand for ?
In astrology, Saturn is the king of time and karma (also known as Kronos) and represents discipline, maturation and obstacles. He is a judge, the one who grew up too fast, who takes responsibility and strives for self-realisation. Saturn knows limits and that in order to achieve goals, one must overcome trials that lead to growth and more awareness of one's own abilities.
The union of two worlds
There is a sea between saying and doing, but between Saturn and Pisces there is an ocean to cross. Pisces is a water sign and as such is connected to the emotional world of the psyche, the unconscious. It speaks of illusions and fantasy, the sign that accompanies thoughts with a touch of madness and is especially connected to the spiritual world and mysteries. The meeting of these two aspects of astrology (planet Saturn and zodiac sign Pisces) at the beginning of their journey will be difficult. Unlike Saturn, the sign Pisces knows no boundaries and no discipline, and this is one of the first tests this transit will have to pass: finding the balance between fantasy and factual reality. It will not be enough to go with the flow, you have to roll up your sleeves and do your duties. The Piscean head is a whirlwind of thoughts; it will be Saturn's job to take charge to see things more clearly. We will question our ideas, dreams and beliefs. Thoughts can no longer camp out in the air, we will be prepared to make choices about what is achievable and what will remain a dream. We will no longer take refuge in thoughts, but open our eyes and see reality. It will be important to define the boundaries between self and others, to stop making sacrifices just to see the happiness of others but to start making them for ourselves, saying no will not be seen as negativity but as the fruit of being able to listen to our own boundaries. While there has been a lot of talk about spirituality and mental health in recent years, Saturn in Pisces will be the two focal points of society in these years. There will be an awareness of having weaknesses, accepting them and not being afraid to share them with anyone. There will be an increased interest in all practises and disciplines that connect the mind and body to the soul; spirituality will be taken seriously and not as a fad. A journey between the intangibility of Pisces and the tangibility of Saturn.