What is it and what are the effects of the Full Pink Moon in Libra
Let's get ready for a big dose of emotions and socialization

April 6th, 2023
Each Full Moon completes a lunar cycle, marking the end of one phase and the beginning of another, but the first of Spring will be more intense than usual because it takes place in Libra, in clear opposition to the Sun, which is in Aries. The Full Moon on April 6 is nicknamed the Pink Moon, not because it is that colour, but in homage to the hue of flowers such as the earth phlox that bloom at this time. Its effect will be mainly on Aries, Cancer, Capricorn as well as Libra itself, but whatever our zodiac sign, it will make us rethink our relationships, make new ones blossom and announce the end of partnerships that have proved infertile or for some reason no longer right. The Moon's position in Libra, a sign associated with harmony and relationships, dictates this turning to the other, hence the openness to others.
In terms of the cosmos, the Full Moon in Libra in April 2023 is in opposition to two important energies that are in Aries: the Sun and Chiron, which in astrology represents the archetype of suffering, a kind of karmic burden that we must become aware of and try to overcome. Spiritually, this opposition - between yin and yang, light and dark - creates a powerful moment of surrender and a heightened sense of emotionality. On April 6, the positions of these planets, stars and asteroids may bring to light some previously hidden truths about a long-standing pain, whether physical, mental or emotional, and give us the strength to face it and even ask for help. Indeed, the Full Moon in Libra calls us to be considerate of others, to open ourselves up to sociability, to our partner, friends and family.
Here are the effects of the Pink Moon in Libra by sign:
Beware of creating a bad mood among your friends, for you will tend to want to be first in everything.
Love is in the air. You will express all the love you feel these days even more.
You will re-evaluate how important the people around you are.
Think about your spaces. Sometimes "mi casa es tu casa" does not work for everyone.
You will not feel the air of spring, only the air of tension. However, the answers will come without much thought.
"Keep calm" must be your motto these days. Especially if someone will try to express their feelings for you.
Indecision will prove to be your best friend again.
You do not know whether to let go of a relationship or shout out to everyone what you want.
Your sting will work worse than usual. If you are usually a "no-no" person, you'll find it harder to speak your mind this time.
It's time for a little spring cleaning! Not at home, but in your relationships with other people.
What a struggle! Keeping calm will be an impossibility.
Get the song "Calma e sangue freddo" by Luca Diriso back from your playlist, because you are going to need it.
Not only will you be sharing online, but your mood will be "share the love" offline too.