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The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club

Que calor this summer!

The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer!

We took for granted that there was going to be a lot of fun this summer, but in July new introspections await us, all directed towards the Ego, towards our goals, and above all with a special focus on our values. Thoughts begin to travel with the arrival of the Full Moon in Capricorn on 3 July, a change that will force us to abandon old patterns, directing us towards new plans of action to achieve our goals - all a little closer, if we get help from a dedicated To Do List.


Beware the stars  


After the transit in impulsive Leo, on 10 July Mars changes sign and moves into Virgo, where action becomes rational and aims to put your plans into action accurately. With this transit, those who have not yet planned their holidays will set about creating a well-thought-out itinerary down to the last detail, while on the 11th of July Mercury moves briefly into Leo, where communication is coloured by exuberance and theatricality; dramas will not be scarce! The second half of the month opens with the New Moon in the sign of Cancer, and here emotionality will play all out, becoming really intense and making you experience a moment of vulnerability, where you seek affection. Take advantage of this to clarify your dreams and projects concerning your home and family.


The day of 23 July will be strong and dancing, beginning the Leo Season that will focus on your "I" and your passions. At the same time, Venus will begin its Retrograde motion in the sign of Leo, an introspective period in the field of relationships. The question to ask yourself will be, «Can I recognise my value within the relationship?» Remember that we are not just talking about love relationships, but all our social and intimate relationships are at stake! To close the month, Mercury in Virgo on 28 July, days when the mind will become more analytical. This transit will help us to understand every detail of our personal reflections, without taking situations too personally and giving space to rationality.


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460010

Dear* Aries, July will be your trusted advisor this year, as generally speaking this month will create a rather tense period, but in your favour. For a couple of weeks there will be Mercury forming trigon to your Sun, beginning a month of re-evaluation on your plans and goals that you set yourself at the beginning of the year. Something will need to be revolutionised: it's time to put your creative projects on a practical level, which will need to be cultivated day by day if you want them to get in the door. Give your impulses a good talking to because there will be a bit of a wait, time to time and success will come!


Magical moment: 9 Luglio, hai fatto il pieno di batteria, sei al 100%

July, with all the love I have for you New ideas will bring! Inspiration is just around the corner, arm yourself with pen and paper to jot down everything that pops into your head.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460009

Things are going great for you, Taurus. The Full Moon at the beginning of the month will bring clarity on the job you want to do. With Jupiter and Mars in your favour, you will be able to work like mad, nothing will escape you, and with a bit of thoughtfulness you will be able to overcome the small obstacles you encounter along the way. You didn't expect to have all this initiative, but instead... in July you will discover skills you didn't think you had, both on a practical/logical level and on an artistic level. Try to make room for some time to relax as well, it's OK to give yourself a few gifts from time to time. You will feel more gratified!

Magical moment: 12 July, fortune will be on your side.

July, with all the love I have for you Lots of power will bring! Spritzes after a long day at work will be a must.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐



The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460008

Party after party in June, don't tell us you're already tired? This month will be less eventful, if before it was all cocktail parties, now you need a stop, you'll order lots of soft drinks! Mars and Saturn will not be in your favour, perhaps because, with all the appointments you've had, you forgot about the most important deadlines, and now you find yourself doing everything at the last minute. It will be a race against time, but you will be able to get through it without any problems or doubts, knowing exactly where to start.

Magical moment: 15 July, pleasure and duty. 

July, with all the love I have for you… Detox will bring!  You will need to regenerate your body, take inspiration from healthy aesthetic recipes.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460007

"7th heaven" no we are not talking about the TV series but about your life, car* Cancer. Even if not everything is going perfectly, you have changed your mindset realising that even if one day was down in the dumps, the next day can always be filled with interesting opportunities. The planets that are in your favour this month are many, but the most important event will be the New Moon in your sign, it is as if you were to blow out the candles again, you will not lack enthusiasm. You will be able to realise your dreams in your drawer!

Magical moment: July 17, (New Moon in Cancer) if you want it, you can have it!

July, with all the love I have for you… … Solarity will bring! Your emotions will be filled with positive vibes.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460006

This month, dear Leo, everything and more awaits you! Everything will be characterised by peaks of energy filled with fantastic moments, to others when you will feel a little down in the dumps. The first half of the month will be UP, euphoric, you will be able to express yourself* and give space to your ego. July 23rd begins your season and we wish you all the best, but on the same day Venus Retrograde also begins in your sign, so you will have to pay attention and learn to value yourself in relationships. If any relationships are in crisis or have ended (amorous or otherwise), try to understand what is going and what is not. You will have days when you spend your time reflecting.

Magical moment:  July 23, you will be shining like a star.

July, with all the love I have for you…  Self love will bring! Look in the mirror.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐



The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460005

Hey Virgo, are you realising how much things have changed for you since the beginning of the year? Although Saturn occasionally plays one of its little tricks, on your side are Jupiter and the Full Moon which are in favour along with Mars in your sign. It is a month where you have the ability to achieve anything you want, and you are feeling even more charged because the holidays are approaching. You can breathe a big sigh of relief and enjoy your days without the thought of the work routine. You are spicier than usual, and those around you have noticed.

Magical moment: July 10 (Mars enters Venus), your hot girl summer has just began !

July, with all the love I have for you… Pina Colada in a chiringuito will bring! You'll need something well chilled to cool off the summer heat. 

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460016

Libra this is a month that is neither sweet nor spicy, enjoy the calm seas. The only days that will be a little challenging will be those of the Full Moon and New Moon, if you need to feel your emotions, whether through joy, anger, sadness, or surprise, do it and don't be afraid! With Mercury in the sign of Leo, you will be able to spend long evenings with friends* gossiping about crush, or organise recreational activities where you can unleash your artistic talents, you could create a masterpiece!

Magical moment: July 24, your self confidence will take first place, you are cool.

July, with all the love I have for you…  Secrets will bring! Pretty Little Liars teaches you that there's always something new to discover.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460015

You are in the midst of your transformation, car* Scorpio. You are much more relaxed after the past month, but you are becoming aware that over time things change, and so do you. With Jupiter in opposition and Venus Retrograde you will face new reflections. You are skimming over what you would like to have in your life and what not. Have you ever wondered* who you would like to be? People around you think you are in your Villain Era, maybe they don't really know you.

Magical moment: July 27, your heart is opening more and more.

July, with all the love I have for you… 101 reflections chaning the way you think will bring ! Your summer readings will be all about personal growth.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐



The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460014

June had opened the doors of your heart, and it is likely that someone has entered, although you may not yet be ready to give yourself 100%. If you have entered headlong into a relationship, with Mercury in your favour you will try to communicate (without making too much fuss) that you need time! With the right words you will find understanding, although you are still of the opinion that you should pick up and leave alone* rather than with someone. Your libertine soul is more important, don't deprive yourself of it!

Magical momentJuly 1, a roaring start to the month.

July, with all the love I have for you…  Wild vibes will bring !  An adventure-filled experience is what you need, no matter where.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460013

Although it is not your season, this July will be a month to remember Capricorn. Jupiter and Mars will be in your favour, and in particular, at the beginning of the month, the Full Moon in your sign awaits you: are you ready to welcome the new emotions it will bring? Everything will depend on your well-being! We know how ambitious you are*, and this month you will put your rationality into off mode and let yourself be guided completely by intuition. Gut feelings are never wrong, trust the feelings that will come!


Magical moment: July 3, (Full Moon in Capricorn) listen to your deepest feelings.


July, with all the love I have for you…  A Moon bath will bring! Light the candles and diffuse an aroma of lavender or cypress.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐



The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460012

Aquarius, the month of July will present you with some challenges in the area of relationships, with Mercury and Venus Retrograde making opposition to your sign. You are likely to be loaded with nerves. Do you get the five minutes going? Take a deep breath, and as soon as you feel lighter, make your point. We know you don't like to argue and you always find a way to make all your social relationships work... but the priority is you and no one else right now, rather grab a ticket and go for a drive!

Magical moment: July 5, just believe in yourself, everything else is just the side dish. 

July, with all the love I have for you…  Meditation will bring! Two minutes a day will take the jitters away.



LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The July 2023 horoscope of nss G-Club Que calor this summer! | Image 460011

Sweet Pisces, Mars in opposition to your sign makes it clear that it's not enough just to dream, you need to roll up your sleeves and start working. Saturn in conjunction with your sign will give you a hand in this. Your dates can wait, because now the need to realise your dreams is pressing, and the night always brings good advice! It won't be a walk in the park, but you will be able to start somewhere, with the arrival of the Leo season you will see the initial draft you can start from: put it out there, someone might be able to help you.


Magical momentJuly 8, new opportunities will be entering your Beautiful Life.

July, with all the love I have for you… Notifications on your social media will bring! It may not be the usual likes, but kudos to your artistic eye.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐