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The effects of the two August supermoons

How the full moons of August 1 and 31 will affect each zodiac sign

The effects of the two August supermoons How the full moons of August 1 and 31 will affect each zodiac sign

August 2023 is shaping up to be a special month for astronomy enthusiasts, as it not only hosts the usual swarm of the Perseids, the shooting stars that reach their maximum visibility on the night of 10- 13 August, but also two supermoons. The first, called the Sturgeon Supermoon, occurred on 1 August, while the second, the Blue Supermoon, will occur on the night of 30-31 August. Let's look together at what these astrological aspects mean.


Cosa è una superluna?

The effects of the two August supermoons How the full moons of August 1 and 31 will affect each zodiac sign | Image 464285

The term supermoon refers to a full moon that is at the point in its orbit closest to the Earth, and is therefore larger and brighter. Due to the perspective effect, a supermoon can appear up to 14% larger and up to 30% brighter than a full moon at its apogee (also called a micromoon).


Sturgeon Supermoon

The effects of the two August supermoons How the full moons of August 1 and 31 will affect each zodiac sign | Image 464287

The full moon on the night of August 1 is called the Sturgeon Moon by Native Americans because this large fish was the easiest to catch in the Great Lakes of the United States and Canada during the summer. However, other traditions call it the Corn Moon or Harvest Moon because it coincides with the time when crops ripen.


Super Bluemoon

The effects of the two August supermoons How the full moons of August 1 and 31 will affect each zodiac sign | Image 464286

A blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. It is a rare event that occurs only once every two or three years; the last time it occurred was in January 2018 and the next time it will occur will be in January 2037. For this reason, it has great significance in many cultures. It is believed to lead to greater awareness and insight. It is also considered the perfect time to reflect on the past, look to the future and connect with the energy of the universe. A fun fact: the full moon on 31 August will be the biggest of the year.


The effects of the August supermoons sign by sign


The Full Moon on August 1: will kindle the desire for sociability

The Full Moon on August 30 and 31: for all zodiac signs, it will stir emotions and bring a strong cleansing energy


The Full Moon on 1 August: will make you want to explore new horizons

Full Moon on 30and 31 August: for all zodiac signs it will stir emotions and bring a strong cleansing energy



The Full Moon on 1 August: Time to show your successes so that others take note and rejoice with you

Full Moon on 30and 31 August: For all signs of the zodiac, it will appeal to the emotions and bring a strong, cleansing energy


Full Moon on August 1: brings arguments due to lack of trust

Full Moon on 30and 31 August: for all zodiac signs it will bring emotions and bring a strong cleansing energy


Full Moon on August 1: will unite positive relationships and lead to separation from toxic people

Full Moon on 30and 31 August: will involve emotions for all zodiac signs and bring strong cleansing energy


Full Moon on 1 August: will bring reorganisation and evaluation in work

Full Moon on 30-31 August: for all zodiac signs will involve emotions and bring strong cleansing energy


Full Moon on 1 August: brings much social life and new opportunities for all who are single

Full moon on 30and 31 August: for all zodiac signs it will involve emotions and bring strong cleansing energy


Full moon on 1 August: puts home and family in the foreground

Full Moon on 30 and 31 August: will bring emotions and a strong cleansing energy for all zodiac signs


Full Moon on August 1: will bring you to share your ideas with others

Full Moon on August 30and 31: for all zodiac signs it will stir emotions and bring a strong cleansing energy


Full Moon on 1 August: brings you more attention to your finances

Full Moon on 30and 31 August: for all zodiac signs it will involve the emotions and bring strong cleansing energy


Full moon on August 1: brings fulfilment or hope for a personal project

Full Moon on 30and 31 August: for all zodiac signs it will involve emotions and bring strong cleansing energy


Full Moon on 1 August: offers the opportunity to pause and recharge the batteries


Full Moon on 30-31 August: for all zodiac signs, it will appeal to the emotions and bring strong cleansing energy