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The November horoscope of nss G-Club

How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season.

The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season.

We are in the midst of autumn and November is changing its vibes, in these increasingly dark days, surrounded by a magical atmosphere typical of the Scorpio season. The first meeting of the month is with Venus, on November 8 she begins her transit in the sign Libra, able to enchant everyone with her radiance and beauty, the perfect time to devote to personal care and evenings among friends between masks and gossip, union is strength. On November 10, Mercury shifts into Sagittarius. After a period based on the search for truth, with this new transit comes the need to delve into new subjects, to expand one's studies and to concretise one's beliefs and ideals. This month the New Moon occurs on 13 November in the sign of Scorpio. Get out the boxes and throw away everything old, both materially and metaphorically, because we need new space and are ready to implement new strategies for success in order to express our desires to the maximum - a new rebirth awaits us.

One week break... Time jump, we arrive on December 22 with Sagittarius, a season that will bring enthusiasm and above all a great desire to discover new places, let's give space to the spirit of adventure.

On 24 November Mars enters Sagittarius, a beautiful, intense stellium in this fire sign that fuels passion for everything we love. It's time to make plans, not on a business level, but to plan a beautiful trip where you can grow, especially culturally, or to plan an extreme activity.

November concludes with the very bright Full Moon in Gemini on 27 November, the urge to experiment and share your thoughts will come, the time for multitasking is over, literally become a witch casting spell after spell.



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475347

Dear Aries, this November you are full of energy, impulsive yes, but only up to a point. The planets in Sagittarius are in your favour and will help you to start new activities, to believe firmly in your potential and in the things you really love. Venus will test you a bit as it is in your opposite sign. Start sharing your life with the people around you, don't keep everything to yourself and especially on the "no" days express your needs as only you can.

Magical moment: 24 November, communication will bring joy

Your magic: Always carry the carnelian with you, it balances your ying and yang... it gives willpower, after all it is connected to your element.


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475348

The changes are not over for you Taurus, you have just entered a beginning process* and the most important thing is to go on without resistance. The transit of retrograde Jupiter in your sign continues and this destabilises you, you find it difficult to get excited, but don't worry because this is only a passing moment. Devote yourself a little to creativity and art, because with Venus in Libra everything becomes more beautiful. Take advantage of pleasurable activities and spend as much time as you want, who knows, you may get inspiration for something new that will surprise you.

Magical moment: 25 November, trust the process

Your magic: make your own cleansing smudge, you can use sage, rosemary, lavender... create with your favourite herbs.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475349

November is the perfect month if you want to take some time out, be a hermit and go on a few weekend getaways. You need the space to yourself a bit, you're always hyper, but at this time your energy is a bit burnt out. Mercury and Mars are opposite your sign, you need to find your own new balance, focus on one thing at a time rather than throwing yourself into everything. At the end of the month, the full moon is coming towards you in your sign, time to let go of old habits.

Magical moment: 27 November (Full Moon in Gemini), you will shine brighter than ever before


Your magic: Burn a sacred stake...cleanse yourself and your surroundings with circular signs.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475350
Your intuition will be even stronger than usual Auto Cancer, let your feelings and perceptions guide you, you have such a strong sixth sense that it is your best advisor. You definitely won't have a roses and flowers month, as they say. With Venus squaring your zodiac sign, there could be misunderstandings and arguments at every turn in November. If a relationship has been on the rocks for some time, think carefully about what you can do, because if you have to spill bitter blood, it's time to call it quits.

Magical moment: 30 November, a closed door always opens a new door

Your magic: Moon bath with some essential oils like lavender or rose, some rock salt and create atmosphere with candles.


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475351

We can say that November will be a real escalation for you Leo. During the month some planets will still give you a hard time, but in the second half you will feel like you are on cloud nine, because the stars are on your side. Venus, Mercury and Mars are your supporters. Speak your thoughts, share them and plan memorable moments with your best friends. Your mind will shine, throw out new ideas, for your thoughts are full of creativity, you could be the initiator of a great novelty.

Magical moment: 10 November, give your imagination space

Your magic: Buy a pendulum, connect with it and ask for everything you wish for, it could lead you on the right path


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475352

You are moving in the right direction, you have gained extra self-confidence, especially you have developed the self-confidence you have needed for some time. Towards the end of the month there may be some nervousness as the planets move into the sign Sagittarius and form disharmonious aspects. See it as a challenge. Rationality usually rules in you, try to look at things more philosophically and also trust other beliefs. Often there is a great truth in what is not tangible.

Magic moment: 7 November, activate your spiritual version

Your magic: A witch in the kitchen, mint and cinnamon are the perfect ingredients for happiness, if you need love, use vanilla.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475353

The most glamorous witch of the realm is you, Libra, in this gloomy month. You love to take care of yourself, especially your skin, so stock up on masks and eye plasters throughout the month. Love is in the air, with Mars in your favour new romantic and spicy romances could arise. If you are already a couple, November will be all about love, you will act like two lovebirds and know how to listen to each other's needs.

Magical moment: On November 8 (Venus in Libra) all eyes will be on you.

Your magic: A beauty spell, take a bowl, put a small mirror in it, fill it with water, rose quartz, rose petals, chamomile and mix everything with a stick of cinnamon.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475354

Happy Birthday Scorpio, November always brings positivity to your life, especially this 2023 will make it so you accomplish all those projects that are at stake. Mars is still in your sign until the 24th, giving you great strategic strength, so do your maths on how to manage your activities. Try to get started on the day of the new moon, which is in your sign this month - there is no better day to start something. Throw yourself into it and take risks as only you can.

Magical moment: 13 November (New Moon in Scorpio), manifest and dream what you want, anything is possible.


Your magic: Write down your wish... Light a candle and then burn the note, never blow out the candle, it will help you make it come true.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475355

You'll be putting on an extra swing in November as your astrological season arrives at the end of the month, but that's not all... Mercury and Mars are also in your sign, a perfect stellium to activate all your energy. Stand up for your ideals, there will always be someone who doesn't think like you, but you're good* at not giving a damn. Fly straight in your direction, you can already start thinking about planning a nice trip for 2024, choose places with warm weather and don't forget to plan some extreme adventures, you are a wild girl/guy.

Magical moment: 22 November (Sagittarius time), little drama and lots of joy


Your magic: Take a stick of incense, bring your palms together and connect with your inner power.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475356

Dear Capricorn, if it were up to your lonely soul, everything would run like clockwork, sometimes you forget that there are also social relationships. Especially in your relationships with others there can be disagreements, mainly because many people do not understand your needs and your way of being. We know very well how much energy you put into your projects and your work, but this makes you put others on the back burner. Try to balance this part of your life.

Magical moment: 17 November, even if it falls on a Friday, will be the funniest of all.


Your magic: Make a magic jar for your success, use rock salt, lemon, ginger and a few stones like citrine quartz or tiger's eye, sealed with yellow wax


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475357

Aquarius Although Mars is not entirely in your favour at the beginning of the month, things will turn out for the best in the area of relationships. You feel charismatic* and this helps you make a good impression on others, unity is strength, you love long talks, take the opportunity to spend a day with friends where it is good to spend time expressing your ideals and ideas you have for the future. You could give and receive excellent advice. Mercury and Mars will know how to convey passion for the things you love to do.

Magical moment: 19 November, you will feel totally cool


Your magic: With a cauldron, which also comes in mini sizes, you can make your own potions and burn herbs, incense and resins in it.


LOVE:  ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK:  ⭐⭐⭐



The November horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Scorpio Season. | Image 475358

This November is an up and down month. What to say doesn't start off too badly as Mars is still in favour in the sign of Scorpio, on the opposite side Mercury is rowing, try to speak your mind without fear of judgement, we are not all the same so you have to learn to accept that. The New Moon brings good advice in private and personal matters, pay attention to every detail at this stage. You end the month with tense nerves with Mars and Sagittarius, be careful not to waste your energies, they are sacred.

Magical moment: November 21, trust your intuition


Your magic: Hyaline quartz on the forehead, relax, during meditation it helps you to charge your energy.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐