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Horoscope for the end of 2023

What do the stars say for these last months of the year?

Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year?
Its beginning is in the past, the year 2023 is about to close its doors, ready to bid us farewell and pass the baton to a new year. The end of the year is always the best time to take stock of what we have learnt over the past few months and the journey we have made. Imagine turning around now and looking back at all the things that have happened so far in 2023... I bet you are amazed to see how much change there has been, and there is pride behind it. Astrologically, the stars and planets are our companions. They don't determine what happens, but they help us to interpret events. The aspects that characterised 2023 were certainly: Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces, the transit of the lunar nodes in the axis of Aries and the last lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, which completed an important cycle. Let's take a look at our zodiac signs.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477789
You've been caught up in a whirlwind of news that radically changes your life, a new love, a new home, a new project, in short, you've been very busy. The last days of 2023 will serve you to take stock and understand what these new adventures will bring you. You are impulsive, but also try to be a little rational.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477788
It's time to come to terms with the changes welcomed by last month's solar eclipse. Your laziness sometimes tends to get the upper hand over everything else. You have big ideas, you want to achieve your success, but you rest on your laurels. The turn of 2023 will give you a nice boost of energy that will help you start the new year with a bang.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477787
In 2023, you put many goals into action thanks to your will to achieve them. This last period can be described as the most energy-sapping of the year, you need to recuperate and persevere, you can treat yourself to a few getaways now and then, but your mind needs to think! (strange, that doesn't suit you).


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477786
Ready and willing to always be there when someone needs you, you've also made time for the needs of others this year. The end of 2023 will be your time to put your elbows out and take your space to put yourself at the centre. Enjoy some time for yourself, it will give you a good perspective for the new year.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477785
It wasn't exactly a walk in the park this 2023, but rather a good marathon. It would have been better in New York, but at the end of the day it was still good. It's been so long since you've been to the same places* that it's time to plan new adventures on another continent. Plan your trip for the coming year!


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477784
A transitional year that has served to familiarise you with new parts of yourself that were hidden somewhere... Tidying up always helps you find something, after all, it's your passion. Things will be a little tense at the end of 2023 due to upcoming expenses, but don't let that worry you because you won't neglect your needs.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477783
2023 is definitely an unforgettable year that will present you with new challenges every month. You are in a time when you will experience many personal and other changes that you need to understand and accept. In these last days of the year, you can relax, enjoy the holidays and reflect on the changes ahead, as news can arrive at any time.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477782
A tough 2023... what do you think? Between nerves and tension, you can tell you're going all out. Despite many commitments and unforeseen events, you've always remained positive and haven't let the mountain you've overcome get you down. The end of 2023 is a big celebration, you have completed one stage of your life and can now only think about something new.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477781
You were pretty bored in the first half of the year. You're used to being excited about life, but 2023 has caught you on the wrong foot. We can say that you've made a splendid recovery. These last days of 2023 will be the best you can remember. Bring out your creativity and get busy with DIY for Christmas.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477780
You've kept your feet on the ground, maintained your lifestyle, kept your head down and focused on your achievements. The turn of 2023 will help you build on the past few months, you need to be constructive. Are you ready to put your plans on paper for these last days of the year?


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477779
The revolution par excellence, it's all or nothing, it was the same in 2023. You've had some ups and downs, but maybe now you've reached the point where the level begins. Your mind has been racing for months heading into the new year and these final days of 2023 will be no less so. You're focused on the future.


Horoscope for the end of 2023 What do the stars say for these last months of the year? | Image 477778
We have not missed anything in this year 2023. The phase of life has arrived that always brings some obstacle for you to mature, you have to take a new step towards a new version of yourself. Slowly you will get there. It would be nice if it was right at the end of 2023, but the last few days will hold you back and distract you from your daily duties.