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The horoscope for January 2024

From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign
The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign

January starts with great energy after feasts and champagne, and the sky of the month is getting ready to celebrate the arrival of new transits. All of this is accompanied by good resolutions, as the new year kicks off with Mercury Retrograde, but only until January 2nd. Deep and philosophical reflections will characterize these early days of introspection, with some individuals reconsidering their studies, deciding whether to continue in 2024 or abandon the path. Here are the most important astrological dates to mark in your agenda:

What will be the most important transits of January 2024?

January 4th: Mars enters Capricorn

A positive action comes with Mars entering Capricorn. Less impulsiveness, more attention to detail, with caution and strategy. Mars in this sign provides the right character to start a year full of ambition and the goal of achieving success.

January 12th: New Moon in Capricorn

Express your wishes with the New Moon in Capricorn. Take advantage of this energy to make a list of all the things and goals you want to achieve by the end of 2024. Mercury will re-enter Capricorn on January 14th, bringing practicality that will help implement all your plans. Create a good checklist to stay organized and not forget anything.

January 20th: Approaching the Age of Aquarius

We approach the vibes of the Aquarius sign with the arrival of its astrological season. We'll seek closeness to groups and have the opportunity to spend time with friends. The so-called "Age of Aquarius" begins on January 21st when Pluto enters Aquarius, bringing an air of inventiveness and novelty, with strong energy of individual power connected to that of the community (conjunction between Pluto and the Sun).

January 23rd: Venus enters Capricorn

If we thought the transits in Capricorn were over, well, not quite. On January 23rd, Venus begins its transit in this sign. We'll see less physical contact but more respect towards the people we love. New projects will also emerge from the perspective of love in relationships, not just at an individual level.

January 25th: Full Moon in Leo

To close January, the Full Moon in Leo will shine on January 25th, in the sign of Leo. It will help us connect with our value, passions, and talents.

Horoscope January 2024: Aries

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482122

After the festive rush, you need a long break. Despite your impulsiveness, Mars is not in your favor this month and asks you to be more measured. Try to improve communication in social and private relationships. Mercury and Venus form a square, so misunderstandings may occur, especially if things are not clearly stated or even neglected. You'll feel lighter after the Full Moon in your favor.

Magic Moment: 17th January, take a dose of relaxation

New Beginnings: Slow and steady wins the race


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐

Horoscope January 2024: Taurus

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482118

Welcome January with open arms. Things are going great, but you need to earn your achievements. With Mercury, Mars, and Venus on your side, you show the right spirit with a positive attitude. Just be cautious of Pluto, which at the end of the month will start its transit against you. Transformations are in the air, and initially, you might take things the wrong way because they disrupt your plans.

Magic Moment: 23rd January, group chats and outings

New Beginnings: Not everything is served on a silver platter, but you can earn it


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


Horoscope January 2024: Gemini

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482121
Many social interactions are coming at the end of the month, but first, be careful about how you express yourself in the early days of January. Mercury is Retrograde and especially opposed to your sign. It's easy not to be understood and to understand others, so take more time instead of being a chatterbox. At the end of the month, with the arrival of Pluto in your favor and the Aquarius season, you will feel the need to connect more with others, sharing thoughts and finding people with whom you have common ground.

Magic Moment: 20th January, time for a makeover

New Beginnings: Keep a distance between others and your privacy


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Horoscope January 2024: Cancer

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482117

January could be a less favorable period for you, with 5 astrological aspects against you in the opposite sign. Nerves could be tense, so take advantage of this time to enjoy the moment without overdoing it. With Venus in opposition, discussions and misunderstandings may arise. In a relationship, communication is crucial; if something doesn't add up, try to maintain a healthy attitude rather than reacting with attacks or defenses.
Magic Moment: 24th January, nothing happens by chance, listen to what surrounds you

New Beginnings: Quantify what is "enough" for you


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐

Horoscope January 2024: Leo

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482116

January invites you to connect with your deeper and more sentimental side. The Full Moon in your sign at the end of the month brings a nostalgic feeling for the holidays and the beautiful moments of 2023, but it's time to turn the page. With the arrival of the Aquarius season and Pluto in Aquarius, you may feel your energy limited. Try to benefit from these days by dedicating yourself to meditation.

Magic Moment: 25th January, let the emotions around you flow

New Beginnings: Your feelings will guide you in the right direction


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐

Horoscope January 2024: Virgo

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482115
Action will play an important role this month, with Mars, Mercury, the New Moon, and Venus all in your favor. With your communication skills, you'll know how to discuss the pros and cons with tenacity in the early year meetings, trying to assert your rights and value. In relationships, you'll find new intellectual stimuli and can take advantage of the Aquarius season to organize pleasant outings with friends.

Magic Moment: 4th January, full throttle determination

New Beginnings: Allow yourself some moments of protagonism


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Horoscope January 2024: Libra

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482123
Dear Libra, a month immersed in social life even if you may not feel particularly enthusiastic. Your energy might be a bit low with some planets against you, so it's necessary to rest in the first half of the month. Perhaps you always give too much to others and less to yourself. You can do it all, just balance your alone time with social moments, avoiding wasting your energy and learning to say no when necessary.

Magic Moment: 31st January, a finale of laughter and polaroids

New Beginnings: Abandon the feeling of claustrophobia in relationships


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


Horoscope January 2024: Scorpio

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482114
January highlights highs and lows for you. In terms of relationships, things work well with great understanding and mutual respect. However, personally, you may face some tense moments, with a kind of ping pong game between potential and security issues. Your determination can help you overcome challenges, although Jupiter is still against you.

Magic Moment: 6th January, sweet ending with Epiphany

New Beginnings: Embrace honesty and honor in your life


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


Horoscope January 2024: Sagittarius

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482124
You've experienced joyful and less joyful moments last year, but despite everything, you feel proud of where you've come. The annoying note could be Mercury Retrograde, but resist for two days, and things will follow their course smoothly. Be transparent during these days of Retrogradation in your sign, as dialogue always brings clarity. Venus will be on your side in relationships.

Magic Moment: 2nd January, be grateful for your intellectual abilities

New Beginnings: Always present yourself with clarity and spontaneity


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Horoscope January 2024: Capricorn

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482113

This year, Capricorn, you start with an extra boost. January is characterized by a beautiful Stellium in your sign. The New Moon and Mars in your sign give you the right character to positively face your desires. If you want something, you are aware that you can get it without too many ifs and buts. Venus at the end of the month will give you a romantic and charismatic touch perfect for public exposure.
Magical moment: 11th January, dreams are wishes

New beginnings: Too hot, lower self-esteem crises

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Horoscope January 2024: Aquarius

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482120

Dear Aquarius, January starts well and will only get better. We are approaching your astrological season, in tune with your eccentricity and the need to escape from the daily routine. Pluto at the end of the month enters your sign and immediately forms a conjunction with the Sun, giving you a full load of energy. You will need to unleash your actions and needs, with ideas swirling in your mind.

Magical moment: 21st January, self-confidence to the stars

New beginnings: Your energy is the winning weapon

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Horoscope January 2024: Pisces

The horoscope for January 2024 From important dates to note in your diary to astrological forecasts sign by sign | Image 482119

Words travel at the beginning of the month with Mercury Retrograde square to your sign, but without finding a destination. Some words said less could make everything clearer. Mars and Venus in favor perfectly unite your romantic side, giving a passionate red touch to January. Feel free to express yourself and don't be influenced by others' prejudices.

Magical moment: 15th January, let go, indulge in some self-care

New beginnings: A good listener knows how to speak but especially how to listen


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐