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Mars enters Aquarius: here's what it means for each zodiac sign

It is a collective call for social change, for revolution for a better tomorrow

Mars enters Aquarius: here's what it means for each zodiac sign It is a collective call for social change, for revolution for a better tomorrow
Mars enters Aquarius: here's what it means for each zodiac sign It is a collective call for social change, for revolution for a better tomorrow

From February 13, 2024, Mars reaches the New Moon and Pluto in Aquarius, where it will remain until March 22, when it moves into Pisces. After its stay in Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign characterized by structure, discipline and perseverance, the transit will take on a new mood in the coming weeks, determined by the characteristics of Aquarius. The coming weeks will also see the addition of Mercury and Venus, signifying a unique concentration of planets in this air sign that symbolizes new beginnings and the desire for change. What will this mean for all of us? We will feel an urge for change, questioning the status quo and imagining a future full of potential and possibility. Not just in terms of our personal lives. We will feel encouraged to connect and network with like-minded people to build a better future and contribute to social change.

What does Mars stand for in astrology?

Mars enters Aquarius: here's what it means for each zodiac sign It is a collective call for social change, for revolution for a better tomorrow | Image 487442

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system in order of distance from the sun. In astrology, it is associated with aggression, action, dynamism, anger and impulsiveness. It is the planet of desire and action, fire, energy, passion, sex and self-affirmation. It represents the life force, the spark that drives us to take the necessary steps to realize our desires. A positive aspect in your birth chart means that you are blessed with a fiery character, a free spirit and a good dose of courage. If, on the other hand, it is in an inimical position, it could make you too impulsive, overbearing and stubborn.

The connection between Mars and Aquarius

Mars enters Aquarius: here's what it means for each zodiac sign It is a collective call for social change, for revolution for a better tomorrow | Image 487445

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the "Great Awakener"," the planet of chaos, technology and unexpected discoveries. He is known as the "rebel of the zodiac" and loves to go against the grain, defying convention, experimenting and pushing known boundaries to create a new future. Mars, on the other hand, stands for action, affirmation and drive. When their energies clash, we may feel a strong urge to rebel against outdated structures and free ourselves and others from tradition and conformity. Applied to our personal lives, Mars transit in Aquarius makes us rethink the way we work and ask ourselves questions such as "What are my desires?", "How do I achieve them?" or "What has been holding me back?" The answers will determine our behavior.

The effects of Mars in Aquarius

It will become unacceptable to follow a tried and tested path that has proved unsuccessful, just as it will be unavoidable to say goodbye to toxic relationships or situations. At the same time, transiting Mars in Aquarius is the perfect time to open our minds and allow our fantasies, including sexual ones. Green light for sexting, cybersex and anything else we'd like to try. This time offers us a significant opportunity for empowerment and transformation, which will (hopefully) be accompanied by positive development. Some will do it just for the sake of change at first, but most of us may also become aware of the injustices and social issues that we can no longer ignore. Mars in Aquarius is calling us to stand up for our rights and fight for change. There will be a wave of determination and willpower to pursue ambitious goals, to unite in the name of social change, innovation, revolution and a better future.

What happens to each zodiac sign with Mars in Aquarius:


The stars predict an injection of positivity and PDA.


Mars enters the sector that governs your reputation and challenges you to give your all. Your determination increases immeasurably.


It's already springtime for your senses. Your spirit of adventure awakens and the next few days are ideal for getting out of your rut.


Romance is in the air and encourages you to explore deeper connections.


Mars in Aquarius puts you on the warpath. Don't get petty, but don't isolate yourself in your fortress of solitude either.


A burst of energy is coming your way. Spend some of it on completing the tedious tasks of everyday life.


Mars in Aquarius gives you energy for pleasure and personal expression. It encourages you to pursue what makes you happy and express your horniness.


Put a damper on your sense of control and power.


This is a time for stimulating conversations. Connect with others, confide in friends, talk to strangers.


What if your complicated relationship with money is an impetus to develop the next steps in your career?


With Mars, Sun, Mercury and soon Venus in your sign, this is a powerful time for personal reinvention. Assert your independence without forgetting the needs and opinions of others.


Have you ever tried yoga or meditation? Reflection and introspection are the key words you need to learn to recharge your batteries and prepare for a new cycle of growth.