Full Moon arrives in Virgo: here's what it means for each zodiac sign
The key words of this phase are introspection, healing, indulgence
February 23rd, 2024
Every month, the moon completes its journey around the Earth, taking about 28 days. Each cycle has four lunar phases, each with its unique energy, but the most powerful and transformative moments coincide with the New Moon and the Full Moon. In fact, during the Full Moon, when the satellite is well illuminated, we can see things more clearly, have the opportunity to shed light on ourselves, let go of real and emotional burdens to move more determinedly towards the future. On Saturday, February 24, at 1:30 PM, the Full Moon enters Virgo, focusing its rays on introspection, on inner healing. It is time to tidy up and purify both our body and mental and spiritual space, prioritizing our needs and desires.
What is meant by the Snow Moon
The February Full Moon is usually called the Snow Moon because it is the time of year when the heaviest snowfalls typically occur in the northern hemisphere. Since the harsh climate made hunting and food gathering particularly challenging, in some Native American tribes, it is also known as the Bone Moon, Hunger Moon, or Little Famine Moon. This Full Moon is a micromoon, meaning it is at the apogee, the point in its elliptical orbit farthest from Earth, and thus the luminous disc in the sky appears smaller than usual but still perfectly visible to the naked eye. Spiritually, it indicates the possibility of transforming the small moments of daily life that we can dedicate to ourselves into profound opportunities for healing. And with the spring equinox around the corner, it's a good time to heal your old wounds before rebirthing in spring.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon in Virgo
Each Full Moon influences us differently, depending on its position and the planets in play. From February 24, it will shine in Virgo, an Earth-connected, pragmatic sign that loves order and precision. We will find these characteristics also in this phase. We will feel a push to tidy up our inner space, distinguishing between things to discard because they are sterile, toxic, or simply no longer reflect who we are, and things to focus on to evolve, to be better and happier. We should harness the energies to eliminate the superfluous and to learn to balance logic and intuition. We will be more focused on ourselves rather than others, and we might show ourselves too self-critical. But it would be better not to indulge this instinct. With the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces, this lunar event activates the healing axis and encourages us to open up, not to fear being vulnerable, to be forgiving. It is the time to release control and acknowledge our limits. We cannot and should not control everything that happens. When we let go of control, we make room for the unimaginable. Let's imagine letting the universe take over. Sure, things may not go according to our plans, but life is not meant to be controlled. It is meant to be lived. At the same time, if we feel we've made mistakes along the way, the February Full Moon is an opportunity to evolve, to stop feeling the need to be perfect, to know all the answers.
The Effects of the February 2024 Full Moon in Virgo on Each Zodiac Sign:

Let go of the idea of having to please everyone because it's exhausting. Focus less on the outcome and more on the process.

You need to recharge your energy. Start treating yourself well and taking care of yourself.

Worrying too much about the future is pointless. Enjoy the present.

Being introspective is good, but you should also learn to be more forgiving of yourself. Appreciate who you have become.

You don't need to overthink or analyze your choices, Leo. Have confidence in yourself and the path you've taken.

This lunation encourages you to open up to others and seek harmony in your relationships. Start sharing, trust.

Live this moment of spiritual growth, seek peace in solitude.

You are exactly where you need to be right now. Be present. Live this Full Moon with those who matter to you.

Finally, your efforts will be recognized. It's a good time to apply for your dream job or face the exam that makes you most anxious.

Stop letting haters make you doubt yourself. Devour a self-esteem cake.

Abandon your fears and let emotions and instinct guide you.

When will you learn not to criticize or judge yourself and others? Remember that no one is perfect, but that's okay.