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May 2024 horoscope

The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass

May's sky invites us to touch the grass. And thank goodness, since we are in the midst of spring season. This month combines the need to keep our feet firmly on the ground with the desire to breathe light air that transports us towards new perspectives, always maintaining a relaxed mood.

What will be the most important transits of May 2024?

May opens on the 8th with the New Moon in Taurus. Following last month's eclipse, this Moon embraces new beginnings with a more grounded temperament and a practical vision of achieving our dreams, without neglecting an outlook focused on aesthetic refinement.

On May 15, Mercury enters Taurus

To support this lunar transition, Mercury enters Taurus on May 15. This transit makes us attentive to details and organized in our ideas. During this period, we may receive help to act forcefully, also thanks to Mars in Aries.

The Gemini season begins on May 20

A breath of fresh and playful air arrives on May 20, with the start of the Gemini season. Curiosity will be at the heart of this new astrological season, bringing with it dynamism and euphoria. Just in time for the summer season.

On May 23, full moon in Sagittarius

Double trouble on May 23. The Full Moon arrives in the sign of Sagittarius. We are at the peak of lunar energies, accompanied by an exploratory sign. If anyone had lost hope, now is the time to pick yourself up and face the period with optimism and confidence, which will not be lacking.

On this date, the transit of Venus into Gemini also begins, which goes directly against the Full Moon. These will be delicate days, full of potential disagreements and contrasts. Venus in Gemini invites us to unite head and heart: there is a need to create mental connections and to experiment. New flirts are on the horizon!

On May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini

To conclude the month of May, Jupiter's entry into Gemini starting from the 25th of the month. We move towards intellectuality and reflection, especially in everything related to outward communication. This transit will accompany us for the rest of 2024, and luck will begin to turn for some signs.

May 2024 Horoscope: Aries

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500525

Spring makes you go full throttle. Mars is in your sign, allowing you to start many things. You have a lot of strength and determination within you, and this is the best time to use it. After Mercury Retrograde, Aries, you have clarified your ideas, and you are increasingly ready to bring out a new version of yourself, more convivial and less aggressive. The Full Moon at the end of the month will shed light on your feelings and bring out an instinct for independence.

Magic moment: May 5, the air gets hotter and hotter!

Get out and... immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, prefer a countryside run or a park stroll.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Taurus

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500524

You shine brighter than ever, dear Taurus! In fact, we are in the midst of your season, and the transits support you. New beginnings for your projects are on the horizon with the New Moon. Jupiter in your sign gives you one last sprint before saying goodbye: if you want, you can make your dreams come true. As if that weren't enough, Mercury in your sign will organize your chaos to make room for clear and targeted thoughts. Love accompanies you, even if you are focused on yourself. Try to carve out some space for others; someone might feel left out.

Magic moment: May 8, a new beginning is coming.

Get out and... organize a tour of agritourisms and farms, with organic products and lots of company.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Gemini

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500523

Your moment is getting closer and closer! May will be a month of changes for you. The transits are getting closer to your sign. Time will tell: in the second half of the month, you will be reborn. Venus will be by your side, helping you establish good relationships based on communication. Along with your astrological season, a nice birthday wish will come with Jupiter in your sign. The combination of these transits could lead you to achieve some success in the artistic field. A new love will blossom.

Magic Moment: May 25, you're the luckiest person in the zodiac!

Step out and... enjoy a picnic amidst daisies.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Cancer

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500522

May is an up-and-down month for Cancer. You expected a calm spring, but it's more chaotic than you thought. The transits in Taurus support you, but Mars is not on your side. You feel like you're on a continuous treadmill, always rushing and without breaks. Everything is moving fast, which destabilizes you because you need to tackle things at your own pace. You might find yourself handing in work or tasks at the last minute. At the end of the month, you'll manage to enjoy a relaxing moment in good company thanks to the Gemini season.

Magic Moment: May 11, live in the moment without worries.

Step out and... treat yourself to a spritz after work.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Leo

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500521

A somewhat tense month. The transits in Taurus are not in your favor. Especially Mercury brings with it unexciting communication and difficulty in making your voice heard in a way that suits you. Mars in Aries helps your passion: thanks to its assertive energy, you'll be able to assert yourself and show what you're made of, Leo. Setbacks don't scare you. The end of the month will be full of moments to socialize.

Magic Moment: May 14, you can make great achievements.

Step out and... start a weekend with an happy hour.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Virgo

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500520

A sweet May. Mercury and Venus will be in your favor for almost the entire month, a combination that will help you convey all your charisma and be at ease in social situations, despite your tendency to be reserved. You'll appreciate moments with friends and family. Jupiter will support you: if you have projects or ideas you want to accomplish, take advantage of it. With the arrival of the Gemini season, things will change, and getting what you want will become a challenge.

Magic Moment: May 15, new ideas bring guidance.

Step out and... dedicate yourself to plein air painting, immerse yourself in an impressionist's mindset.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Libra

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500519

You've made some nice changes in your life recently, but it's not easy to adapt to the newness. Mars is opposite your sign, and some unresolved matters may arise, so be measured when communicating something. Arguments are around the corner. A sweet note at the end of the month with the arrival of Gemini. Venus will uplift spirits and restore some form of balance.

Magic Moment: May 20, let yourself be carried away by the gentle breeze of this day.

Step out and... take a deep breath, attend a yoga/pilates retreat.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Scorpio

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500518

This period for Scorpio is proceeding in fits and starts, as if there are constantly stop signals along the road you're traveling. The transits are opposite your sign, which is quite nerve-wracking for you. You'd like to live an easy life, all roses and flowers, but that's not the case: you have to deal with someone or something, and Venus and Mercury will try to help you find a meeting point or compromise, while Mars pushes you to be explosive and uncompromising.

Magic Moment: May 22, you'll manage to accomplish everything you hope for.

Step out and... read a good book under a tree.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Sagittarius

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500517

An emotional rollercoaster in May as well. Your feelings take the spotlight, and it's not just about relationship feelings but also about yourself, your sense of independence, and your needs. The Full Moon accentuates all of this. Enjoy this moment of connection with what you feel, make a selection of what feels right or wrong in your life. It's time to turn the page and connect with your deepest feelings.

Magic Moment: May 23, treat yourself to a detox from everything and everyone.

Step out and... lay out a blanket and admire the stars.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Capricorn

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500516

Dear Capricorn, this spring month will be great both in terms of relationships and socially. With Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in your favor, success is assured if you take the right direction and clearly express your every request. But be careful how you get involved because Mars won't support you; in fact, it could hinder your path. Time flies and doesn't come back; act quickly.

Magic Moment: May 26, butterflies will flutter in your stomach.

Step out and... stay in a rustic estate, surrounded by the greenery of nature.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Aquarius

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500515

In your head echoes a "it could be worse." All in all, you're in a phase of your life where you don't mind what's happening around you, and May confirms it. Despite everything and despite ups and downs, you remain confident and stay on your path. Jupiter will remain against you for a little while longer. As soon as it moves into the sign of Gemini, things will change in the blink of an eye. Along with Venus, it will give you unforgettable moments with your sweetheart, and if you don't have one, perhaps you'll meet them.

Magic Moment: May 1, toast with bubbles.

Step out and... dedicate yourself to gardening; if you don't know where to start, sign up for a course.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐

May 2024 Horoscope: Pisces

May 2024 horoscope The astrological forecasts and important dates to go and touch grass | Image 500514

Take advantage of May to indulge in relaxation. Don't waste your energy unnecessarily; instead, take care of yourself for the summer, see it as a standstill moment. The transits in Gemini might give you a hard time at the end of the month; don't be surprised if you have difficulty feeling understood. You're in a phase of long transformation, and only towards the end will you feel fulfilled. In this phase, others' opinions will become a distant memory. Unleash your creativity.

Magic Moment: May 31, an unexpected sweet ending.

Step out and... after a walk in the park, make a stop at the ice cream parlor.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐