June 2024 horoscope
Get ready for summer with astrological forecasts and important days

May 31st, 2024
We've come to the tail end of spring, a season rich with movement between peaks of chaos and moments of calm. June is the most bubbly month of all. The Gemini season accompanies us from a season of duty, between study and work, until the much-awaited summer, a season where we'll feel relaxed, eager to leave home, and break away from the routine.
What will be the most important transits of June 2024?
This month's sky begins with the transit of Mercury in Gemini starting from June 3rd. It will be a moment where chatter intensifies, and we need to share ideas and thoughts. Some might dive into studying new subjects or disciplines. Watch out for gossip.
June 6th: New Moon in Gemini
On June 6th, the energy of the New Moon of the month arrives in the sign of Gemini. This moon accentuates our movement towards increased communication in any form: verbal, written, etc. Perfect for those who have to take an exam or attend an important meeting. Remember, alongside this, there will be Jupiter in Gemini, the ultimate supporter of our successes in the realms of studies, projects, and travels. Everything falls into place!
June 9th: Mars transits into Taurus
Mars begins its transit into Taurus on June 9th, and everything slows down. Let's tackle things step by step, without any hurry: there's no need to rush. If we feel overwhelmed by tasks, let's try to keep in mind that the best way to tackle them is one at a time.
June 17th: Mercury and Venus enter Cancer
A double feature on June 17th with the entry of Mercury and Venus into the sign of Cancer. Are we ready to be overwhelmed by a sea of emotions? Communication becomes sweet and understanding; there will be a push towards listening to others' needs, becoming more empathetic. It's time to set aside logic and activate our intuition. The emotional sphere is colored with romanticism; stories with a poetic hue could emerge. There's a deeper connection with others and a propensity to take care of those in front of us, but also a great desire to receive affectionate attention from them: it can't always be about giving.
June 20th: Summer Solstice and the Cancer Astrological Season Arrive
The Summer Solstice arrives on June 20th along with the Cancer season. We're caught up in the energy of summer, but let's not forget to nurture our inner selves. Yes to fun, but following our hearts is good too!
June's Full Moon is in Capricorn
The Full Moon of the month shines in the sign of Capricorn, and the keyword is independence. Let go of people and things that drag you down and that don't understand your worth.
June 2024 Horoscope: Aries
Finish everything you started in the early days of the month because with Mars in Taurus, there will be a need to slow down. It won't hurt you; in fact, enjoy some peace and quiet and don't overdo it. Starting mid-month, Venus will no longer be in your favor, and you'll need to become very good at balancing your needs with those of others. It can't always revolve around you. Don't neglect those around you; it's easy to get caught up in arguments and quarrels.
Magic Moment: June 1, start with a bang.
Get ready for summer by staying hydrated.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Taurus
You're coming from a pleasant month, and everything seems rosy. Mars enters your sign and stays there for a while: get ready to play all your cards. You'll feel full of energy and won't have time to sit idle. Not everything has to be about work: make room for your creative activities; Mercury in Cancer will give you the ability to open up emotionally to others. Don't be too rigid.
Magic Moment: June 9, show yourself and make your mark.
Get ready for summer without fearing the swimsuit test; you're super hot.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Gemini
Happy Birthday dear Gemini. Not only are we in the midst of your season, but Mercury and Venus will be in your sign until mid-month. The combination will make you communicative in relationships, ready to share and understand. Jupiter in your sign will be the icing on the cake and will make your birthday unforgettable. Changes are around the corner, follow your heart.
Magic Moment: June 6th, dreams are wishes that will come true.
Get ready for summer: gossip is around the corner and you are the main character.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Cancer
You are carefree. We are heading into a period full of emotions, which is good for your energy. Mercury and Venus from mid-month will be in your sign. You will see a maturation in your relationships, you will see the beginning of many things taking shape. If you're thinking about it, it's time to move in together, get married, or start a family, depending on the phase of life you are in right now. The domestic walls are spaces for new achievements. Let your creativity and intuition flow, don't be too analytical.
Magic Moment: June 20th, give me three words... sun, heart, and love.
Get ready for summer by dedicating yourself to romance in your free time.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Leo
After some ups and downs, take a sigh of relief, all in all, June looks promising and doesn't dampen your mood. Gemini's season leaves room for leisure time, and with Mars against you this month, it's good to try to relax. Venus in Gemini, in the first half of the month, might attract some flirts. If you're open to starting a new relationship, it might come in the second half of the month.
Magic Moment: June 11th, radiance will be with you.
Get ready for summer by decluttering your closet, make room for new summer purchases.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Virgo
The Gemini season tries to endanger your desires, but Mars in Taurus will be on your side all month long. Trust yourself, if you want, you can. Find awareness in your potential, even though it will be difficult to be understood by others as long as Mercury remains in Gemini. The full moon brings clarity about your personal needs and your work. If you have plans to change roles or even fields, go for it. It doesn't hurt to try, and you can give your life a new direction.
Magic Moment: June 13, opportunities will abound, go with the flow.
Prepare for summer by avoiding procrastination; you can spend the coming months in total relaxation.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Libra
Relax your nerves, the energies of the period are in sync with yours. Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are on your side, and socializing will be plentiful. You can't wait to go out and spend time with others, especially with your friends. Take advantage of this moment to focus on your needs. The Full Moon against you will test you, but you'll be able to keep your spirits high without letting overwhelming emotions bring you down.
Magic Moment: June 15, let the party begin!
Prepare for summer by taking care of your skin. Don't forget the sunscreen.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Scorpio
It's a battle: on one side, Mars in Taurus challenges your nerves because you don't like slowness and this transit invites you to take things slowly without rushing. On the other side, Venus will favor you from mid-month, making butterflies flutter in your stomach. New encounters might develop into something serious and lasting, just don't put obstacles in your own way. Take advantage of the Gemini season to learn to be a bit more carefree.
Magic Moment: June 17, heartbeat without worries.
Prepare for summer by organizing your playlist for seaside walks.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Sagittarius
This astrological season doesn't align with your essence. Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are not in your favor, making it difficult to balance your usual way with the easy and simple communication of Gemini. Gossip may swirl around you, but it's up to you not to give it weight: you know the truth. Take this time as a sabbatical from duty and do some introspective analysis of yourself and what you really want from life.
Magic Moment: June 21, free your mind and follow your instincts.
Prepare for summer by taking care of yourself, visit the beautician for a glow-up.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Capricorn
June is divided between willpower, action, and emotion. Mars in Taurus invites you to be active in your daily life and put into practice all the lessons learned so far. Mercury and Venus, mid-month, will oppose your sign and you'll need to learn to connect with others more deeply. Break down the walls you've built, and the Full Moon in your sign at the end of the month will show you the positive outcomes of letting go. Be open to new experiences and people, you'll have much to gain.
Magic Moment: June 25, love yourself and others will follow.
Prepare for summer by hitting the gym regularly, you'll appreciate the results.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Aquarius
A month of ups and downs. Gemini season aligns with your energies, especially thanks to Mercury, which brings the power of sharing into your life, making you feel good about connecting with others. Your thoughts will not stay just in your mind but will take shape through words. The downside is Mars in Taurus. You’ll feel tense, making it difficult to implement your plans. Step by step, you can do everything, but it won't be easy.
Magic Moment: June 25, your thoughts will be clear.
Prepare for summer by soaking up some vitamin D from the early sun.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
June 2024 Horoscope: Pisces
You thought June might be dull, but it turns out to be quite nice. The transits in Gemini at the beginning of the month will cause some nervousness, but by mid-month, you’ll feel much better. Mercury and Venus favor you in Cancer: it's a great time to strengthen your relationships or make new acquaintances. You're intuitive: listen to your emotions and let yourself be carried away.
Magic Moment: June 27, close one door to open another.
Prepare for summer by enrolling in an outdoor yoga class.
LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐