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The New Moon in Cancer demands tenderness

Its effect on all zodiac signs

The New Moon in Cancer demands tenderness Its effect on all zodiac signs

On July 6th, the New Moon is in Cancer. This astrological event, which falls between two Full Moons in Capricorn, encourages us to make space in our lives for everything that nurtures us, both emotionally and spiritually. We can interpret it as a reminder, a post-it note urging us to welcome new experiences, people, or ideas into our lives. It’s challenging but also enriching, shaping who we are, how we grow, and how we move through the world.

The main advice is to take some time to take care of ourselves, seek comfort and love, and embrace newness and the little joys of life with great tenderness. Light scented candles, sip your favorite drinks, and open yourself to new possibilities. Amplify others' light if you don’t feel ready to shine.

New Moon in Cancer, its effects on each zodiac sign

Aries: It feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world. Perhaps, aided by the New Moon, you should stay home for a while, with yourself. It’s not boring: rest is crucial.

Taurus: Don’t surround yourself with people who negatively influence you. Self-respect should be your priority. Behave well, pay attention to how you spend your time.

Gemini: You need to work to achieve what you want, even in your free time. Keep your heart and mind open to new opportunities; you will leave a mark. Embrace chances and let them guide you.

Cancer: Celebrate life, always. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself and others, try not to be disappointed. Take a deep breath and put compassion above all.

Leo: You’re a slave to the need for validation and the fear of not being enough, which prevents you from caring for others. Seek a solution, but don’t try to solve everything at once.

Virgo: Speak openly, and ask yourself if you’re perhaps too mature for some relationships from your past. Are your friends still your friends, are you still aligned? Reevaluate and make space for growth.

Libra: You’ve manifested, and now you’re reaping the rewards. Whatever your goal, keep going. Be interested in everything; now is the time. Don’t forget tenderness.

Scorpio: Don’t be limited by prejudices and beliefs; embrace the affection of your family. This New Moon is a reminder: surround yourself with sweetness and maternal energy, learn from feminine dynamics.

Sagittarius: Opening up is difficult, and many people don’t understand your way of communicating and being expansive. Be selective about whom you open up to; you will receive loyalty and commitment in return. Step out of your comfort zone.

Capricorn: It’s a sweet period like candy. Indulge in a flirtation, create and deepen bonds based on shared feelings. Beware of the tricks your mind plays on you. Wait for the Full Moon.

Aquarius: The New Moon highlights the need to take care of your health. There’s no escaping it. Stop neglecting yourself, stop punishing yourself. Let go of hardness and take control of your life again.

Pisces: The New Moon makes you playful despite everything. You’re frustrated with the world, but you need to find new ways to navigate the world, work, and relationships, even when it seems like everything is going wrong.