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The Sun opposes Pluto: emotions take over

Pay attention to the red flags, in all areas of life: the effect of transits on zodiac signs

The Sun opposes Pluto: emotions take over Pay attention to the red flags, in all areas of life: the effect of transits on zodiac signs

Summer is in full swing, and the Leo season has just begun, characterized (as always) by a decisive, charismatic, expressive, and self-focused approach. This year, the Sun in Leo also brings an opposition to Pluto, its furthest planet, which is retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. Rational, unconventional, scientific, and contrarian, its encounter with the Sun might provoke emotional crises, jealousy, possessiveness, and transformation.

Sun Opposite Pluto: What Does It Mean?

On the morning of July 23, the Sun faced Pluto, in opposite signs. Such transits highlight opposing relationships, emphasizing two sides of the same coin. They occur in signs that share the same mode (both cardinal, fixed, or mutable) but belong to different elements (in this case, Aquarius air "against" Leo fire).

Sun Opposite Pluto: Its Effect on Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: You don't know whether to express your passions or support your friends. You risk becoming authoritarian and controlling. Put your creativity first and run towards joy.

Taurus: Someone is causing you stress, negatively impacting your emotional well-being and inner life. You need to be aware of this and find the strength to free yourself from what harms you.

Gemini: Your lifestyle isn't aligned with those around you, so your beliefs are constantly being challenged, and the power dynamics are unbalanced. Try to manage the change.

Cancer: Do your best to see where this moment of change leads, but always stay in tune with your values and needs. Banish jealousy and possessiveness, whether yours or others'.

Leo: Has someone abandoned you when you needed them? Have you left a friend behind? Whatever the case, it's time to get to work: set boundaries, cut ties. It's a psychological transit, allow your inner voice to express itself.

Virgo: This transit strengthens your understanding of emotions and what triggers them. What you discover may not be pleasant, but you need to face it. Dismantle negative mechanisms, go through the moment.

Libra: You always tend to keep the peace and release control, so this transit feels quite strange to you. See it as an opportunity to express yourself and transform, without overdoing it.

Scorpio: Someone more powerful than you is negatively affecting your mental and emotional well-being. You are only thinking about work and neglecting family and friends. You feel overwhelmed, but you must endure.

Sagittarius: Commitments distract you, you neglect yourself and your desires. Do you find well-being in relationships with your friends? Do you tell them? You should, and often. Expressing yourself is good for you.

Capricorn: Some dynamics are making you uncomfortable. You don't like envy, but you are comfortable being pragmatic and practical to get through difficult times. Add a touch of introspection and stop ignoring emotional problems.

Aquarius: You feel manipulated, past resentments resurface. Manage them by being honest with yourself about the reciprocity of your relationships. Show yourself in a new way and free yourself.

Pisces: Change gears, clean your daily life from commitments that stress you out. Change the way you think about your life: you need to feel on the right track.