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Mercury transits in Virgo: its effect on all zodiac signs

Our inner voice has never been so annoying (but also effective)

Mercury transits in Virgo: its effect on all zodiac signs Our inner voice has never been so annoying (but also effective)

On July 25th, the planet Mercury will transit into the sign of Virgo and will remain there until August 15th. This is a particularly long Mercury cycle, as it will be retrograde from August 5th. The relationship between this planet (which influences communication and acts in the field of helping others, family, intellect, and marital life) and this sign (which controls, judges, and maneuvers) is very particular, and invites learning. That annoying inner voice of yours, the one that criticizes you and doesn’t let you live, finally finds a constructive and positive outlet in this transit, and solutions to problems rain down from the sky, or almost.

Mercury in Virgo: Its Effect on All Zodiac Signs


This Mercury transit makes you more organized and tidy, even if only temporarily. That’s fine too. Get rid of paperwork, use apps and technology to simplify and organize your life and to-do list. Don’t let yourself be managed, manage yourself.


Your creative skills take center stage. Pay attention to the details of your creative projects, keep your ears and eyes open to catch the signals the universe (and your subconscious) want to send you, observe what you create. Everything will be useful, sooner or later.


Your challenge and task is to break free from old habits. You don’t always have to do things the same way: try looking at things from a different angle, you might experience a breakthrough. Take a risk, but make it a calculated one. After all, we’re talking about Virgo.


It all depends on how you say what you say. If you don’t feel supported, a simple adjustment of your tone of voice could change everything. Reflect on the impression you give others, see yourself from their point of view. Only then can you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back.


Reduce impulsive purchases, rationalize your spending habits, examine your finances. Look for good deals, ask your advisor or accountant for advice. Arrive in September richer than ever.


Mercury, when it transits your sign, always brings good news, as it is also your ruling planet. Your communication skills are exceptional, use them. Write letters, articles, essays. Your intelligence will shine through.


There’s a problem with interpretation. Everything you say is misinterpreted. Think carefully before you speak and post, then. Take a break from social media, use the time you save to figure out what really makes you happy. Start a dream journal.


Think strategically, draw up a battle plan. Whatever it is you want to conquer, proceed smartly, keep track of your path and progress. Stay on track and stop improvising.


Think before you speak. Careless words may come back to haunt you in the near future. Speak with honesty, adhere to your highest and noblest ideals. The people around you will support you: you can be very persuasive.


You’ve never had so many doubts, even from a spiritual perspective. You try to analyze everything, but the analytical approach isn’t always the right one. Don’t question your identity: focus Virgo’s critical energy on something more concrete.


This transit helps you calm your emotions in difficult situations, whatever they may be. Take a step back, think carefully about your reactions and responses. Try not to be impulsive: you need space to breathe.


You want to defend the vulnerable and the people you love, and you can. Dedicate yourself to volunteering, promote a charitable cause. Don’t hesitate to tell your loved ones how you feel about them: this transit focuses on intimate and sincere communication.