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Let's get ready for the New Moon in Leo

Its effect on all zodiac signs

Let's get ready for the New Moon in Leo Its effect on all zodiac signs

On August 4th, the New Moon will be in the sign of Leo. This is an important transit, as always when it comes to the Moon, which will be highly influential for our month of August, so it should be closely watched. Every New Moon is an event, a beginning, the opening of a cycle. Always. However, with the addition of Leo, things get complicated. This sign is ruled by the Sun, is bold, vain but also a hopeless romantic and a great promoter of joy and cheer. It adds a certain drama to the New Moon's renewing energy, demanding us to be clear and confident, putting aside any shyness. There's no room for delicacies.

New Moon in Leo: the lucky signs

Aquarius and Leo are absolutely the two signs that will best harness the renewing energy of this New Moon in Leo. In general, the transit removes the blindfolds from our eyes and helps us face reality. If it's beautiful, we rediscover it and are happy; if it's ugly, we can start to do something to change it.

New Moon in Leo: the meaning for all zodiac signs


The New Moon in Aries influences the house of pleasure and creation. Embrace the new lunar cycle with enthusiasm; it could prove to be particularly romantic. Happiness will come, but you must pursue your passions and realize your creative ideas. Dedicate your time to what fills your heart.


Even if it seems like you’re stagnant right now, know that it’s not true, and the next 6 months will bring significant personal development. Family worries are coming, but don’t let them monopolize you. Learn something, even in difficulty. The lunar energy helps you create a space suitable for you and your needs.


The New Moon in Leo can calm your frantic thoughts. Your passion, usually fleeting, becomes lasting and serious. You are intrigued by the possibilities opening up before you. Choose those that suit you and your life best, and be careful not to bet everything on a shaky romance.


It’s a period of prosperity, both economically and generally. You get what you want, but be careful: what really makes you feel rich? Money only goes so far. Work on your self-esteem, don’t get distracted by shiny material things. You’re not a crow.


You shine, but that's nothing new. For the next six months, your main focus will be on you, for better or worse. It might be stressful, for instance, not feeling like yourself or thinking so much about it that you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror. Don’t worry, give yourself time to discover, grow, and improve.


Who are you when no one is watching? Open a crack and let the light in. Showing yourself isn’t natural for you, but you must accept that you’re not perfect and overcome your fears. The New Moon helps you. You’ll be surprised by the warm reception you’ll receive by showing who you really are.


Your friendships are put to the test by the New Moon. Old and new relationships are your main focus during this period. Perhaps, some are not as strong and deep as you think. Who supports your dreams and who tries to sabotage them? Observe reactions to your success and decide accordingly.


Everyone will have something to say about you. Don’t be afraid of the spotlight, it will bring praise and recognition. Don’t hide, but at the same time, don’t get carried away. Give yourself permission to occupy space in the world and celebrate your victories.


Focus on the goal, put on your blinders, and head straight towards the objective. You tend to get distracted, wanting to be everywhere all the time. The Moon invites you to choose a single path, at least for a while. Your determination will help you get what you want. Complete your spiritual journey.


It's time to let someone into your heart and life; it’s time to trust again. The New Moon in Leo acts on your house of secrets. You need to give yourself permission to be vulnerable and open up to others, but you need your own time. Give it to yourself, it’s the right moment.


You need to start considering commitment, especially in your relational and love life. If you’re single, this New Moon opens up to romantic connections. If you’re already in a relationship, be ready to take it to the next level. Don’t be afraid; you deserve all the good things coming your way.


Find a reason to smile, you’ll need it to get through tough days. Practice gratitude every day. This lunar cycle highlights the willpower and reminds you that life is what you decide to make of it. Change your routine, find something that motivates you to move forward.