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Venus is in Virgo: it's time to love eachother

The effect on all zodiac signs

Venus is in Virgo: it's time to love eachother The effect on all zodiac signs

Are you familiar with the pleasant experiences of life? Those moments when you feel in harmony with the earthly world, surrounded by beauty and sincere connections? These moments are usually governed by Venus, the planet of romance, which enters the sign of Virgo, practical, earthy, and analytical, between the 4th and 5th of August. Together, they invite us to adopt a thoughtful approach to our relationships, creative expressions, and finances.

What happens when Venus is in Virgo?

In astrology, Venus governs relationships, pleasure, values, and money. The nature of Virgo, ruled by Mercury, tends to be cerebral, communicative, detail-oriented, caring, and health-conscious. During this transit, we will all be more inclined to make ourselves useful and show our affection through practical gestures. It's the perfect time to show our loved ones that we care. Additionally, Virgo favors stimulating conversations and sincere messages, enhancing our connection with those around us.

Venus in Virgo: Meaning and Effects on All Zodiac Signs


Even while doing boring daily chores, surround yourself with love and affection, and take plenty of walks with company. Everything is better when done together. Seek lightheartedness.


Put work and responsibilities on the back burner and immerse yourself in the moment. Venus in Virgo invites love into your life, and you’ve never been more seductive. It's time to trust your instincts.


Venus makes you domestic, prioritizing family traditions, home improvement projects, and nurturing your bonds. Finally, a relaxing transit for you.


You're taking on too many social commitments and are a bit tired. It's worth it. Open yourself to new acquaintances, who are smart and sharp. You never know.


Share your ideas with a close friend; they might help clarify your situation, your future, and your desires. Look within yourself and then open up to the world.


You have a rewarding and artistic season ahead. You will come out strengthened and powerful. Reflect on your self-confidence and make the necessary changes.


You love to share your stories, but it’s time to keep something to yourself. Some secrets are good for you, they protect you. Focus on yourself, your emotions, and how you handle them.


At work, you're a powerhouse, but it's early August. Redirect your energies to other places, literally. Make new friends: some connections are overwhelming (in a good way).


Use Venus's energy to manifest what you want, imagine all the ideal scenarios for yourself, and don’t hold back your imagination, it might help you understand what you need.


You’re a bit restless but also eager to take off, especially if you can do it with the people you care about. Book a trip, relax, and enjoy new experiences.


Deepen your bonds, express your needs and desires with that person who has recently entered your life. Shed light on everything that has been in the shadows.


You prefer one-on-one connections, but maybe it's time to try being in a group. It will do you a lot of good. Venus brings harmony and healing.