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The Tarot of the End of Summer

What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign

I have associated each zodiac sign with a card from the Major Arcana of the Marseille Tarot deck, and in this article, I will explain the meaning, the hidden messages, and, why not, offer some tips to make the most of this period.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Aries

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521073

Arcana X: The Wheel of Fortune

This Arcana signifies evolution. Aries, this is a period where significant changes will occur, impacting various aspects of your life. Something remarkable is coming your way! Your task is to embrace newness and the transformations of the upcoming months without resistance. The secret is to approach these metamorphoses and changes with enthusiasm and never be detached. If you follow the advice given by the Wheel of Fortune, you will find that even the most significant changes will bring you peace and well-being. Fortunately, your active and aware nature will support you.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Taurus

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521069

Arcana XVIIII: The Sun

The Sun is one of my favorite cards because it carries extremely positive messages, regardless of the surrounding cards or the queries of the seekers. The Sun illuminates everything with its beneficial light, Taurus. Do you have a work project? Realize it. Have you met someone you like? Go for it. Do you have an idea, a goal, something you put aside because you didn't believe in yourself enough? Act now! The next few months will be filled with success and positivity. Trust in your abilities! This card tells you that everything will be alright.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Gemini

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521072

Arcana XII: The Hanged Man

This card often causes fear when it appears in a reading, but it can also have a beneficial meaning if you know how to perceive it. The Hanged Man represents a young man hanging upside down between two trees, and the first idea that comes to mind is stasis. The next few months, Gemini, might be somewhat stagnant, immobile, and rigid. It could be a work or family stalemate, a period where it feels like nothing is moving despite your efforts to bring about change. Your task is to be patient. Use this period for introspection, to understand where you are heading, and to confront yourself.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Cancer

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521071

Arcana XIII: Death

Also known as the Nameless Arcana, it carries a positive message. Do not fear, Cancer! Something is simply coming to an end for you: a relationship, an acquaintance, a friendship, a job, a university project, and so on. In the coming months, something significant in your life might end. As much as possible, you need to let it go and remember that from the end comes new beginnings. The end of a cycle is nothing but the beginning of another.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Leo

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521076

Arcana III: The Empress

The next few months are ideal for you to take concrete action. Let me explain: it might be the right time to ask for a raise, a change in role, a new assignment, or more and greater responsibilities. It might also be the right time to finally express your opinions on something you disagree with, whether at work or emotionally, with your partner or manager. Thirdly, it might be the moment to start fighting for a cause you care deeply about. In short, Leo, the Empress has taken you under her protective and beneficial wing: it's the right time for you to assert your ideas and convictions.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Virgo

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521077

The Fool is the beginning before the beginning: it is Arcana 0.

In the coming months, you might face a sharp change in direction in your life. It might seem strange, given your rational and methodical nature, but you should let go a little. The Fool Arcana is pure impulse, it lives eternally in the present, without thinking about the future or the consequences of the present on the future. Sometimes, Virgo, you need to let go and take risks, even those that might seem crazy. If in the coming months you feel like you're walking an uncertain path or making an uncalculated decision, trust your instincts! And if your instinct says yes, then that might be the best path for you: dive headfirst into this change. This Arcana is here to remind you that sometimes a bit of madness is necessary.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Libra

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521074

Arcana VIIII: The Hermit

The Hermit is a very particular Arcana, often associated with solitude and introspection. This is a time, at the end of summer, for you to meditate on yourself and to start, very calmly, to build your personal identity. This process can be very slow, dear Libra, so do not rush. In the coming months, you might be faced with decisions: the advice of this Arcana is to not act hastily, to think, analyze all possible consequences of one choice over another, and especially to be open to new solutions and perspectives. You might also feel the need to be alone. If so, follow that need, as you will benefit from a moment for yourself.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Scorpio

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521067

Arcana XXI: The World

The World is an extremely positive card, symbolized by a woman dancing naked, with her loose hair representing freedom. In the coming months, you can expect a period of almost total harmony with yourself and your surroundings. Scorpio, it's time to reap the rewards of your hard work over the past years. Your efforts will be rewarded, and you will finally feel good. The extremely positive aura you emit will attract other positive things. For this reason, it is also the most favorable time to manifest for the future.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Sagittarius

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521068

Arcana XX: Judgment

This Arcana always induces a bit of awe, perhaps due to its name or the imagery of three naked men with joined hands, as if in prayer, with a threatening angel above them, as if the moment of final judgment has come for those poor souls. I hope I didn't scare you, Sagittarius! Your fate in the coming months is much more like that of the three men than that of the executor. You need to define your priorities: there is something fundamentally imperfect in your life, and it's time to become aware of this and work to change it. Changes are part of life's journey, so be proactive!

Tarot Predictions 2024: Capricorn

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521070

Arcana XVII: The Star

Good fortune comes to those who wait! Capricorn, perhaps some time ago you embarked on a journey towards a goal that seems arduous and difficult to pursue. Do not be discouraged! Know that you just need to have a little more faith, as this card signifies protection and success for you. Be patient and stay hopeful, and you will see that, illuminated by the light of this Arcana, the ripe fruits of your efforts will be ready for harvest.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Aquarius

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521078

Arcana I: The Magician

The Magician is a young man standing before a table filled with objects; his face turned to the right, towards the future. What is the meaning of this card? In this period, you might feel a thirst for independence and freedom. The Magician is a card that will have an extremely positive impact on the upcoming period; you are heading towards the beginning of a new adventure.

Tarot Predictions 2024: Pisces

The Tarot of the End of Summer What do the next months hold for us according to the cards? A prediction sign by sign | Image 521075

Arcana VII: The Chariot

The Chariot is a very strong and virile Arcana, representing a man holding the reins of a chariot and two horses. It signifies determination and great confidence, control, and courage. Dear Pisces, in this late summer period, your aura is extremely positive. It is absolutely the right time to identify a goal, especially in the professional or academic field, and start implementing strategies to achieve it. The Chariot will bring you success in this regard. You will be full of good will. Even when you encounter obstacles on your path to this goal, discouragement will not be allowed: you will face any possible setbacks with tenacity and patience.