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The "Emily in Paris" character you are, according to your zodiac sign

Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel?

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel?

It's hard to deny that in these last moments of summer vacation, while the days for the luckiest among us continue to drift lazily by with swims in the sea, fish barbecues on the shore, sunset cocktails, afternoon naps, books to read, crossword puzzles to solve, or mountain walks in search of relief from the heat, there is another guilty pleasure that helps ease the thought of returning to the city and work: Emily in Paris. The show that everyone loves to hate has just returned to Netflix with its fourth (and final) season. The first part of the episodes is already available, while the second is scheduled for September 12. Finally, we'll discover the professional and romantic future of the American PR who moved to Paris in search of success and new adventures. Will she pursue Alfie, who left her because she still loves Gabriel, or will she fall for the handsome chef? Will Sylvie Grateau's new agency achieve the desired results? And what about Emily’s friends? What will happen to them? Over time, we've grown attached to the character played by Lily Collins and the rest of the cast; we’ve learned their beauty secrets and how to transform ourselves into French girls, identifying with them along the way. So, at this summer's end, why not have some fun and assign an Emily in Paris character to each zodiac sign?

Aries - Mindy Chen

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523337

Bold, enthusiastic, courageous, determined, and independent are adjectives that describe Mindy Chen well, but also an Aries. Think about it, everything we know about the aspiring singer reflects the fire sign governed by Mars. She left China to create the life she wants in Paris. To achieve her dreams, she gave up her family's luxury and wealth, preferring to support herself through her own efforts by working as a nanny and street artist, always determined to become a star. Like Aries, she maintained a positive attitude and continues to forge ahead on her path, wearing bolder outfits one after another.

Taurus - Gabriel

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523338

Taurus is an earth sign. Ruled by Venus, they appreciate the finer things in life, have a keen aesthetic sense, are loyal, patient, and synonymous with reliability and practicality. Does that remind you of anyone? Perhaps Gabriel? The chef who won Emily's heart dedicates himself entirely to his culinary passion and works hard in his restaurant to earn the coveted Michelin star. But he also reveals his attentive, caring, and sensual side in his private life. Who wouldn't want an omelet made by him?

Gemini - Camille

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523339

Camille is typical Gemini: cool, outgoing, and a little flirtatious. Beware, however, because she may show a double face that makes her unforgiving of betrayals and injustices. Therefore, when Camille discovers that there is still tenderness between her boyfriend and Emily, almost out of spite, she reveals it to everyone. The result? Alfie breaks up with Emily and Camille leaves the chef at the altar, but she struggles to break away from Gabriel and leave their romance in the past.

Cancer - Alfie

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523340

Behind the British composure, the detached attitude, and the sarcasm, Alfie hides a sensitive, romantic side, ready to do anything for those he loves. Just like a Cancer, who has a hard shell on the outside and a soft interior. During his relationship with Emily, he supports her career, encouraging her to develop her ideas, and even after their breakup, he continues to care for the young American.

Leo - Antoine Lambert

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523341

Antoine Lambert exudes charm, charisma, self-confidence, and a strong love for himself. Like every Leo, his mere presence lights up the room. His French allure is like a magnet that attracts everyone around him. The businessman finds his path intertwined with Sylvie, but also with Emily and Gabriel, for whom he finances the Parisian restaurant.

Virgo - Emily Cooper

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523342

Emily Cooper is a workaholic, perfectionist, punctual, and highly organized. The type of person who, like Virgo, is top of the class and freaks out if she doesn’t get an A+ on her test. That's why the Midwestern twenty-something always has her phone in hand, ready to tweet about her latest project or event. At times, her diligence can seem excessive and risks irritating her colleagues and the other people in her life. Even in her private life, Emily seems to spin around like a top, unsure of who her soulmate is. Maybe that’s why we like and dislike Emily at the same time?

Libra - Luc

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523343

Luc is quirky, mischievous, but also, in his own way, sweet. He loves art, fashion, and the good life. He can't stand disharmony, which is why when everyone was teasing her for being annoyingly American, he is the first of his French colleagues to try to make Emily feel comfortable at Savoir. He treats her like a friend and suggests that she work to live and not live to work. Like a true Libra, he is kind, honest, and trusting of others.

Scorpio - Sylvie Grateau

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523344

No one is more of a Scorpio than Sylvie. Charismatic, mysterious, fascinating, and a bit aloof, she is a tough career woman, never willing to lower her standards, neither for a company and certainly not for a man. At the same time, she has an extremely passionate side that further amplifies her allure. It’s no surprise that she is perhaps the favorite character in the entire series.

Sagittarius - Benoît

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523345

Sagittarius loves freedom and travel because they help broaden the mind. Idealistic by nature, they wish for a vie en rose, where everything is positive, just like Benoît. The musician is a free spirit, a happy, relaxed man at peace with himself and the rest of the world, who lets himself be carried away by the current and by his love for music. That’s why Mindy fell in love with him.

Capricorn - Madeline Wheeler

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523346

Capricorn is an earth sign governed by the planet of responsibility and karma, Saturn. Stubborn, ambitious, balanced, practical, and confident—does this remind you of a character from Emily in Paris? You guessed it: it's Madeline Wheeler. The marketing director of the Gilbert Group is a workaholic, willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy her ambition and advance her career. Even rushing to Paris in late pregnancy, with catchy outfits and a strict work schedule to follow that not even her water breaking or giving birth can slow down. All without batting an eye, relying on discipline and a bit of humor to handle any situation.

Aquarius - Julien

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523347

Like a true Aquarius, Julien is Savoir's “handyman.” Multitasking, creative, and quirky, he is always ready to apply for new projects, churn out original ideas, and spread office gossip, keeping Emily abreast of every Parisian social development. Moreover, he is not afraid to tell it like it is, without worrying about hurting the feelings of the object of his criticism. How many times has she branded her fellow American's looks and attitudes as too “ringard”?

Pisces - Pierre Cadault

The Emily in Paris character you are, according to your zodiac sign Is Emily more of a Virgo or a Gemini person? What about the handsome chef Gabriel? | Image 523348

Who is more creative, sensitive, and dreamy than Pierre Cadault? He’s a true Pisces who lets his heart and art guide him. His mood is often volatile, making him difficult to handle for those around him, but spending a little time with him reveals a big heart and many dreams waiting to be realized.