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The New Moon in Virgo invites us to let go of insecurities

Its meaning and effect on all zodiac signs

The New Moon in Virgo invites us to let go of insecurities Its meaning and effect on all zodiac signs

During the night between September 2nd and 3rd, a New Moon in Virgo rises, marking a significant and definitive transition from summer to autumn. This transit opens a door, creating opportunities and new beginnings that vary depending on your sign. And don't forget to check your ascendant!

New Moon in Virgo: Meaning and Effects, What to Do and What to Avoid

This transit is colored by responsibility and projects carried out with determination. The New Moon in Virgo helps us set intentions and then accomplish them. Governed by Earth, Virgo helps you recognize your worth. In short, this is the perfect time to let go of self-doubt, perfectionism, and self-criticism, so you can move towards your true potential with a light heart. Practice noticing where in your life you don't feel enough and try to understand why. Find the balance between who you could become and who you are right now. Stop comparing yourself to the ideal version of yourself because it limits you, but don't stop striving to improve. It's a fine line, but you can do it. The question to ask yourself is: how do I accept myself while also becoming better? The answer exists, but it must be sought.

New Moon in Virgo: Aries

Focus! During this New Moon, you will take on new tasks at work, which will keep you busy. Strive to create new habits and balance your work and personal life. If you're looking for a new job, don't give up, persevere. Only improvements lie ahead, but you have to make them happen.


Love is in the air! The New Moon brings love and romance into your life. If you're single, put yourself out there; if you're in a relationship, rekindle the spark. Don't forget to take care of your inner child with activities that nurture your creativity and new hobbies to explore.


It's time to slow down and put down roots. The New Moon invites you to focus on home, family, and domesticity. Make your living space more comfortable, do a deep cleaning, repaint the walls in your favorite color. If those around you don't want to join you in this endeavor, it might be time to let them go.


Get ready for a wave of inspiration. The New Moon in Virgo activates your creativity: a positive period lies ahead, especially in terms of ideas and projects. It's the perfect time to share your thoughts with the world: public speaking is key, and if you're afraid, it's time to leave that behind.


Financial matters are at the forefront of your mind. Whether it's a job offer, a passion project, or a raise, your finances are in the spotlight. Take advantage of this time to save money or look for deals, clearances, and super sales. It's the right moment.


Big changes are coming your way, Virgo! This New Moon is the most important of the year for you, as it provides a surge of new energy and creative potential that you must know how to use to your advantage. Step into the spotlight: the universe is on your side.


This New Moon invites you to rest. You need to recharge after a chaotic period. Slow down, and gradually you'll start feeling intuitive again and can begin focusing on the improvements you want to make in your life. Use this time to rest, reflect, and plan.


You're shining! This New Moon is like a grand illuminated stage that invites you to stand out. It's a great time for networking and connecting with others. You might even try dating apps. Either way, people can't help but notice you.


Aim for the stars, Sagittarius! Your career will get a nice boost during this New Moon, with new opportunities, job offers, promotions, and recognition. Use this time to strategize and achieve all your goals.


Adventure awaits and challenges you. Step out of your comfort zone. Whether it's traveling, taking a course, completing a project, or starting a new one, it doesn't matter: it's time to explore new territories.


Focus on your finances. The New Moon in Virgo opens doors, and you need to learn to manage your assets and investments. Don't take risks; it's a good time to acquire a new skill. Trust the advice you receive for once.


Relationships are at the center of your attention. Whether you're single or in a relationship, the New Moon encourages deep connections. If you're looking for love, seek someone who could be a long-term partner. If you're already committed, it's time to strengthen your bond.