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The tarot cards of the September New Year

How to start over and launch into autumn according to the cards

The tarot cards of the September New Year How to start over and launch into autumn according to the cards

September is the month of new beginnings; some even call it the true New Year. With the arrival of this month, many find themselves having to leave behind the summer lethargy, that temporary slowdown of everyday activities, and say goodbye, until next year, to the long and lazy summer days. The return to routine, combined with the fact that September is often associated with new beginnings—back to school, university, gym classes, the reopening of offices—can be a source of anxiety and stress for many. To cope with the melancholy that comes with bidding farewell to summer, it's time to turn to the Tarot cards and ask them what this month of mixed feelings and emotions has in store, where many may feel a sense of turmoil. The two cards from the Marseille Tarot deck I want to discuss today are the Magician and the Strength cards.

The Magician, Arcana I

Keywords: cunning, potential, beginning, youth, and skill.

First of all, it’s important to note that The Magician is the first card of the Tarot. Those passionate about this world will know that numerology plays a crucial role in cartomancy. The number I, in numerology, represents potential in its entirety. It's like a flower bud not yet in bloom: pure potential, lacking experience.

The tarot cards of the September New Year How to start over and launch into autumn according to the cards | Image 526074

In some depictions of this card, we see a young man standing in front of a table full of tools. These tools will be useful for his purposes, and he could work with each of them individually, or use them all together as he pleases. They hint at an unlimited number of opportunities, paths, and possibilities to pursue. This card brings new beginnings and marks an auspicious time to start something new, a transformation. If you have an ambition, a goal, or maybe a project that’s still just an idea, now is the best time to bring it to life. The Magician symbolizes great energy, motivation, and especially inspiration. Don’t be afraid—tap into your personal resources and use them for creative purposes. Be aware of them and start a new adventure; this card favors you. However, be mindful! Starting a new path also comes with a set of choices, and often when you choose something, you exclude something else.

The Strength, Arcana XI

Keywords: control, creativity, beginning, courage, determination.

Strength is Arcana XI, the first card of the second decimal series. It opens the way to unconscious energies. In the card, a woman is shown grasping the mouth of a lion beside her, seemingly taming it with ease. The young woman doesn’t struggle to control the animal; in fact, if you look closely, it seems she has the entire situation under control.

The tarot cards of the September New Year How to start over and launch into autumn according to the cards | Image 526212

The card represents two forces: the woman’s spiritual strength and the lion’s brute force. Spiritual strength manages to contain the material one, ultimately entering into a sort of harmony with it. This card is a tribute and invitation to self-control, patience, and—why not—sensitivity and gentleness. It signifies the beginning of an activity. However, it’s important to control your instincts, avoid acting impulsively, and keep your desires in check. This card encourages patience and suggests avoiding anything rushed or hasty. Often, when embarking on something new, the idea of enthusiasm comes along. Caution: It’s great to be excited about new projects, but remember that in this period, impulsiveness is your enemy! Be inspired by this young woman, who draws on all her calm and strength to tame the animal.

The two cards together, for a patient and productive beginning

The Magician without Strength might seem like a weak card. That’s not the case. Both, in their own way, initiate an activity: the Magician’s is more intellectual, while Strength’s is more organic and artistic, connected to deep creativity. The impulsiveness of the youthful image of the Magician contrasts with the self-control and balance of the female figure in the Strength card. If these two cards could speak, here’s what they’d say and their advice: this is the time to start a new path; avoid hasty decisions; resist impulses and temptations; first acknowledge your ambitions, then your potential: everything you need to reach your goals is within you; don’t expect immediate results, the journey is long, and finally: patience, because for those who can wait, time will open every door.