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Venus in Scorpio pushes us to love more

Its effect on all zodiac signs

Venus in Scorpio pushes us to love more Its effect on all zodiac signs

The Autumn Equinox quietly arrived over the weekend, bringing with it Libra season. However, another astrologically interesting event took place on September 22: Venus entered Scorpio, where it will stay until October 17. What can we expect? Let's find out together.

Venus Transits Scorpio: Meaning and What to Expect During This Period

Venus, the planet of love, pleasure, and beauty, is now immersed in Scorpio, a fixed water sign known for being stubborn and mysterious. We’ll be focused on the people we trust and want to keep in our lives. It's time to cultivate intimacy, not just physically but emotionally as well. This transit encourages us to seek union and closeness, but Scorpio isn’t accustomed to that and resists, responding to emotions with a certain rigidity. It will be a period of contrasts, but one that could lead to growth—or at least a few new friends.

Venus in Scorpio: Effects on All Zodiac Signs


You're already intense, Aries, but this Venus in Scorpio makes you even more intense. Dive deep: intimacy, sexuality, and sharing will be your top priorities. Finances also come into play with luck on your side.


Venus is your ruling planet, Taurus, and it might bring you new opportunities in love and relationships. If you’re single, look for something long-term. Just don’t let it become an obsession.


You need to find a balance between work and life, and fast! Relationships with colleagues flourish during Venus in Scorpio, making this the perfect time to embrace collaboration and take on new projects.


This is one of the most important periods of the year for your love life, dear Cancer. But you need to be ready to make the most of it. Don’t settle for less—have fun. Luck is finally on your side!


Venus is transiting through your home and domestic sector. Only positive vibes with friends and family. Take advantage of this energy to create lasting bonds, deepen existing ones, and stop being on the defensive.


An impulsive trip could reignite the flame of love. Impulsiveness isn't your strong suit, but it's worth cultivating during this transit. Step out of your comfort zone, and dive into writing.


Venus is transiting through your financial house, which has never been so prosperous and fortunate for you. But remember, wealth isn't everything. Don't isolate yourself from others—keep your heart open.


The universe is smiling down on you. Embrace pleasure and romance, as Venus in your sign puts you on the path of love. Ask for favors—they might just be granted. Even by the stars.


You need to rest and recharge your batteries. Focus on how you've lived over the past year. What do you see? A lot of growth or a lot of mistakes? Think it over, and avoid one-night stands—they’ll only confuse you.


You’ve never been so popular. Surrounded by friends and acquaintances, you're out every night. Keep your eyes open for networking opportunities. Have you ever thought about trying online dating apps? Now might be the right time.


You're not one to settle—you reach for the stars. If you’re on the right path, applause and recognition are coming your way. If not, change it! There's still time. Enjoy your success, but keep climbing.


You'll have the chance to explore new horizons. Plan your travels for next year, and follow through on your medium-to-long-term goals. Rediscover your spirituality, and break out of your routine.