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The crystals for autumn 2024

For a prosperous and fortunate season

The crystals for autumn 2024 For a prosperous and fortunate season

It can be said that crystal therapy has ancient origins: as early as 4000 BC, the Sumerians included stones in their magical formulas, as did the Egyptians, who placed precious gems like lapis lazuli or jade in mummies (and also used them as amulets). Today, this practice has increasingly gained popularity in the West, partly thanks to many celebrity fans of crystal therapy: from Adele to Bella Hadid, who showed in a #InTheBag collaboration with Vogue that she never leaves home without a crystal in her bag (Hadid also gifted Drew Barrymore a smoky quartz during an episode of her show), to Victoria Beckham, who has turned crystal therapy into almost a life philosophy, even claiming that her husband David and their children don’t leave the house without a crystal in their pocket.

The Crystals of New Beginnings

The end of September ushers in the most magical season, autumn, and with the help of some stones and a bit of manifesting, we can reach the end of 2024 a little different (whether for better or worse, we’ll see at the end of the year). Let’s find out which crystals are suitable for a new love, a new job… or even just a change of perspective. Note, however, that crystal therapy claims to address physical as well as psychological discomforts but should never replace any medical-scientific therapy. Choosing a crystal is not always straightforward: some follow the theory of colors, others associate each stone with a different chakra (according to Eastern philosophy), and others still follow the zodiac sign and associated planets; it is also believed that some crystals can influence the aura and restore energy to the wearer.

@stonesofvirtue How to choose a crystal! You can choose a crystal based on many different aspects. you can base it off the vibe or energy you get when you hold or look at a crystal, how it relates to your zodiac sign, which one will help heal your chakras or which one will help with a particular intention, however you always want to make sure that you are resonating with a crystal before purchasing if you are wanting it to help you on your healing journey. For example, even if a crystal is recommended for your zodiac sign, you may not resonate with it! #choosingcrystals #howtochoosecrystal #crystalenergy #crystaltok #crystalshop #crystalfacts #crystalsaustralia original sound - Stones of Virtue (Taylor)

Which Crystals to Choose for Autumn 2024

One of the best crystals to start practicing crystal therapy and recharge our energy is quartz, in all its facets and colors: rose quartz is the classic stone for those who want to attract love or find some stability in the emotional sphere; if you are seeking simple tranquility, clear quartz (transparent) absorbs negative energies and amplifies positive ones. The smoky quartz loved by Bella Hadid stimulates inspiration and greatly improves mood: perfect for those who need to start with a brilliant idea or on the right foot. Amethyst (also a quartz), with its characteristic purple color, is one of the best crystals to calm the mind and stay focused. For fostering new friendships, the best stones are aquamarine and aventurine, but also amber, which is known mainly for stimulating interpersonal relationships: aventurine, moreover, is believed to help combat fears, while aquamarine helps calm anxiety and promotes positive thinking. Speaking of anxiety and inner peace, fluorite and moonstone are the best in the field: moonstone, in particular, is said to bring real balance between heart and mind. If, before a major beginning, you feel the need to cleanse the air around you, obsidian and labradorite are the ones for you: obsidian also helps with introspection, recognizing who you truly are, and accepting it.

@crystalfairykay Reply to @user155311370 Rose Quartz! What other crystal affirmations do you wanna see? #fyp #crystals #rosequartz #crystaltok #spiritualtok #witchtok ily (i love you baby) - Surf Mesa

How to Clean a Crystal

Once you’ve found the right crystal, you need to purify it. The stone has probably passed through many hands, absorbing various energies, and needs to be returned to its original state and recharged with energy. There are various methods to clean a crystal, often depending on the type of stone and whether it can be exposed to sun or water (a quick online search usually helps). The most common method is to expose the stones to the full moon: place them in a bowl (any material except plastic) and, at the first full moon of the month, set them in direct contact with moonlight; the crystals will absorb the energies and be ready to use. Another way to purify stones is to place them in a bowl with coarse salt for several hours, then rinse them under running water until the salt dissolves: be careful, some crystals cannot tolerate salt, so be sure before permanently damaging your stones. If available, setting crystals on an incense holder and wrapping them in the smoke of burning palo santo also works as purification. Like tarot decks, crystals are highly personal: especially if you carry single stones with you, letting others touch them causes them to lose their energy and become contaminated with external vibrations. If this happens, consider wrapping the crystal in a cloth and purifying it once you return home.

@doubleplusgoodd been getting this question a lot so here u go #fyp #cleansingcrystals #crystalsph #shopee_ph VACATIONS YOUNG - Mama samp

Accessories and Good Luck Charms

Necklaces, bracelets, rings: crystals can be worn in various ways, but each placement has a different meaning. Carrying them in your bag or pocket can help, but only in contact with the skin can they work to their fullest. Wearing crystals on the right wrist allows you to release the energies produced by the crystal, while wearing them on the left lets you benefit from them personally. The same applies to rings: each finger has its specific meaning and energy; placing a crystal on the pinky does not have the same significance as wearing it on the middle or index finger, and depending on which hand it’s on, the energy flow can vary (just like with wrists). Necklaces are very useful if you want to keep the crystal close to the heart: that is, in fact, the center of energy, and direct contact is always preferable. Another alternative, for those who wear one, is to place the stones in a bra (but be careful not to drop them).