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What Eclipse Season is bringing

Everything is changing

What Eclipse Season is bringing Everything is changing

Welcome back. It's eclipse season again, and if you survived last year's eclipses, congratulations—this year, we're in for a real treat. Eclipse season is seen as a time of divine realignment when the universe ensures we are on track for our lives. It can be a period of extreme discomfort for those not on track as the universe seeks to set you where you need to be. However, if this is the case, you can rest assured that once you’re on track, your life will be better.

Why is eclipse season always so tumultuous?

When the universe is trying to put us on track, it can take things from our lives or put things into it very suddenly and without warning. There's a reason a lot of people break up during eclipse season, or lose their jobs, or find themselves in a new relationship. Eclipse season is supposed to illuminate what you need to get rid of, let go of, or dive deeper into to ensure you're living the life you're supposed to. We just had the first eclipse of the season on Tuesday, September 17th; however, we could already feel the effects of the eclipse over the weekend leading up to it. Did you have anyone pop back into your life that weekend? Did you notice anything within your friendship groups that might suggest they aren’t really meant for you? Did you start to feel unhappy in your home or career? Eclipses ask us to be introspective and dig deep in order to understand our true wants and desires. This eclipse season might feel even more intense than previous ones because this is the first eclipse season where the lunar nodes are in Pisces and Virgo. The lunar nodes indicate the tone for the eclipses, illuminating different aspects of our natal charts that could be affected or themes in our lives that might be illuminated. For the past few years, the lunar nodes have been in Aries and Libra, so with this shift into Pisces and Virgo, we're setting the tone for the next one and a half years while the nodes stay in these two signs. Whether or not you're into the technicalities of astrology, the important thing to understand here is that we're entering a new phase of life, and these eclipses foreshadow what's to come.

The solar eclipse in Libra

The second and last eclipse we will have this season is on October 2nd. It's a solar eclipse in Libra, and this eclipse will hopefully settle anything brought up during the September 17th eclipse. We should have more clarity on things by this time and should feel more or less on track. However, this in-between period between eclipses can be one of the most difficult times because we’re grappling with everything the eclipse brought up. Be mindful, take deep breaths, and listen to any thoughts that pop into your head. Listen to what your subconscious might be telling you, and it can help lead you out of the eclipse haze and onto your path. Eclipse season is all about trusting the universe. Let go of what you think you have control over, let the universe step in, and sit back and enjoy the ride. If you find yourself holding on to something a little too tightly, it might disappear before your eyes. Try to practice gratitude and detachment if you start to feel overwhelmed or shocked, and remind yourself that all of this is for the best. While it might not feel like it in the moment, eclipses are there to help you.