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The New Moon in Libra illuminates new beginnings

Its effect on all zodiac signs with a focus on love

The New Moon in Libra illuminates new beginnings Its effect on all zodiac signs with a focus on love

On October 2nd, the New Moon transits in the sign of Libra, creating an atmosphere that favors love. This is a transit of new beginnings, but also of balance and harmony, promoting closeness and mutual understanding. It's the perfect time to manifest your desires, but they should be peaceful and full of calm, not angry or combative. And with an eye on the solar eclipse.

New Moon in Libra: Meaning and What to Do

If you have unfinished projects or want to establish a connection with someone, now is the right moment. The focus is on relationships, whether romantic, friendly, or professional. The questions are simple but profound: Are they balanced? Do we feel empowered to express our best selves in the company of others? If the answers aren't positive, the New Moon gives us the push to cultivate more harmonious relationships that align with our ideals. The focus should always remain the same: inner peace and self-improvement in ourselves and our surroundings.

New Moon in Libra: Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign


You desire balance, especially in relationships. If you've had tensions with your partner, now is the time to seek sensible and calm compromises, even though it may not be in your fiery nature. If you're single, look for someone who challenges you in a positive way.


Focus on the practical side that you love so much. Strengthen the stability of your relationship, and dive into long-term projects. If you feel unwilling to do so, take it as a sign. For singles, beware of getting deceived. Now is not the time.


Libra encourages communication in your relationship, and the New Moon pushes you to express your feelings with lightness and sincerity. Understanding improves, and new connections deepen. Good luck!


The New Moon in Libra makes you feel secure and calm like never before. Couples strengthen their bonds, and for singles, this is the right time to heal old wounds and open your heart to something new. Trust yourself!


Reassess the power dynamics in your relationships. Strive to balance what you give and what you receive. It's time to build a new equilibrium in love. For singles, the challenge is to be more vulnerable.


While everyone talks about love, you talk about work. Devote time to your partner even if life at the office is hectic. If you're single, open yourself up to new encounters. This is a fortunate period, and now it's up to you to trust Cupid.


The New Moon in your sign makes you the main character of your life. It's a great time to start something new, whether you're in a relationship or single. Everything evolves, and harmony is just around the corner.


Let go of grudges and seek greater understanding in your relationships. Built-up tensions need to be released and resolved, or there will be trouble. If you're single, don't settle: look for something that transforms you.


The New Moon makes you feel brave and adventurous, while Libra brings you calm and harmony. Look for people who share your ideals. Strengthen existing bonds and plan an adventure.


You too need to find balance between work and relationships. Renew and keep your way of expressing love and affection fresh. Pay attention to your partner! If you're single, be ready to step out of your comfort zone.


Libra aligns with you, and together with the New Moon, it marks a moment of growth, even in relationships. Ask yourself what your bond is built on, and aim for understanding and freedom. If you're single, you'll attract people who share your life vision.


Explore your vulnerability within a relationship, of any kind. Are you willing to share your dreams and fears? If the answer is no, perhaps you're not in the right place with the right person. Look for connections that are spiritual.