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Retrograde Jupiter forces us to slow down and reflect

Its effect on our rising sign

Retrograde Jupiter forces us to slow down and reflect Its effect on our rising sign

Jupiter, with its long and imposing transits, governs our lives and our rising sign. Since last May, it has been in Gemini. Now, from October 9 to February 4, it begins a retrograde motion that encourages zodiac signs to ask questions, explore new ideas, and be curious. However, during this period, thinking comes before doing. It’s the perfect time to relax, listen to your own thoughts, and reflect on what’s changed within. One last warning: to fully understand how Jupiter retrograde affects us, we need to check our rising sign.

How will Jupiter Retrograde 2024 affect your rising sign?

Aries Rising

Jupiter in Gemini sparked your curiosity and desire to explore. Now that it's retrograde, it's time to slow down and reflect. This transit gives you the space and opportunity to decide what to keep and what to let go of, calming your mind and gaining clarity.

Taurus Rising

For you, it's all about introspection. Let go of external distractions and mental confusion, and focus on yourself. Reconnect with your inner self and remember your worth. Everything you need is already within you.

Gemini Rising

Finally, your mind can rest. Pause for a moment, feel the ground beneath your feet, and reconnect with the silence. Look at your life from a new perspective, practice trusting your instincts, and explore your role in the world. Some surprises may come, but they'll be valuable.

Cancer Rising

Embrace the invitation to let go of old ideas and beliefs that no longer serve you and may even slow you down. Silence the mental noise and focus your attention on your transformation, which is imminent and positive.

Leo Rising

Jupiter in Gemini overwhelmed you with ideas, information, and possibilities. With the retrograde, you need to slow the carriage down. Focus on the well-being of your body and mind, enjoy peace and tranquility, and maybe reach out to your therapist.

Virgo Rising

Inner and outer worlds are connected, and you need to start acknowledging that. If you feel physically unwell, the change might need to start in your mind, emotions, and inner world. This introspective work is just as important as achieving career goals in the external world.

Libra Rising

Your beliefs shape your life. Reflect on this, and rewrite your personal truth. You don't need others' approval—it's up to you. Rest your mind and listen to yourself deeply. The wisdom is already within you.

Scorpio Rising

Stop running away from yourself. Jupiter retrograde reveals hidden truths you may want to ignore but also brings great strength. Uncover your emotions and don't fear getting to know yourself. Embrace vulnerability.

Sagittarius Rising

Jupiter is your ruling planet, and its retrograde motion affects you deeply. Reflect on your relationship with life and your sense of belonging. Observe your relationships: do they represent you or not? Balance intuition with logic, faith with facts.

Capricorn Rising

Make room for calm and silence. Life feels hectic, and there's too much information and too many experiences. You need to pause and embrace rest. Progress comes through contemplation.

Aquarius Rising

Jupiter retrograde demands a break. You've learned a lot about yourself, your creativity, and your expression. Now, think about what you've discovered, take a break, and turn inward. In the end, you'll understand yourself better.

Pisces Rising

Revisit childhood memories, heal old wounds, and let go of everything that no longer belongs to you. It will be challenging, but worth it. You're healing internally, ready to face the future with awareness.