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The Hermit is the card of autumn

Here's what the tarot cards say for the upcoming weeks, as the air becomes crisp

The Hermit is the card of autumn Here's what the tarot cards say for the upcoming weeks, as the air becomes crisp

October is moving fast, bringing with it unpredictable weather, shorter days, and the autumn season. This has always been a deeply controversial season for me, perhaps because in the collective imagination, autumn somehow evokes the idea of decay, the transience of life, and the passage of time that flows inevitably. For others, however, it represents a period of rest, the one that precedes rebirth: nature itself prepares to face a period of dormancy, animals are getting ready to hibernate, and it's as if everything anticipates a time of stillness, pause, and silence.

The Hermit, the tarot card of autumn: meaning

For these reasons, I'd like to take a journey into an important figure from the tarot deck, which I hope will guide us through this period of autumnal harvest. This figure is the ninth Major Arcana, also known as the Hermit. As you may know, numbers and numerology are crucial and cannot be overlooked when discussing Major Arcana or tarot in general.

The number nine in numerology and tarot

The number nine has two meanings: an end and a beginning. Just think that it's the first odd number divisible by another number besides itself. It is called ambivalent, as it is both active (odd) and receptive (divisible). The number nine represents the fetus, which, after reaching full development by the eighth month in the mother's womb, prepares to leave the only environment it knows, to explore a completely new world. In another symbolic order, the Gospels teach that Jesus was crucified in the third hour, began to suffer in the sixth hour, and died in the ninth. As I mentioned earlier, two meanings: a beginning and an end. The Hermit fits into this context: he has cut ties with his past and is preparing to face a new future, towards which he is extremely receptive and active.

The Hermit's message for us

I always like to think that tarot cards can, in some way, speak to those who know how to listen. By observing this card, we can grasp many meanings. The Hermit is an old man with long white hair and beard, walking with a staff in one hand and a lantern in the other. The lantern is a symbol of Knowledge: he lifts it, illuminating his path, suggesting that he is crossing something dark or unclear, as he needs light to move forward. Despite this, he seems perfectly capable of walking alone through the darkness, with a pace that is both energetic and measured. Slow, not because he is weak or old, but because he understands that haste, impatience, and overzealousness lead nowhere. I always say, good things come to those who wait! His physical attributes symbolize his wisdom. The deep wrinkles on his forehead represent his age and experience, but also a life of deep reflection.

The Hermit is the card of autumn Here's what the tarot cards say for the upcoming weeks, as the air becomes crisp | Image 538370

The Hermit Arcana's key words

Like the High Priestess, the Hermit's body is completely covered by cloth. The layers of fabric on the old man suggest the coldness of winter and, in some way, also reflect the possible coldness of his wisdom. His hunched back seems to carry the weight of his past. Some key words to understand this card are solitude, wisdom, detachment, and silence. This card signifies a crisis that must be faced, a profound change to be embraced. The crisis is the darkness in which this elderly figure wanders, but, as I said earlier, the lantern and his upright stance symbolize that we are not succumbing to it.

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What to expect from October and November 2024?

Undoubtedly, solitude will be a constant during this time, but it should not be seen as an enemy, rather as a companion. Introspection is essential to overcoming this moment and, most importantly, to untangling the knots we may encounter in October. There are significant blocks preventing us from moving forward, and now is the time to confront them through introspection and self-analysis. You may experience an isolated period, where you feel the need to withdraw from social life or even from environments and people close to you. This is completely normal: sometimes it’s necessary to distance yourself from the background noise and reflect on ourselves, our emotions, and our thoughts, in order to understand them deeply. Take your time. If the Hermit could speak, he would tell you not to rush.