It’s all because of that darn Mercury Retrograde
The pre-Christmas gift we didn’t deserve: chaos, misunderstandings, delays, and exes popping up from the past
November 26th, 2024
Since you’ve put pumpkins and skeletons back in the attic, are you meditating in your mind, trying to channel all the positive vibes to tackle the holiday gift rush, long train rides home, and helping your mom prepare a twelve-course menu that everyone will criticize? We don’t want to ruin your efforts or increase your anxiety, but something potentially worse than your aunt at Christmas—the one who always comments on your weight, your single status, your lack of kids, your underpaid job, and the fact that you’re over twenty and doomed to die alone and broke—is about to hit us: Mercury Retrograde. From the night of November 25th to November 26th, the planet closest to the Sun will begin its backward motion in Sagittarius, continuing this path until December 15th (though its Retroshade, the two weeks following the start of retrograde, will last until around January 2, 2025). Why do we fear it so much? Because Mercury Retrograde has a reputation for unleashing chaos: delays, misunderstandings, communication issues, tech troubles, family disputes, financial cracks, and exes returning.
What Does Mercury Retrograde Mean?
Cyclically throughout the year, roughly once a quarter, Mercury - the planet of communication, ideas, thoughts, and travel - slows down, moving slower than Earth, creating the illusion that it’s moving backward. In astrology, this phenomenon is associated with a slew of delays, misunderstandings, and problems in communication, news, travel, and technology. During this period, it’s normal for something unexpected to happen that derails our plans, tests our mindfulness, and gets on our nerves. The fridge could break down, spoiling that ramen and kimchi leftover from three days ago, the bus might skip your stop, you’ll argue with your roommates, and your ex might show up at your door just in time to break your heart again—and perhaps make off with your beloved Tabi Mary-Janes.
What to Expect When Mercury Retrograde Is in Sagittarius
When Mercury meets a fire sign, things get intense. Thoughts become erratic, we might feel a bit confused or "delulu" and as days pass, anxieties, doubts, fears, and frustration skyrocket. In particular, the last Mercury Retrograde of 2024 happens in Sagittarius, a sign known for its adventurous spirit and vitality. Sagittarians are driven to explore the world, try everything, brim with ideas and inspiration, and always seek a truth to believe in. What does this mean? Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius doesn’t ask us to stop dreaming big but pushes us to reevaluate our goals, avoid over-promising, and communicate clearly. Around December 6th, when this retrograde clashes with Saturn in Pisces, unresolved past conflicts may resurface, exacerbating feelings of frustration. However, a small respite will arrive on December 13th, when Mercury Retrograde forms a sextile with Venus in Aquarius. This will encourage reconciliation and offer a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. That light will shine fully on December 15th, when Mercury finally goes direct again. Then, we can pick up the pieces, reorganize our thoughts, and decide where to focus our energy.
How the Last Mercury Retrograde of 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Pause and hold your tongue—an intense debate could turn into a fiery argument, burning a significant relationship.
Mercury is retrograde in your eighth house of emotional and financial debts. Freeze that credit card, and if an ex reaches out, remind yourself, “Wait, they don’t love you like I love you.”
Turn off your phone and all other devices. You’ll save yourself from disappointment and bad decisions.
Stock up on vitamin C, probiotics, and ginger tea, as Mercury Retrograde will pass through your sixth house, the one governing work and well-being.
Don’t post that TikTok! It’s time to reconsider how you present yourself to the world.
There’s a pile of laundry waiting. Make sure it’s yours and not problems others have dumped on you, expecting you to solve them.
The versions of you from the past are stepping forward, pushing you toward understanding, closure, and healing.
Your wallet is empty. Use your treasure-hunting skills when choosing Christmas gifts.
Who were you? Who are you becoming? Who are you now, Sagittarius? Decide.
Mercury Retrograde will bring you face-to-face with your hidden side. Scared?
Like a modern Cinderella, you’ll be forced to leave the party well before midnight. Slip into your pajamas and enjoy some solitary rest.
Mercury Retrograde will throw a wrench in your plans. Adapt: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.