Colored hair: 5 most common mistakes
Hair that are subject to chemical and mechanical stress requires special care and specific products

October 11th, 2021
The cold season arrives and with it the desire to dare, change, experiment. The desire to see oneself with bright reflections, or with enhancing and luminous nuances, is more than understandable, thanks to the latest trends that invite real hair revolutions. But if it is permissible to change, treating your hair with the right attention is a must. Entrusting care to any product is not enough: you need special treatments and products for colored hair, with specific formulations, designed to deeply hydrate the treated hair and, at the same time, protect it from external damage. Unfortunately, the various types of chemical treatments (dyes, lightenings, highlights), especially if prolonged, often make the hair dull, brittle and devoid of volume. In order not to end up with damaged hair and having to give it a drastic cut, here are the mistakes to avoid.
1. Not using a specific shampoo and conditioner
Washing treated hair in the right way is essential to prevent it from drying out and losing shine. Choose a specific shampoo for colored hair (you can find it indicated on the package): it keeps the color full and bright for longer, preventing it from discolouring. The choice of conditioner is also fundamental, which must be of good quality, since it will be necessary to deeply nourish the hair and strengthen it if it is a little weakened. Last precaution during cleansing: always end with a jet of cold water to close the cuticles, which were previously "opened" by the washing bases.
2. Wash your hair too much
Especially those who practice sports or have very fine hair tend to wash their hair every other day. Even if you use specific products, inevitably your color will drain more quickly (if you have hair dyed any shade of red, you know that it only takes a moment). How to fix it? Using dry shampoo to avoid draining the color too much between one wash and the next.
3. Choose the wrong hairdryer
The ion hair dryer models are the most suitable for treated hair, because thanks to their electrodynamic technology, while they dry they release ions that hydrate the hair.
4. Using hair oil in the wrong way
The most common mistake made in the care of colored hair is to use hair oil in packs: whether they are pre or post shampoo, adding an oily product to your hair mask will allow you to drain the color much faster. If you want to repair the tips with an oily product that leaves your hair shiny, focus on liquid crystals or a hair oil to be applied to damp hair after washing and not to be rinsed.
5. Not protecting hair from heat
Colored hair undergoes considerable stress. Why subject them to other stresses such as hair dryers, straighteners and irons, without the right protection? Never forget to use a thermal protector before drying and styling, your hair will only be affected positively. You are ready?
nss G-Club has selected for you the 10 best products for colored hair to try now.