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How to fight hair loss in autumn

The complete guide and a mini shopping guide to strengthening your hair

How to fight hair loss in autumn The complete guide and a mini shopping guide to strengthening your hair

Welcome to the enchanting world of the seasons, where the temperature change and autumnal hues bring not only colourful leaves but also a curious hair trend. Autumn, with its cool breeze and golden charm, seems to come with a lot of hair that suddenly decides to fall out. But what is the reason for this phenomenon? Is it nature following a mysterious 'change of clothes" cycle, or is there something more scientific behind autumnal hair loss? Let's find out together why hair falls out exactly when the leaves start their autumn dance.

How the natural hair cycle works

Before we dive into the mystery of autumn, it's important to understand the natural hair cycle. Our hair follows a cycle of growth, rest and fall known as the anagen, catagen and telogen cycles. The anagen phase is the time of active hair growth. During this phase, the cells in the hair follicles multiply rapidly, contributing to hair growth. The duration of this phase varies from person to person and can be influenced by genetic and hormonal factors. Under normal conditions, hair in this phase can grow for a few to several years, helping to keep our hair thick and lush. The catagen phase marks the transition from the growth period to the resting phase. During this phase, the hair follicle contracts and stops blood flow to the growing hair. The duration of this phase is relatively short, usually a few weeks. It is as if the hair decides to take a short break before preparing for its next act.

The telogen phase is the resting phase for the hair. During this time, the hair is no longer actively growing, but remains anchored in the hair follicle. Interestingly, on average about 10-15% of the hair on our scalp is in this phase. But why does the hair decide to "retire"? The answer lies in renewal. In the telogen phase, the old hair naturally falls out to make way for a new hair that begins its anagen phase, opening the door to a continuous cycle of growth and renewal.

Why does hair fall out in autumn?

Hair loss during the telogen phase is therefore a natural and necessary process to ensure the constant renewal of our hair. A number of factors including genetics, hormones, general health and the environment influences this cycle. One of the most important factors affecting hair loss in autumn is the change in sunlight. As the days get shorter and sunlight exposure decreases, our bodies respond by adjusting the hair growth cycle; this natural adjustment can lead to a lengthening of the telogen phase and accelerate hair loss. The change of seasons is also often associated with climatic and environmental changes: Colder temperatures, wind and dry air can make hair more susceptible to damage. This environmental stress can contribute to hair loss, especially if the hair is already weakened by chemical treatments or genetic factors.

How can you prevent hair loss?

First, make sure you eat a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients for healthy hair. This includes foods rich in protein, vitamins (especially vitamins A, C and E), minerals (such as iron and zinc) and omega-3 fatty acids. Then use high-quality hair products that are suitable for your hair type: Avoid aggressive treatments such as excessive heat application, too frequent colouring and aggressive combing, which can damage the hair. It is also helpful to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp through gentle massage; this can promote hair growth and contribute to a healthy scalp. And if your diet does not provide all the necessary nutrients, you can consider taking biotin supplements.

If hair loss persists and other medical conditions occur at the same time, it is advisable to consult a doctor.