Nostalgia and artificial intelligence in the new Desigual x Collina Strada
Interview with Hillary Taymour, founder and creative director of Collina Strada
February 20th, 2025
Where does our inner child go, where do the interests we had as children end up, and most importantly, how can we, once grown, reconnect with that part of ourselves we have forgotten? These are the questions that Hillary Taymour explores in the new Desigual for Collina Strada collaboration, a nostalgic collection titled My Best Friend and I that embarks on a journey of self-discovery with the help of an imaginary friend. This is the second partnership between the two brands, a unique opportunity for Taymour, founder and creative director of the Los Angeles-based brand, to continue her mission of sustainability beyond her own studio. All the pieces in the collection are made from sustainable and innovative materials, such as responsibly sourced cotton or recycled polyester that repurposes plastic waste. In addition to paying particular attention to the environment, the partnership retains all the fun and eccentric spirit of both brands. After all, Taymour is known for bold silhouettes and vibrant palettes, just as the Spanish brand is recognized for its alternative look. «I became familiar with Desigual in the early 2000s,» recalls the designer, «I have always associated it with color and prints.» And this explains why, in Taymour and Desigual’s quest for their inner child, we see bright textures and tones, botanical elements, tie-dye, and abstract prints alongside traditional menswear pieces in a lively balance between functionality and exuberance. «Something for everyone!» adds the designer.
For an independent brand like Collina Strada, collaborating with a historic company like Desigual is always an opportunity to seize. Taymour acknowledges the importance of reaching new customers through partnerships of this caliber but adds that, with Desigual, beyond the opportunity to «blend consumers,» she particularly enjoyed «being able to create products with what the brand does best»— unconventional prints and colors. «I love creating products that are more accessible. Reaching new markets can be hard on your own, so collaborating is always a great way,» the designer added. While working with other brands is a great choice for an independent label, it is not always easy to find established companies that share your vision, both artistically and ethically. As Taymour states, Desigual’s support in creating a sustainable collection—Collina Strada has championed environmental and animal rights since its founding in 2008—was a certainty for both collaborations. When it came to creativity, however, finding a common ground between the two aesthetics was simple: both brands have always thrived on the element of surprise, reflected in their powerful use of color and clever marketing choices. Even at Collina Strada, as Taymour explains, «sustainability comes first, then my sense of fun with marketing comes second.» Regarding the future of fashion in terms of sustainability, the designer adds: «I think a lot still needs change. I don’t think people realize the trickle down impact of the runway.»
The campaign for the second collaboration between Collina Strada and Desigual draws inspiration from the same nostalgic and dreamlike world that informed the collection. Just as masculine and feminine silhouettes tell the story of a fluid, genderless identity that reflects the same sense of freedom as children, the images portraying the collection explore contrasting themes. Familiarity and surrealism meet in a colorful home, where the collection’s model, Delilah Belle, spends time with an imaginary friend created using AI. On the topic of artificial intelligence and how it will influence the fashion industry (especially for independent creatives), Taymour has a clear stance: «I think AI is a great tool for small brands because it can help you achieve things your team wouldn't normally be able to do. I am extremely careful when using AI, making sure that I only use original Collina designs and always manipulating the output to make them truly mine.» So, we may have found the answer to our question: to reconnect with our inner child, perhaps all we need to do is free our imagination and ask AI for a little help. Who knows, maybe it can perfectly recreate the imaginary friend we dreamed of as kids.