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#NonSeiLibero, the campaign against revenge porn

A new online initiative to raise awareness and inform about this phenomenon

#NonSeiLibero, the campaign against revenge porn A new online initiative to raise awareness and inform about this phenomenon
#NonSeiLibero, the campaign against revenge porn A new online initiative to raise awareness and inform about this phenomenon

Following the discovery of yet another Telegram chat, a little over a month ago, on social media and newspapers, we returned to talk about revenge porn. The debate - very heated and full of indignation after the new revelations - gradually went away, as it always happens, leaving however some more certainty than in previous times. In fact, there seems to be greater awareness on the subject, above all by women, and even more, an attempt has been made to focus on a fundamental aspect of the phenomenon, namely that it is a crime, and that for this reason may be reported. 

The new online communication campaign entitled #NonSeiLibero, which takes its name from the movement of the same name is moving in this direction. Born from the idea of four young people, Giulia, Lorenzo, Alma and Eugenia, all with different professional and cultural backgrounds, but animated by the same civic sense, the project has as its objective precisely to tell the online community about the crime of revenge porn, but not only. 

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The idea behind the project is to underline how some behaviours, now very widespread on the internet, not only have consequences, both for those who do them and both who suffers them but can even be subject to penalties. The name of the movement, which refers to a limitation of one's personal freedom, wants to highlight how precise rules and policies exist on the internet. 

If in fact talking about the phenomenon from a legal point of view, and therefore defining it as a crime, means framing it in its final stage, #NonSeiLibero also proposes to investigate its origin and to explain the reasons and factors that contributed to its birth. Revenge porn is the (dramatic) result of a culture that is still very immature in terms of abuse, physical and virtual, in which sharing, consent, sexuality and pleasure remain taboo subjects so that the victims are very often criminalized and considered guilty, instead of being listened and helped. 

The ultimate goal of #NonSeiLibero is to create and bring together an online community, in order to create a network that condemns discriminatory and harmful attitudes and behaviours on the web, and which at the same time promotes a responsible and positive culture, also and above in terms of sexuality. Everyone should be free to live their sexuality as they want, and for this reason, it is necessary to continue to discuss and keep having this conversation so that everyone can live in an environment where their sexuality is always encouraged, and never criminalized. 

You can read and subscribe the #NonSeiLibero manifesto here, while here you can find their Instagram page.