nss Girls Club #1
The first virtual meeting for the community of nss G-Club
May 22nd, 2020
A digital meeting, to express and share our thoughts, ideas and dreams with other girls from the community of nss G-Club. The first exclusive nss Girls Club date took place on Friday May 15th, participating 12 girls from all over Italy - all young creatives studying or working as photographers, stylists, designers, and more.
The digital gathering opened with presentations to get to know each other better, where each girl briefly told something about herself, and then a very spontaneous and interactive conversation started, about the main topic of the meeting, social distancing. The authentic connection that was immediately established among the participants gave life to a discussion that touched on several key points of the topic: the impact of social distancing on their creativity, the ways they experienced the period of isolation, but also the workout habits and the favorite movies or TV series that accompanied the quarantine.
Some of the girls also shared little "confessions" on personal experiences and anecdotes that happened during the quarantine period to confront with other girls, who, albeit in different ways, experienced and are still experiencing the same difficult situation. Finally, the participants all showed us the @oddgarden maps received before the event, to create a collective moment.
All this really confirmed that, despite the "physical" isolation, closeness and mutual support are the most important element, what we are all looking for in this moment when everything else stopped.
Stay tuned for the next nss Girls Club virtual dates with new topics and participants, waiting for the moment when we will be able to meet personally.