7 post break-up movies to watch (or avoid)
To overcome an emotional crisis or the end of a relationship in the best way possible
May 21st, 2020
Unfortunately sooner or later we all go through it (or went already), the fateful love pain can make us suffer a lot, lose hope in love, sink into the deepest sadness.
It is therefore necessary to find a remedy and a motivational push as soon as possible to put our strengths together and start living again, feeling good, concentrate on ourselves. To get started on this road to personal happiness and rebirth, here is a list of movies to recover our wounds. They will take away your doubts if you were still thinking about answering the texts from your ex who just reappeared out of nowhere.
Not only there is the hope for a new love around the corner, but it is above all the best time to turn all our energies into ourselves. Enjoy!
1. He's Just Not That Into You
This is part of the list of movies not to watch immediately after a break-up, better to watch it when the wounds are already healing. How many times have we heard this sentence? It is painful but truthful. A movie to watch, absolutely, from the title you can guess that it is not a love story but rather an apparently soft film that flattens the hard and raw truth in your face. That truth that even your friends cannot tell you, but in your heart you already have the answer, that is, simply "he's just not that into you".
2. Bridget Jones's Diary
Who hasn't been a Bridget Jones at least once in her life? Icon and status of being single. A must-watch, all of us can find ourselves in the funny but strong and independent Bridget.
3. Eat Pray Love
Eat, pray, love. An infallible recipe. The movie tells the adventures of Liz (Julia Roberts), who after a painful divorce decides to discover new horizons starting from our Italy, then passing through India, to get finally to Bali, on a journey to rediscover not only new places, but also of herself. This shows how adventure and self-exploration are a real medicine for a broken heart.
4. (500) Days of Summer
This is the story of a broken heart. A real roller coaster of emotions that does not soften the pain of a relationship that has just ended, but rather allows you to look back, to move forward stronger and more aware and confident than before.
5. Silver Linings Playbook
The winning couple Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence strikes once again. The movie shows how two people with their problems can be like two pieces of a puzzle, harmoniously compatible, despite their flaws and insecurities. A film full of meaning, timeless, which makes you laugh, think and cry at the same time.
6. The Other Woman
Cameron Diaz is the main protagonist, and this is already enough to convince you to watch it. Three women decide to team up against the man who made fun of them, an almost utopian scenario in which female support prevails over resentment, and the need for revenge unites three women who have suffered the same misfortune (in different ways).
7. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
An eccentric, unconventional, tormented and melancholic love story. Do NOT watch it immediately after a break up, a tip from nss G-Club: let pass quite some time before watching this comedy or you will risk falling back into sadness.