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5 places to find the Moon Cake in Milan

The traditional Chinese cake to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

5 places to find the Moon Cake in Milan The traditional Chinese cake to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival
5 places to find the Moon Cake in Milan The traditional Chinese cake to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

At the beginning of October, one of the traditional Chinese festivals is celebrated: the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the Chinese New Year, it is perhaps the most important fest as a moment of celebration of the culture and union with the family.

This festival is also named "Moon Festival" because, according to popular beliefs and tradition, it is the day of the year when the Full Moon appears bigger and brighter in the sky. That's where the name of traditional cake, the so-called Moon Cake, comes from.

Especially in the Milanese district of Paolo Sarpi, the China Town of the city where many Chinese and oriental shops, restaurants and markets are located, but also in other areas of the city, it is possible to find the moon cakes, sold exclusively during the time of the year when the festival takes place. 

From bars to restaurants, from pastry shops to mini markets, nss G-Club discovered 5 places in Milan where you can taste the traditional Chinese dessert. Definitely worth a try!



Cafè, patisserie, cake shop, and the right place to buy a special and creative birthday cake. Parigi Dolci is a modern pastry shop that brings the Chinese tradition to Milan. Could the moon cakes be missing?

Parigi Dolci
Via Messina 20, Milan



MU Dimsum is a magical place to learn about Chinese cuisine and culture, especially the Hong Kong style: specializing in dim sum, the typical gastronomic art of southern China (including the famous steamed or fried dumplings). On the occasion of the festival, the restaurant makes delicious moon cakes with their logo. Don't miss it!

MU Dimsum
Via Aminto Caretto 3, Milan



Dessert bar specializzato in matcha teaMoko's Matcha Milano celebra tutto l'anno la tradizione di questo particolare tè e della sua cerimonia, e in occasione della Festa di Mezzo Autunno ha realizzato delle mini moon cake (ovviamente) al gusto di matcha. Per tutti gli amanti di questo sapore speciale!

Moko's Matcha Milano
Via della Moscova 7, Milano



Chiunque sia passato almeno una volta nella zona di Paolo Sarpi, non può non essersi imbattuto in Kathay: è il più grande supermarket di alimentari (e non solo) provenienti dalle zone più disparate del mondo, in particolare dall'Asia. Possiede anche un e-shop molto fornito, ma la vera esperienza è perdersi fra le sue corsie per una spesa diversa dal solito.

Kathay Store
Via Luigi Canonica 54, Milano



Mood Milano si definisce "a different market": è uno shop situato nel cuore pulsante del quartiere Paolo Sarpi, che offre una grande varietà di prodotti giapponesi, cinesi e coreani di qualità. Non poteva di certo mancare la moon cake.

Mood Market Milano
Via Paolo Sarpi 41, Milano