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5 tips to understand if he's a gentleman

Do romance and chivalry still exist?

5 tips to understand if he's a gentleman Do romance and chivalry still exist?
5 tips to understand if he's a gentleman Do romance and chivalry still exist?

Technology has suddenly changed the way we interact and approach others. It's all much more direct and easier. You notice a person on a social network and just press the "FOLLOW" button to start interacting: at this point, if the "follow" is mutual, the only thing that keeps you away is a chat.

This makes us reflect on how so many relationships started nowadays, on how the stages are skipped, on how there is less and less mystery around a person who can decide to interact with a simple reaction to an Instagram story. This direct and dynamic approach is often misunderstood, and sees the chat as an excuse to skip the stages of courtship and propose in a harsh and arrogant way, leaving romance and chivalry behind.

Consequently, are we more and more surrounded by superficial people, who do not give us the value and importance we deserve? This does not mean, however, that we have to surrender, on the contrary we need to open our eyes to gallant gestures, now difficult to interpret and grasp, often mistaken for weakness.

Here are the 5 tips to understand if you are dealing with a gentleman or a superficial modern one, collected during the last episode of the Confessions with Gaya and Loris Gentile.


#1 - The gallant match

These days, social networks are also used because there is no other way to meet new people, can be Instagram or Tinder. In this case it depends on what you are both looking for: many times the approach online can burn stages, but you never know who is behind the screen or behind the MATCH.


#2 - Good manners vs chivalry

There are those who are still surprised when these "events" happen, and see the person concerned as an angel .. but as mentioned during our Confessions, this is not an act of gallantry, but just GOOD MANNERS!


#3 - The confused one

Never ever questioned the gender equality, "gallantry" is not tied to something material. It is a way of being, an attitude, a lifestyle and taking care in full respect of the other.


#4 - Gallant vs "loser"

Gallantry is always welcome, as long as the person is not taking advantage of you and consequently you become a "loser"! So, first of all, we always need to understand if we are giving our energy and our time to the people who deserve us and who do not take advantage of it, or to the wrong ones!


#5 - Not only good habits

As already mentioned, in fact, gallantry does not lie in the man who opens the door, but in making the other feel good: it is more an attitude that is sought in the other, and can be both a masculine and a feminine quality!