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Love according to the protagonists of Sex and the City

How do Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte live their relationships?

Love according to the protagonists of Sex and the City How do Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte live their relationships?
Love according to the protagonists of Sex and the City How do Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte live their relationships?

“Welcome to the age of un-innocence. No one has Breakfast at Tiffany's and no one has Affairs to Remember. Instead, we have breakfast at 7AM and affairs we try to forget as quickly as possible. Self protection and closing the deal are paramount. Cupid has flown the co-op. How the hell did we get into this mess?” Once upon a time there was a TV show that revolutionized the way we talk about sexuality, relationships and how women talk about men. Obviously we are talking about Sex and the City, that doesn't need any introduction: 6 seasons, 94 episodes, 1 prequel, 2 movies.

First aired on HBO in the late 1990s, it is based on the books of author Candace Bushnell and created by Darren Star. With its straightforward and direct way of speaking, it has dropped all taboos, and given voice to "what women don't say", which in this TV show instead the protagonists scream loudly! It is thanks to the protagonists Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda and to the glossy, glamorous and always awake New York that frames this series, that this series is timeless. Together with them we have all dreamed a bit with open eyes, jealous of Carrie Bradshaw's Manolo Blahnik and her apartment. They made us live many adventures with Samantha's stories, we all imagined a future on Park Avenue with Charlotte, to give up Manhattan and prefer Brooklyn for the love of family like Miranda.

What do these very different women have in common? First, a great friendship that binds them, and second, but not least, the search for love (or sex, in some cases). Because in the end we know that love and sex are the main topics among friends.

In their perfect combination of irony, frankness, romance, this is how our favorite girls on the small and big screen live relationships.


Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie is the protagonist and narrator of the whole series, which takes its name from her weekly column for a New York newspaper, precisely Sex and The City. His great damned love is Mr. Big, born John J. Preston (for us he will always be Big!).

Carrie is looking for "a love that is ridiculous, uncomfortable, exhausting, which consumes you and makes you think of nothing else." In these 6 seasons, the sparkling and curly Carrie will try in every way to find this love by putting her feet in more shoes: Berger, Manolo Blahnik, Aidan, Manolo Blahnik, Aleksandr, again Manolo Blahnik, are her most significant encounters. But in the end no one will give her that love she is looking for so much: she lets herself go to different experiences and then concludes her search by finding her great love in Big.


Charlotte York

Charlotte is a New York gallerist and is the most “traditionalist” of the group. He is constantly looking for the prince charming, he has his own rules on love and above all his times. She is very ambitious and determined in her search, apparently she knows what she wants and is very stubborn in looking for it.

She has a first glimmer of hope when she meets Trey, the one who would become her husband. He surprises her with his gallantry and his being so “classic”, even in expectations. However, he will discover only after marriage that behind this gentleman there is a small, but very important, problem of impotence. Charlotte teaches us that everything can be planned in life except love, or rather, who you fall in love with. Thus she will end up as Harry's bride, much less handsome than her long-awaited prince charming, but the right man for her.


Miranda Hobbes

Miranda is a successful lawyer. Workaholic and determined to achieve her work goals, inserted in a sector of shark men, she too has become a "shark". She has a cynical view of relationships and men and doesn't mince her words. She is the best friend of Carrie, she is a concrete and tenacious woman, who hardly opens up hiding all her vulnerabilities with her cynicism.

These characteristics make her the strong character in the couple. Although she was the least determined to have children and families, she was the first to get pregnant. On this occasion she will show her more tender and sweet side for years repressed behind her career woman facade without time for love.


Samantha Jones

Samantha is the older of the group, but don't try to tell her she's the mother! She is the most outgoing and outspoken character and if she lived in the present day hes Tinder would be on fire. A woman in career, head of her public relations firm, she exudes charm and confidence, she is made even without a man by her side: she eats men (but not only) for breakfast.

For Samantha, friends are her entire life: she always avoids sentimental involvement because she is already "committed" to her girls. Having said that, he never hesitates to experiment, in fact he collects a considerable number of experiences with his sensual and libertine doing that bewitches everyone. She wants to completely review the role of women in sex and be active and proactive in the approach even more than a man.

In short, Sex and the City is the bible for many girls, who grew up with the adventures of four friends. But we don't have to take everything we see on screen by law: Sex and the City is a manifesto, and it is also in a warning sense. Many loves and situations that girls experience are utopian and must become a warning for all of us, not to fall back into their own mistakes.