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How to create a homemade succulent plant vase

A super green upcycling idea!

How to create a homemade succulent plant vase A super green upcycling idea!

Old mismatched glasses, dented goblets no more usable, vintage cups and jars without a cap; I bet everyone, at least once in their life, has found themselves in this situation. From now on, don't throw away your glasses, turn them into super cool plant vases. Not everyone has a green thumb so to start having a greener lifestyle, it will be better to start with the simplest plants to keep alive: the succulents.

In the experiment I used old glasses, but they are easily replaceable with bottles of oil or vinegar, jars of finished preserves, or liqueur glasses for a mini version. Take a look at these examples from cool design studios and blogs.


What you will need

A succulent plant; a glass beaker; a sheet of fake grass (you can find it in the best paper shops); soil; vinyl glue; scissors.



Take the glass and cover it with a layer of vinyl glue, only on the outside. To avoid sticking your fingers and to hold the glass well, leave a small piece of the glass free, without any glue.



Take the fake grass sheet and wrap it around the glass, making sure it sticks well to the freshly made layer of glue. With scissors, cut off the parts in excess.



Fill the glass with soil for more than half of its height; then make a hole in which to insert the succulent plant.



Clean the glass and display it on your windowsill or on a luminous shelf!