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The daughter of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez is born

Welcome Baby Vittoria!

The daughter of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez is born Welcome Baby Vittoria!
The daughter of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez is born Welcome Baby Vittoria!

"March 23rd, 2021. La nostra Vittoria."

With these simple words, Chiara Ferragni and Fedez presented to the world their baby girl, born in Milan in the last few hours, a few days after Leone's third birthday on March 20.  The new parents have announced the arrival of their daughter by posting on their Instagram accounts a photo of the little one in the half-light, illuminated by pink light, while mom and dad hold her in their arms and cuddle her tenderly.

Only a day before, in a series of stories, the 33-year-old told of being at 39 weeks and waited impatiently for the arrival of baby V, then, without rumors suggesting the upcoming event, came the news of the birth of Victoria, celebrated by a shower of congratulations for the new entry in the Ferragnez family.

Chiara had discovered she was pregnant during a summer vacation in Lecce with her husband Fedez, showing her emotion in front of the positive result of the test. Then the couple had staged a fake group TikTok in Sardinia to announce the good news to the rest of the family with a surprise, while it was Leone who revealed the sex of the baby sister, holding an echography of V in his hand. 

The clues on the newborn's name, however, were already there. During the nine months of pregnancy, which Chiara has shared step by step with her followers, many wondered what she and Fedez would have called Leone's little sister. Then, during the week of the Sanremo Festival, when the singer printed on the Versace shirt worn during the first night of the show the initials of all the members of the family (F, C, L) with the addition of a mysterious "V", it became clear that that would also be the initial of the little baby's name. Although someone had suggested Virginia or even Venere, many had already guessed that the first choice would be Victoria, a classic and well-wishing name, followed, as for her little brother, by the surnames of both parents. On IG, Chiara had explained:

I will give both surnames to the baby because they are equally important and giving only the father's surname comes from a patriarchal system with which I do not share.