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5 beauty and wellness rituals according to the Gen-Z

To welcome summer with a glow up, just follow Tik Tok's advice

5 beauty and wellness rituals according to the Gen-Z To welcome summer with a glow up, just follow Tik Tok's advice

From an acute observation, Tik Tok is the new space in which to look for easy solutions to complex issues. Lately, the "glow up" themed videos for the summer are popping up like mushrooms, in which users from all over the world share their beauty routines, beauty gems and real rituals effective and practiced to welcome the summer with the best version of themselves.Yes, we know the New Year’s promises are long overdue, but what’s wrong with wanting to give yourself a chance? Cuddling and practicing a little self-love is always a good answer, no matter the question. The important thing is not to fall into the social paranoia of "getting in shape for the summer", that sneaky process that sees as its ultimate goal the passing of the costume test, called by who knows when by who knows which fanatic of a diet culture toxic and disabling for society. From routine in the shower to have softer skin to dry-brushing, through many other interesting content, we discover the beauty rituals promoted by the urban jungle of Tik Tok without fears and slimming doctrines. Only beauty and wellness for the G-Club!


Dry brushing

To remove dry and hardened skin from the winter cold, also called "Strawberry Skin", just a few small steps. Essential dry brushing to eliminate dead skin and a light scrub to take away any excess. A real beauty ritual to carve out time for. 

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soft skin


Perfect pedicure 

In summer  feet come back to life and often peep out from your fantastic and expensive investment sandals, loved to make every figure more feminine. Too bad that despite the pleasure of the heat on the skin, the open toe brings an extra responsibility: puttting nail polish on can be a real fuss, especially when you're a no-time girls. For those who have not yet switched to semipermanent, a trick to always be in order is to apply excessive quantities of polish and then remove it under the shower. Thank us later.

perfect pedicure


Self (no-stress) massage

Massage are hardly thought as something accessible, quick and fun to do. Here is a relaxing and easy routine to replicate every night at home before or during a hot bath maybe, to dissolve the tensions of the day. Well-being first of all, and in the future you will surely reap the fruits of this beautiful and relaxing habit.

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give yourself a massage


Eat healthy

No one is qualified to give medical advice on nutrition other than specialists, but it is well known that caring about one’s eating habits in terms of quality and quantity is a beneficial habit. Eating in a healthy way means thinking, watching and savoring food, taking your time and especially cuddling from the inside to be beautiful outside.

eat heathily


Relax & unwind

Learn to pull the plug at night. It seems impossible, but sooner or later the time for everyone to pull the plug comes at the end of the day. To have a better and more restful sleep, and consequently a fresher and rested look follow a relaxation routine that helps you stay away from screens, conversations and bright pulses is the key to always have a rested and healthy look and feel, other than everyday challenges.

night time routine


Special tip: healthy productivity tricks

Whatever they say, it’s the key to a healthy life. Planning ahead consciously, organizing your own commitments and being aware of productivity tricks to apply even to your free time and hobbies helps you to actually find the time to devote to so many things. 
